Destroy Macron

Can Sup Forums utterly destroy one person in fourteen days? This smug cuck and his media lapdogs say you can't. He's entitled to the presidency and nothing you can do will stop him.

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He looks like that Pedo jew from the U.S.

Russia's been trying for 6 months and the best they could come up with is "He's a secret gay".

Not looking good for you and Le Pen.

See how they mock you, Sup Forums?

Start getting your Russian fags to plant fake ass news like they did here

you fucking commie

Macron is the future of France the lead France deserves

Le Pen will win

I wouldn't wish Macron as a leader even on our worst enemy.

Macron supporter calls another "commie".

Fourteen days. Destroy one man. Can it be done?

Are you frogs so degenerate that how he was seduced by his school teacher isn't an issue?

That shit would end any American politicians career before it even began.

Given that the best efforts I've seen are accusing him of being a secret Jew, and appealing to the Vichy spirit, I don't think so. No one who isn't already voting FN will fall for that shit. Le Pen is toast.

It's France, they all know he probably has a hot mistress on the side.

You NEED to hammer home the "married to a teacher that essentially molested him" angle


lol. French faggots are gonna elect a French faggot with a granny strapon fetish and probably still wonder why everyone makes fun of them.

Buncha faggots.

>Le Pen underperforms her polls in the first round
>Sup Forums still thinks there's some kind of shy FN vote

Unless the Islamic state beheads Hollande on live TV and destroys the Eiffel tower, Macron will be President.

French people could not possibly care less about this aspect.

Kek is real

The Frenchies aren't puritans and really don't care about sex stuff, outside people already voting for FN or the ~40% of Fillon voters who will defect to Le Pen in the second round.

Looks like he likes cheese pizza

edit all the shill clinton-smug-pepe and crying-poopoo-drumpf-wojack memes to be smug-lepen and crying-macron

lol. You greatly underestimate just how degenerate these fucking French catholic faggots really are. If anything they'll see it as a positive.

Buncha faggots.

What if we kill him?

Let's just entertain this thought for a moment. What if we kill him? Would this help Le Pen?

Just a reminder that there are more gays in the FN leadership than any other party in France. Anything attacking Macron on sex or sexuality won't fly because the French just don't give two shits about that.

Can some shoop fag make one of the Obama style Hope/Change posters but with Macron and the word KEK

This, I seem to remembering an election recently that was going to be a landslide then something else happened...

I've seen exit polls that don't even have 40% defecting to Le Pen.

This. Le Pen is a woman, Philippot is gay but that doesn't stop retards from saying they're mysogynic, homophobic intolerant racists

Winning by 3 million votes is kind of a landslide.

There's no electoral college in France, FYI.

This.. Make a shoop of him getting nailed in the ass by his grandma/wife

Get on it faggots.. We memed the US presidency this should be a cake walk

true, lol

>What if we kill him? Would this help Le Pen?


Jesus Christ how can he love this thing

KEK.. freudian flip lol


Maybe we could send a message

GUYS THEY PUT A FUCKING FILTER ON THE WORD C U C K ... I Must have triggered someone when I suggested you guys make this Obama style Hope/Change poster with the word C U C K

To his family back in Amiens

Sup Forums NO!

He doesn't, he's a faggot and she's his beard.

Encourage Muslims to carry out attacks if a major one goes off now its over for Macron.

reminder that he is a literal cuck

You shall burn.

>granny fucker with incestous pedo touch
>my wifes sons literally
>that nose

this guy ticks so many boxes he is just like hillary, degenerates love him and the french are fucking gay


He is weak.

He has an elderly wife. He literally married the first pussy he ever got.

He is a puppet of Hollande and the EU bureaucrats. He was part of Hollande's government and will meekly do what they tell him. More if the same.

He is weak in the face if Islamic terrorism. He called it a fact if life and told the French to get used to it.

He looks weak and awkward. Also sneaky and untrustworthy.

>In the current timeline the probable next president of france, supported by the left, is a former neo-liberal investment banker

you can't make this shit up