Women are stup-

>women are stup-

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I always wonder what it's like to have an absurdly high IQ...Over 140 pretty much anything you undertake you can become well-versed in I imagine.

I want to see her get BLACKED so bad.

And a Jew. Go figure. The are truly superior beings.

>Over 140 pretty much anything you undertake you can become well-versed in I imagine.

Unless it involves socialization. I think a lot of high IQ people have problems with personal interactions because they can't relate to the way other people think.

she looks jewish

I'm 145 and excel at most things I try. Unfortunately I'm ridden with depression.

le depressed genius

and a small dik

A group is not stupid or smart, an individual is.
There is merely a different distribution so that most geniuses are white men.
Basic bitch ignorance. SAGE


Of course women would be too stupid to know what an outlier is.

Lmao. Einstein sat in a chair while his theories just blasted his mind. Journalists are just click bait morons.

Last year it was some Cuban girl. Chances are if they appear on some mainstream bullshit like this before publishing something revolutionary they won't do anything significant.

I'm 135 and ridden with depression. I know people who are 110 and ridden with depression.

Don't think IQ is necessarily the reason.

Look up (((Emmy Noether)))

110 and mildly autistic.

I can barely talk to niggers, let alone whites

what did einstein do other than come up with a few ideas that mostly turned out to be completely wrong?

Me too but I am lazy.
Not really though, just to intelligent too care.

If you call someone the next anything they will probably go on to become the next nothing.

>one specific woman isn't stupid

>sources say

Didn't we learn anything from the election?

Doesn't matter until she does something with it.

She could have an IQ of 1000 but if all she does is shitpost on tumblr about Nu-bio Genders then it won't fucking matter since white men with IQs in the 110s are actually progressing technology and medicine.

>One example not falling in line with a stereotype completely invalidates that stereotype

you are stupid

How did you do in school? highschool/uni

That was click bait user...
and you clicked on it
and now you bring that shit here.

people like you piss me off

I'm a hair over 140, and learning most thing are effortless. Hard sciences require some effort, and higher maths require considerable effort, but I've not encountered a subject that I couldn't get a decent handle on with a bit of effort, no matter the difficulty.

I don't even have a problem with social interaction, I just, for the most part, don't like other people. They are largely petty, annoying and boring.

But I tend to like the people I like very much and enjoy spending long periods of time around them.

So, yeah, high IQ is, overall, good.


article and meme are months old

Is having your iq tested a mandatory thing over there?

tfw consistently score between 140-150 and completely blackpilled and depressed for years on end.

>Intelligent to know how the world works, not intelligent enough to do anything about it

define einstein

I'm probably somewhere around 90-95 percentile, but unmotivated, dealing with depression. Never accomplished much, but I pay my bills and eat good food with minimal stress involved. I've become skilled at being a (occasionally) hard working slacker.

-endous bitches!

Whether she's the next Einstein or not remains to be seen. High IQ doesnt mean anything if you don't apply it.

t. Genius IQ and doesnt do shit with it.

So she stole her theories while working as a patent clerk too?

Fug that sounds like me but I've never had my IQ tested.

>define einstein

Jewish scientist that is promoted as the greatest person ever for propaganda purposes.

I'm an academic and I can tell you 100% this woman is very intelligent. She's much more intelligent than I am and I have a PHD in physics. That being said I can say with 99.99% certainty she will not have a particularly impactful career. She will have an illustrious career, but she's 23 and has not first authored a single paper in physics (3 arxiv prepublications). There are thousands of autist guys out there in her field who are every bit as smart, or smarter, than her, and have absolutely no interest in anything beyond theoretical physics. She has other interests, as evident by her website. So, really, what's being celebrated is she's very intelligent AND a woman. Anyways good for her, at least the media is picking someone really smart and making it a big deal instead of just someone average and making it a big deal

Wasn't the last "Einstein" born in Russia and killed himself at like 16

>Don't think IQ is necessarily the reason.
Tends to create a distance betwixt the midwits.
Can contribute to sense of isolation, which could make things worse. I had a abusive father around part of the time, and think my mom tended towards depression, that probably had a lot more to do with it in my case. I think for a lot of sub-geniuses it's probably a phase that ends when they carve themselves out a place in the world.

stay mad brainlets

I'm 146 and it all depends. I'm told I'm linguistically gifted and I find philosophy easy and enjoyable. Never had to put effort in throughout my academic career in areas involving the requirement for abstract thought that didn't necessarily have an answer. I find social interactions easy aswell. Currently doing my Masters.

However, you can also get people who test as high as me if not higher who cannot do the things I do but instead excel at maths, economics biology etc etc. These people usually have a hard time socialising and often see the world in binary.

There's also often the possibility that they fall into a trap of thinking they are always right, especially in the scientific field, despite the common and important understanding that science is continually proving itself wrong and that it is a tool to be used rather than something to be held up as the basis for all things.

Geniuses arent good at school.

Arent good at being told what to do.

A law onto themselves.

Universal negation: No genius is a cuck.

you're a certified retard.

110 is literal retard tier.

t. 147 i.q.

you dumb iq'let

>Harvard thinks

> the next einstein

translation: the next overrated well-connected jew for the media and history books to put on a pedestal and fawn over.

