AntiFa signers ?

found this on facebook, thought it should at least be discussed here

Other urls found in this thread:,

a few thousand people have signed it


first thing on the pastebin is the article and it
got well over a few thousand signs, displaying full names and everything

makes me wonder if they're using their real names though
I mean they're dumb enough to do so

it's pretty concerning, actually

You think we can do anything with all these names?

would it be possible to organise them into location.

We should.

I have had a looking into one of the names Osama Abi-Mershed, if googled it comes up with a University associate professor from georgetown university

oh shit

It needs more than that. Find names on the list that correspond with people who publically hold degenerate/leftist political views. Otherwise we're risking some pretty severe collateral damage.

Fuck, wrong image.

i love both images so either way it's ok

Okay i will keep looking into it

played some moonman over their voicemail for the hell of it.

Any list needs verification qualifiers.
a rating system 1-5 on certainty.
the more data collected the more certain we can be

Maybe tie their phone numbers to them and send them to advertisers/telemarketers. Petty, but funny.

Alternatively we could just make a fake pedo watchlist with their names plastered on it and send them out to their communities. Start a "Bash the diddlers" campaign.

i don't second that

Found this on the AR15 forums:

keked and check'd

possible Osama Abi-Mershed youtube channel,, there is two liked videos, one about trump supporters and the other about Women Rights In Morocco Dr. Souleyma Haddaoui. she is also on the list

This has some pretty good ideas about cross refrencing and figuring out whos who


Also, designate high value targets, i.e. your Yvette Felarcas, university administrators, elected officials, etc.

>page name
>beating antifa
