By the age of 16, Alex Jones had already banged over 150 women

What's your excuse, user?

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Wasn't it like the 90s at that time? There literally wasn't anything else to do.

I'm trying to avoid getting herpes

I'm not a narcissist

My water is unfiltered


in the 90s me and the other neighborhood kids would literally just throw fucking dirt and rocks at each other all day.
fucking great ass times

Alex is the ultimate alpha, boys. We should all follow his example. 1776 will commence again.

I dont want to get anything. I had something real minor once, urethritis. that was close enough

You retards will believe anything he says

Right? We threw so much rocks, it's a fucking wonder only like two kids in my kid and teenager time got actually hurt.

infidelity was easier back then, no social media. More women out to fuck.

Only 2D girls like me. Not that I'm complaining.

>ITT: Retarded excuses for being a virgin
You faggots are acting like losing your virginity requires you to bang nigger skanks in the hood. Most young white chicks at around your age at the time would not have had STDs.

I miss it, i miss riding around outside, throwing rocks and sticks at niggers and gypsies.

The whole fucking neighbourhood would ride in gangs, no one thought those days would end.

everything changed 9/11 people became more fearful of strangers.

He also killed a few guys.
What a life.

I can't find wymen and I'm an aspie
What do you get

Seems like the only thing this man hasn't done so far in his life is telling the truth for once.


>.. throwing rocks and sticks at niggers and gypsies
but then, alas..
>everything changed 9/11 people became more fearful of strangers.


Pretty standard stuff if you grew up here in Texas. I guess is you live in some cuck state or Europe it's a bit hard to handle.

when will he admit it?

>Banged 150+ chicks by the age of 16
>Killed a few guys
>Filthy rich
>Mentioned in presidential debates
This man makes Sup Forums look like a bunch of manlets

They were all space aliens, so they don't count. I myself have fucked over 1,000 of them, but you don't see me bragging about it.

mfw i didnt know what to talk about with people then and I still don't know what to talk about with people now but even more so because i'm out of the loop

I was 13 in 1999. I surely wasn't fucking at 10 or 11.

I mean, I also didn'tLose my virginity until I was seventeen, but I wasn't a super buff Chad like Jones either.

Nose isn't the same. Plus Hicks wasn't a narcissist.

>posting on Sup Forums while not having lost your virginity at 25

when i was 4 i was drawing stick figure pictures of my life.

>What is a 10 minute routine surgery
>What are fictional characters

Personally, I only fap to my 2d waifus. That way I can obtain wizard powers to smite antifa with.


Young alex jones was hot

>Remember that time you were out riding on your bike when those guys from the government abducted you because of your off the charts IQ and personality scores and shaved your head and did genetic experiments on you and a group of other elite kids from around the world and trained you to become a super soldier for a secret crime syndicate but you led a rebellion in the lab one day and escaped but they tracked you guys to an abandoned factory in Tokyo so you split up but they began hunting you down one-by-one until you decided to betray your team and join the syndicate but over the next few years while you outwardly cooperated and gained their trust you were secretly working against them and leaked details of the super soldier program to a rival agency to get it shut down for good but the rival agency tried to kill you because they thought you were a threat but you pretended to die in that explosion at the lab during the final standoff in the rain.

man, i miss those days.

simpler times i guess.