Is Movie Bob right Sup Forums?

Is Movie Bob right Sup Forums?
Is nationalism a death sentence for science?


fuck off back to Sup Forums

yeah because liberalism has been so freeing for (((science))) (ie..victim studies, identity politics infecting every scientific field, ignoring race statistics re: IQ, etc..)

Liberalism is the death of independent thinking, nationalism is the savior of it. Nothing is perfect but I would rather live amongst those who love their people and love their culture/country.

I don't know where he gets the idea that nationalism will hinder progression in science. What's the correlation there?

Nazis developed the tech that got not USA and USSR to space and leftist envirocucks do everything they can to mothball nuclear tech. So no, he is not right.

No, a lot of the technological innovations we enjoy to day were produced and funded by the Nazi's. IBM, VW, Siemens, Space flight would have been nearly impossible without Werner von Brauns rockets. Give credit where credit is due, even if you think le Nazi's were ebil.

>Is nationalism a death sentence for science?
Possibly. If so, nationalism is not a global threat. Why is everyone so scared of people that love their own people?

Nationalism is in part why we're so advanced. Competition is crucial

We owe a lot of our technological achievements to the Nazi's, he's completely wrong

>muh science
fuck off reddit

Nazi science was some of the greatest and most quickly advancing of all time. Nationalism is a great contributor to science. Liberal obsession with new age pseudoscience and feelings is killing modern science.


>nationalism will kill space travel
>even though nationalism built it
Makes perfect sense.

Nationalism doesn't prevent nations from cooperating, it just means they don't surrender sovereignty to do so. Like the US does already.

>no space travel
Really flims the flam

Fat dude that reviews movies and video games for a living and thinks all trump supporters should be killed off

>Replace your 100 IQ avg. population with third world savages with 70-90 IQ avg. while the former group is continually disenfranchised, broken down and demoralised with a declining birth rate
>this improves science somehow
movieblob pls

Does he think White people are incapable of building stuff?

>if the west becomes nationalist, they'll lose to China (a nationalist country)

Really makes me think.

No, far from it if anything science is naturally apolitical untill it starts affecting other things. they bitch because people arent buying into their green tech anymore since 8 years of pro-green solar panels and other crap flopped and amounted to jack shit.

If anything globlalization is just making the unexplored parts of the cave seem smaller and the cave as a whole seem tiny

>he doesn't realize that a ton of the early innovations of rocket and space flight came from Nazi scientists

>we need to let lots and lots of niggers and spics and arabs in to white countries
>otherwise SCIENCE will not prevail
do these people hear themselves?

No it has like nothing to do with science
Maybe it will indirectly impact it
That's like saying communism is good for trains

Furthrmore one can argue that advances made in space travel during the second half of the 20th century was the result of a giant tecnological pissing contest between America and the USSR. Nationalism at its finest can develop powerful competitive spirit

Reminder that Movie Bob is an obese man who makes YouTube videos about video games where he plays all of the parts himself because he has no friends to make them with him.

Egalitarianism is science denial.

Except most technological advancements he mentioned were there to outcompete other nations. If you want more science, start another Cold War with China.

uhm didn't science thrive during nazis, ww2 and post ww2?

If brown people take over the world, then all science will be eroded and then completely destroyed or completely stagnated. If Africans, Muslims, and Mestizos control every place on earth, then the experiment in openness and individual rights that lead to the renaissance and the industrial revolution will be over.

Science is Aryan

you cna have a war and niggers will still chuck spears
(btw they got metal forging from whites)


>Is nationalism a death sentence for science

It goes like this- find anything you deem to be good, and find the leftist consensus position on it.

Anything that opposes that position is illogical and regressive and harmful whether the facts or history or science support it or not.

This is how the leftist mind works.

If they are so concerned about the advancement of science, why are they so intent on letting anybody into civilized countries? That's the problem a lot of us have with globalization.

no as globalism only benefits the ultra rich and punishes the middle class and lower class

Anglo saxon king on left 7th century ad
Modern day african king on right

Even their religion is taken from Europeans, the two feathers on the african's head represent the sharp perception of odin's 2 ravens.

These sort of blacks are good but the ones invading europe can pis off

bad crop lel

Movie Blob is a boot licking cuck

>responding to shitty slide threads

I hope all of you fellas saged

why are you posting sip meme's outside of /fit/?