>doesn't have any achievments yet
>meanwhile Einstein has formulated the theory of relativity in his 22
>somehow (((Harvard experts))) consider her his successor




Damn, I'm probably in the neighborhood in terms of vocab and language; but probly more 70-80 on the numbers and greek. I'm not mad lack of intelligence never held me back, was always lack of caring or drive/motivation.

yeah or just hate all

142+ mensa tested, can confirm

Basically what you describe, but there's a greater disparity at skills. You are either great or particularly bad at things. Personally I am shit at creative tasks and coming up with new ideas. Also socializing tires me the fuck out.

Also can confirm.

shes not shit, shes actually just a prisoner to math which is obsolete once you transcend what we know as "worldly"

When she discovers minovsky particles let me know

>Einstein helped create the A-bomb
>deadliest weapon known to man
>killed hundreds of thousands with just 2 bombs
>70 years later
>Enter: woman
I believe it

>takes an online IQ test once

w e w

In the US I think there's some test that you take as a kid and you can request the results later in life. Otherwise you can take an IQ test as an adult.

I know I don't want to know my IQ though. If I scored high, I'd become arrogant, and if I scored low, I'd become a low-confidence mess.

She probably just sucks a lot of professor dick.

I read this post and felt conflict. on one hand, I wanted to point out the poor writing style and lack of original ideas contradicted the claim of having a high IQ. on the other hand, I also knew that pointing something like that out would only lead to people desperately pointing out that I was only doing so because I was jealous or cynical. in the end, I decided to type my thoughts out as I had them and post them, regardless of what others said.

I tend to put some weight in the theory that intelligent people are more at risk of some silly beliefs because they are much more capable of constructing a elaborate system of rationalization.
Of course that's probably what the jude wants me to think. The chaos of uncertainty has crept near the foundations of my reality, praise kek.

IQ is such a 1980s metric of intelligence.

Oh, she's the next Einstein now? Who was it last time? Wasn't it some Iranian woman?

This is more "girl power" bullshit to feed the feminist drive to push men out of the sciences like they have everywhere else with the resulting mediocrity that follows it.

"The next Einstein" meme needs to die.


Call me when she accomplishes anything in her.

Real world accomplishments > meme IQ tests and paper credentials



yeah that one smart woman totally makes up for the fact that men pretty much built the entire world since 10,000 BC

IQ doesn't mean shit unless you do something meaningful with your life.

no. high iq here.
socialization is a solvable problem.
social status, appearance etc
its only a problem if you have shit appearance genes.

Shit like this happens all the time. And in her case it's probably just happening because she's a woman, AND she probably sucks a lot of dick.

Einstein did shit. She has done nothing. Calling her "the next Einstein" is retarded.

Anyone who takes this seriously is a retard.

he was involved in a lot of the outlying jobs, petitioning the pres, the fundamental research

the gritty shit was accomplished by a bunch of 20-30 somethings stuck in a cabin with no tv or internet.

Ive read before that the higher IQ gets the more likely that the IQ is more specialized. For example, if you have a 150 IQ you might have a generalized IQ of 140, but your verbal IQ exceeds that to a certain degree. That's what you seem to have noticed?

I would rather be smart with words than numbers desu. I read an introduction to Fear and Trembling and found it exhausting to get through and from what I understand he's babby-tier philosophy.

I also think socialization is a matter of temperament/personality more than IQ.

Bullshit. Under 90 people have a hard time following basic instructions; at 80 you would not be using the computer right now

>what is a bell curve?
>how do science?
>le women are superior what are you saying you filthy male peasant?


I score a 120-130 normally on these tests and I feel like a fucking retard. What's wrong with me?

Ah, the Einstein of Liberalism.

Truly unique..

nice bait.

That's just how you imagine it. Trump, Soros, and Rockefeller all were well above 140. They put their skill points primarily in socialization and 4D chess

Click bait articles are re-


You are still complaining about his post your brainlet and in turn I'm doing the same with your post.
>Muh iq n sheeeeeeeeeeit

Wonder how it feels to not ever be praised for your merits alone, but only praised because you happen to be a woman while doing it? Though I doubt she can even reflect on the situation at all.

Was homeschooled, massive lack of socialization.
Wanted to be able to interface with normies better, learned how; until it started disgusting me and I stopped the process.

120-130 its certified loser tier, 140 is average,

t.147 here.

Now if she just had an ass like Kim Kardashian she'd be perfect.

>What's wrong with me?

nothing, you are almost smart enough to see over the wall but just not there

I can tell you don't know any higher math

If she's so smart why isn't she sucking my dick RIGHT NOW?

Was referring to percentile score test.
Means testing better than that percent of those testing.

Imagine being jealous of depressive losers.

do people actually fucking believe this shit? two German scientists actually discovered that nukes were possible

>I am shit at creative tasks and coming up with new ideas. Also socializing tires me the fuck out.
Socializing is basically exercised creativity, no wonder

Strong work ethic trumps high IQ in most arenas.

>he doesn't know everyone on Sup Forums has 150 IQ

tfw dumb


The reason they're depressed is they think having a high iq means that they're intelligent. Way to fuck your life's up idiots.

Im 23 and she looks like shes in her 30's

the fuck

> Found Einstein

Zero actual accomplishments =/= Einstein

If by Einstein they mean nigger dick chasing whore then maybe.

You're right, but you also get angry everyone else is so stupid.

I am a brilliant and charismatic man. I have no problem socializing. Toss out that retarded memethought you have right now, it's jewed.

>they can't relate to the way other people think.
This part is true, but it has no effect on socialization. Only pisses me off.

ITT: every single person on Sup Forums just happens to be in the top 1% of the world