How can we explain the success of America if lot of their whites have nigger blood?

How can we explain the success of America if lot of their whites have nigger blood?

Nationalism and economic freedom

Because white Americans are naturally selected to be superior regardless of colour in the South. We are the master race.

That's literally untrue though.

>1% or more

Lmao. But in all seriousness thank god for anglos coming up with the one drop rule. America had anti misgenation laws up until the 60s in some places. White americans are remarkably pure considering the country is 56pc non hispanic white. Also consider the fact that 20pc of the country identifies as hispanic white and are included in that study. Hispanics have a shit ton of mixed blood simply because of the culture instituted by spanish colonists who didnt have nearly as much of a racial caste.

Here's the real stats. 30pc of people who identified as white on the census had African ancestry (an average of 2.3%). And remember again this includes "white" hispanics.

But the most important lesson is that 100% of slavs who identify as white are not white.

>Mastur-Bastor Race.

Also, I do agree that civic nationalism is a meme (im not white), but culture absolutely varies among white people and plays a very important role. Americans had, and honestly still have, the best culture of any white country. Strong 1st and 2nd amendments. White americans are probably higher testosterone than western europeans who will probably spam the 56pc meme in this thread. But that doesn't change the fact that no other western euro white country would have elected Trump.

To end, I think thisalso highlights how wrong the nordic superiority meme is. Pure nordic countries are feminist shitholes like Sweden and Iceland. The English are hardly genetically different than nords but have a much better culture. For example, if I were an Old Stock american living in 1800, i would not want swedish or german immigrants unless they converted to protestantism and integrated (like they used to). Nowadays borders have been flooded with pablos and muslims (like me). I've been reading the bible and trying to change my name, but the fact remains that nonwhites are harder to integrate in the USA and Canada, only made worse by the fact that immigration quotas have exploded over the past 20 years. If im not wrong, Canada used to be 90pc white in 1995, now its on the verge of dropping below 70pc. It really is sad, but I'm hoping communism rises again and islam gets more powerful (more terrorist attacks etc) to act as evil that will polarize the usa and europe to return them to more alpha cultures. Accelerationism outside white countries with side effects in white countries is the real redpill. Either that or let sweden fall.

>lot of their whites have nigger blood
You mean a lot of our niggers pretend to be white.

I aint never actually seen no black person in real life. We live out on the middle of no where iIdaho. There some mexicans and feather indians in town though. Not one of them black person.
suppose if I hangs around we maybe might see one down to the gas station or the burger stop, but I aint seen one yet. dont want to neither


I heard most of west nebraska is illegal mexicans
I hear your feed lots is all mexicans
beets is mexicans
soy bean is mexicans
corn. mexicans.
them illegal mexicans dont fill out a census

Aren't these the states with the Highest Crime rates and not so good economies?

>Lot of
>Literally less than 3%
Hang yourself faggot and take your disproven shit from months ago and fuck off


Nebraska is Americas best kept secrete. All of the niggers go looking for whitey around the border states like they forget that there is a central United States.

Every time I drove through Nebraska I would take my time and talk to as many old people as I could. It was like time travel.

>considering the country is 56pc non hispanic white
We are fucking 60-62% white you stupid goddamn leaf
Quit throwing around that Anglo meme like it holds any water
There are between 192-194 million white Americans
That is 60-62% of 370 million (which is our actual population count when you include the illegals)
Get fucked

Go to Omaha

Because white men in white man land kept killing each over over and over and over and over and over.

Wrong. Italians aren't white


Our GDP is 24% of the worlds economy. Do you understand what the means?

Flibbity flabbity?

192 of 370 is 52% you fucking retard

There are not 50 million illegals in this country either, mexico doesn't have enough fucking people for that to ever be possible.