Take your best memes, redpills, pepes, etc. and print them out (Feel free to post them in here for other fashy goys)

Find places around town where people visit, look at, hang out at, maybe stop by on their way to work at.

Glue/tape/staple your printed memes to the aforementioned places, make sure it is a metric fuckton and they are spread out among multiple places of interest around town, get some fellow fashy goys in on the operation

Wait for the media/twittersphere to shit itself




Anuddah one goyim

how do I print transparent images
what "paper" do I buy



wheat paste is the shit you want for glue. Bucket of water, paintbrush and wheat paste, which is basically flour. wet the spot, slap it on, brush more over it and move on - shit never comes off


Don't get yourselves in trouble. This is illegal in some places. Make sure you check your laws.


Not too much text goys normies need impactful simple pictures

Learn to love your race


make it rain

no juice allowed


Right right right. Wear a hard hat and safety vest. Have another guy with a clipboard. Wear white short sleeve shirts.



THumP Trump in 2020

Hail Victory, Hail Our People, Hail Spencer. Truly a man of the people

>Hail Victory,
That's not Victory.

Don't take my idea, ya poser. Everyone knows I'm posted the Humanity Party $100,000 dollar challenge on the note board that had a sign saying "do not post anything to this board"

I am Victory.

Got 30 Flyers, going to post them on some at some crosswalks/buss stops.


He's doing a pretty good troll face there.

OP is a poser. I bet when those Engineering professors tore my flyer off the note board they were like "huh? what? duuuuh"

Wut? I don't know if you're retarded, I'm drunk or if it's a bit of column A&B, but I have no idea what you meme mayne :^)

Yeah Spencer definitely has his moments.