Do poor jews exist?

Do poor jews exist?

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how do you get a Jewish girl's number?
you roll up her sleeve.

Do rich black people exist?

fuck, my trips are totally wasted in this shitty piece of shit thread.

of course they do, goy

now pay up

>tatooed numbers are never in the millions
>somehow 6 gorrillion died

really activates my almonds

There were dozens of camps you moron. There could be multiple of the same numbers. Fucking Nazi, I thought Germany was at least progressive now but I guess not

>all camps using different ways to count inmates

bullshit.that would be a paper nightmare to sort through that shit.

Not really. Why can't each camp have it's own system? It actually seems MORE difficult to have all the camps be able to speak to each other and to ensure that they don't crisscross any numbers

>Oy vey, it's anudda shoa! Send us your shekels.

>It actually seems MORE difficult to have all the camps be able to speak to each other and to ensure that they don't crisscross any numbers
yeah it sure is difficult to add a number/letter specific to your camp at the beginning or end of the number

Are you seriously trying to deny the holocaust?

Hate this fucking commercial so much
Trying to get Christians to pay for kikes while they hold all the wealth and their little Jew entertainers slander Christians on t.v all day fucking every day
Holy fuck those kikes need to burn

no, I don't care about it, I just think your argument is poor, to say the least

>Are you seriously trying to deny the holocaust?
you're on Sup Forums you retard

And i'm not Christian, just hate so much how Jews play every card in the book while being the most privileged overall

just checking something

yes, NY has a bunch

no, just Oprah and Michael Jordan


Never forget the 6 million who were tickled to death while the commandant masturbated furiously

[spoiler]Don't spout century old ridiculous bullshit propaganda here[/spoiler]

>There were dozens of camps you moron. There could be multiple of the same numbers.

You're talking about Germany, the most autistic nation in the world, they are incredibly efficient to the point that their pasttime is spent playing simulator games where they can improve their efficiency

Having different systems would fuck up efficiency.

to be fair, they are spending more and more of their resources battling terrorism


>none of the tattoos are over 1 million
>over 1 million supposedly died in Auschwitz
>hundreds of thousands survived
I guess all of the survivors were among the first to arrive, huh? Weird.


I'm a poor Jew, but I am not really Jewish.

>1 post by this ID
I knew a Jew that made poor financial decisions and like to work overtime. It was bizarre. He must have accidentally eaten pork as a kid and was never taught the secrets of baby blood.

Interesting. Do you just try to fit in and get by? What about having kids? Will you raise them in the jewish tradition?

1/4 of Jews in NYC live under the poverty line.

the camps didn't have the facility to kill that amount of people you dumb nigger, go look at the overall data, it's literally impossible.

Yes, of course. They're just rare to find in USA.

fucking hell burgers deserve to die

Yeah and they are mainly 'artists' who have well to do parents who they mooch off of like leeches. They can pursue their dreams with a shitty job to pay for their Whole Foods groceries while mommy and daddy cover the rent and real bills.

She's not poor per se, but my married Jewish stalker makes less than $100,000 per year.

She randomly shows up at my door when she's in the mood to give me a blow job, randomly buys me bottles of Scotch and randomly wires me money for no reason.

I would give the blow jobs a 8/10 if she would just let me finish in her mouth, but nope, can only cum on her tits (which are a 8/10 on their own) so I give the blow jobs a 6/10.

Don't confuse rich trust fund kiddies who have a low earned income and lots of savings with poor immigrant families with mediocre wages and no money to save.

In Jerusalem it was kind of hard, but in Tel Aviv nobody cares that I'm a crypto Goy. I'll raise my kids Christian, hopefully not here.

pics plz