Look at the future president of France, so patethic with his mom, he should find a wife, or husband, i dont know

Look at the future president of France, so patethic with his mom, he should find a wife, or husband, i dont know

Le Pen Le Blown the Fuck Out

obviously you know that this is not his mom but his wife (I think she's 27 years older than him)

yet he'll will against Le Pen, because anyone against Le Pen would win

I can't... I fucking can't man...
Just by looking at his cringy fucking pricky smile, i wanna break his legs !!

Manlet cuck married to an old pedophile.

Are the kikes even trying anymore?

Le Pen will win, kek wills it.

Isent that about the age span between Donald and Melanoma?

if she BRAAAAPS, dust would fly out

Does he atleast have biological children of his own or is he destined to remain a stepfather/cuck?

I can think of no better metaphor for the French people than this man as their elected representative.

Yeah, but you can take a pill to fix that. The sands of time can't be blown off that snatch.

>Manlet cuck
I know. If he could do it I can do it.

>manlet submissive cuck

looks like a worthy leader for fagrance

I don't feel well looking at them.
Is this what France consider their last hope? A manlet version of Hillary Clinton who is raising his 27 years older wife's son ?

I'd fuck her tho - I got a thing for old skinny women

His wife's son is older than him

so would I, good to see i'm not the only patrician in this thread

He looks like a handsome and charismatic guy and he has that (((investment banking))) cash so this didn't make any sense to me. Then I read the gay rumors and yeah, that checks out.


Still etter than Agent Orange and his daughter-wife.

Man, the mememagic is strong with Mecruck

>he should find a wife, or husband, i dont know

This. Why is he everywhere with his mom?

>t. cuck.

God I hope this cuck gets destroyed by Le Pen

I can't wait for the storm of tears when this guy blows Le Pen out of the water.

I bet they have some really fucking weird roleplay fetishes going on.

>she jackes him off
>I'll only finish the job when you finish your homework Emanuel, ok?

I can only get so erect

Jesus Christ how many French need to be murdered by Muslims for Le Pen to win, no seriously give me a number.

Can some shoopfag plz do the Obama Hope/Change style poster with Macron looking smug and the word C U C K

Also, him getting pegged in the ass by grandma/wife would be great

>holding mommy's hand

Is this guy twelve or what?

Don Fillion will win.


France is beyond salvation. Their people is to weak, there's not even a point in trying for them.
Kek can only save the ones who want to be saved.


France right now is an example of when white men cuck out completely.

This cuck married to a grand mother is the next president of France. He is pro terrorism every day and pro open borders.

In 20 years il be telling my children about what France used to look like before they let Africa take over.

Paris the city of tourism is now the city of terrorism.

Well done French. From one extreme to the other with you damn Europeans.

jesus christ

you sick fuck

6 million

he looks like a fucktard really.. from ALL sweet France womans he took the "nasty" one :D

6 gorillion

old ducks go off, you get to sleep in a mansion bought by their ex-husband and get fed in the morning.

his wife's son is older than he is
and he is probably gay

Maybe he's the bottom for his stepson and his wife is watching or something like that. I don't even want to imagine what's inside this guy's head.

>I don't even want to imagine what's inside this guy's head.
his wifes sons cock

French election: Be ruled by a woman or a mama's boy.
At least with MLP you can remove kebab, but I'm still disappointed with those options.

you think he fucks the crypt keeper? he has hot french escorts on tap, i doubt he even has to pay, don't be delusional. he married her because her family is full of filthy rich millionaires.

pretty smart if you ask me. he doesn't have to worry about her divorcing him and taking half his money, if she leaves he'll be the one who gains from it.

they met when he was 15

>when your wife's son sends you to your room.

His wife is probably denying them their dessert when they are arguing.

wtf i thought that actually was his mom LMAO someone call Freud

I want this guy to win so we can continue making fun of frogs. Really a win win for americans


That lady looks scary
I would keep distance from that thing.

I'd guess around 200 between now and the May election.

>an investment banker who worked for the rothschilds will become the president of france

interesting times in which we live

Let's not call him the future president just yet, let's consider what happened during Brexit and the US Election. Le Pen can still pull this off. The more vocal our support is, the better chances she has.

which one is more handsome? i think macron. wow. nice job france. i didn't think it was possible to get a better looking guy than trudeau.

She had better win it, or France will become Cuckistan.

I just pray France is not as stupid as Canada...

I have bad news pal