50.000 active cops in France

50-fucking-000 cops on active duty around polling stations across France, + GIGN on stand by if anything happens.
Cops armed to the teeth (PIC RELATED). Thanks to a socialist government that let thousands upon thousands of mudslimes in, which destabilized the country and kept their economy stagnant for years.

AND people are still debating to vote for another.. either corrupt, socialist or a globalist puppet.
What the fuck is wrong with white people? How can they be this ignorant?

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Look for Mitterand policies. He was the one satarting the flood in order to have under-the-minimum wage working age north africans (read 20-35 y/o muzzies). Hollande did not correct this, but remember that neither Chirac nor Sarkozy did anything about it. Same for Fillon when he was the fucking head of the government.
Either we go out of the EU rn and make our own fucking policies about our own fucking borders either we're doomed with a 40 y/o virgin globalist cuck (read about Macron considering his 60+ y/o wife's children as his own but not having one with her. My guess is he does not even fuck her).
French ppl go out and vote.

Mes compatriotes, bougez-vous, je doute pas que les gens sur Sup Forums soient allés voter. Si vous ne l'avez pas encore fait, ce n'est pas trop tard, Le Pen, Dupont-Aignan et Asselineau sont les seuls candidats dignes du poste de président.


France only takes in 200,000 immigrants a year compared to the UK's 600,000. France is fugged because you let Muslims with citizenship migrate to France after the collapse of the French empire, resulting in future generations of Muslims being born who were more Muslim than their parents.

Also unlike the UK which got rid of shitholes like Jamaica you kept places like French Polynesia and French Guiana in your country.

>(read about Macron considering his 60+ y/o wife's children as his own but not having one with her.
It's worse than that.
His wife's children do have almost the same age he does.
Nevertheless Macron asked these adults to call him "daddy".

polynesia : rare metals. Natives do not know how to simply extract them from the soil and (((companies))) would rush there to take it. (marbles vs guns, you know the drill)
Guyana : We just want to have our own launching station, and our spacial research is sure not the best but we are doing quite a good job there.
BTW Guyana + French polynesia is 500k inhabitants.
BTW2, we were talking about France, not UK, 200.000 in a year is already way too fucking much. I don't care how much UK / Germany / Sweden takes in, I'm talking about my country and yes 200k a year is a fucking flood. Come into my neighbourhood (Paris 20th district) and tell me it hasn't be flooded.

> France is fugged because you let Muslims

That's why I'm telling people to go out and vote, the EU is holding us back we need to leave it asap and the 3 contestants I told are the ones who want to leave it / make a referendum about it (which will be a clear win for the "leave)

Je fumais une clope a ma fenetre, trois rebeus passent et un gueule "On va voter" les autres disent non, le mec dis "Marine elle va nous renvoyer au pays, moi je vote Macron". Les autres ont dit un truc du genre "ouais t'as raison" et ils sont allés voter. (j'espère qu'ils avaient oublié leur carte btw)
La rage à ce moment là je te dis pas, qu'on me dise pas que l'immigration n'a pas été calculé depuis le début pour protéger le bloc gauche-droite conventionnel.

Ahahhaah !

>Implying 7.5% of our population have fucking power to destroy our country
You know that Muslims aren't destroying our country, they're just not wanted.


Every fucking time. No matter the decades or excuse, it's all the same.
Good luck trying to protest the future TPP or EU army. Cops are everywhere and will shut you down.


Every fucking time. No matter the decade or excuse, it's all the same.
Good luck trying to protest the future TPP or EU army. Cops are everywhere and will shut you down.

Just 50k? In the states that is nothing

There are 250k cops and "gendarmes" in France, but still less than Germany or Spain

>Cops armed to the teeth (PIC RELATED).

top kek

Les allocs et la culture de la France providence (RSA, assurance maladie gratos, avantages familles nombreuses,...) marchaient pas trop mal avec les FR de longue date, mais c'est incompatible avec une immigration de masse. Tu quittes ton pays où rien ne marche tout est crade, t'arrive dans un pays propre où t'as pas à apprendre la langue, t'as un logement et t'es payé à rien foutre, et en plus des putains de cocus prennent ta défense quand tu te fais pécho en train de voler une vieille / d'aggresser un flic? Honnetement à leur place je ferai pareil. 7.5% de muzz haha crois le, ptet dans le Cantal et l'Ariège mais viens là où je suis (Belleville) et dis moi que ça a pas été détruit, et rapidement en plus (lieu de naissance d'Edith Piaf, elle décrit l'endroit dans ses chansons, esprit jazz / musique, artiste), maintenant c'est un putain de ghetto avec facile 50%+ de la population qui est pas blanche. J'imagine pas les chiffres du chomage dans la zone.
Et 7.5% (lol au passage) qui se reproduisent 5 fois plus que X% de blancs désolé mais oui ça leur donne le pouvoir de détruire la nation. 2015 : 68% des enfants nés en IdF sont testés pour la drépanocytose. Analyse ça comme tu veux mais Paris est doomed à ce point.

speak in non-toad please

Muslims are 15% of people under 25 in France while only being 7.5% of the total population. When Frenchies born after WWII begin to die off the population will shift and become substantially more muslim even without immigration. Removal of non-Europeans should be the priority.

The bright side is that 5 years of a crazy guy as president will probably make French people more likely to vote Le Pen.


There are 2,774,000 people in overseas France and less than 15% are European people.

White people are desperately afraid of being labeled a racist so they'll willfully vote against their own interests to appear not to be.

It's really pathetic.

Yeah was responding to a guy sry. France just gives away free shit and muzzies just take it and do nothing in return. They are defended by SWJ (aka PS and Melenchon, now even Macron starts doing so)
I live in Paris, the county where Piaf was born, she depicted it as a joyful and musically active, with a lot of art and stuff, now it's just 50%+ black / muzzies, and honestly (since we do not have any race %age, since it's illegal in France) it has to be 65%+ based on what I see every fucking day.
In the Paris area, 68% of the newborns are tested for drepanocytaemia which you can only have if at least one of your two parents is of direct African descent. Meaning that at this pace, Paris will be 70%+ non-white in 2050+.
7.5% muzzies is a tool to make us think they are nothing, but they make as above said 15% of the youngs and I don't know the fuck% of interracial couples.

Nobody there is complaining, in fact most people want more polie (or better, gendarmes) and that will include legal immigrants that don't want to be racketed by the slime when they arrive

>The mass reinforcements were called in after a lone ID was found lying on the sidewalk

Whats pathetic is that the niggerstates of shit want people to vite in there worst intrest and get weak so the niggerstaates stay strong.

The USA are faild ideology and a faild concept falling apart.

>oy vey vote anti EU be small and weak so we can extort you
>how dare you form a union and become wealthy and powerful, you cant have that
>T.fucking moneygrabberscheckelstein

Fuck off nigger you time is over.

lol. Whatever, dude.

You'll only have yourself to blame when Europe becomes Africa 2.0

Benelli m1014 with breach choke
frogs got some good equipment

Empathy is a social disease.

People dont know shit about politics, economics or history. They aint Bastiats, Célines or Montesquieus anymore. Without based intellectuals countries just die. French is a socialist state full of subhumans. They´re beyond salvation.

>that pic
>armed to the teeth

God living in Europe must be depressing.