Why are men withdrawing from society?


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You have it wrong, society has withdrawn from us.

But our society is so inclusive wtf are you talking about

being a man is hard work that used to come with rewards, but now results in punishment.


>why are numales and incels withdrawing from society

im scared of hard work and my potential

Because society is withdrawing from men.

yes goy you are doing everything right! it's everyone and everything else who is wrong!

Women suck, we can't get jobs, and most of us weren't properly prepared for the shifting of our society.

American Society has shifted away from strong individuals to whiny groups.

>live in shithole
>more than half of the dudes are unemployed smoking weed and playing games
>mid 20s spic and nog males are playing call of duty all day doing nothing other than neeting it up or working some burger job
>no one wants a family anymore
>just game away or indulge in hobbies
>getting fatter because they don't care anymore
it's sad

>women have the state on their side so they will take what you got

> no fault divorce with alimony
> excessive debt
> limitless entertainment and intoxication
> jewish mind control

hardly a mystery user

you got it wrong, society said it dont need us anymore and left us alone and went on a drunk walk somewhere, while we said that it is retarded and stayed at home

shutup furry

Society withdrew from them.

Marxism, feminism and globalism have removed all tangible goals that men typically participated in the system to achieve.

Unable to marry women, own their own home or have any real freedom, they are taking the path of least resistance with most gain-- staying in their parents house and playing video games.

Because society sucks now.

Shits fucked famalam. Men have always bore the brunt of society's problems, and as such are the first effected.

Why bother? It's just not worth it any more.

videojames and anime

Because society has removed all incentive for men to exist within it.

Infact they punish them for participating.

Because society does nothing but take from men who participate in it.

Who even gives a shit anymore? Trying to convince white normies that whites will be treated like shit once they become a minority or they have some kind of selfish is almost impossible. Look at this civic nationalist faggots they have no fucking idea what the impending doom they are facing is if they keep up with this multiculturalism SHIT. I'll say this I don't think anything will change unless we actually have some kind of fascist take over of the US. I'd love a NATSOC country but I highly doubt anyone would ever be up for this in this shithold of a country or really any country for that matter. You would need to have a force that would destroy the comfy useless ignorance of the populous to actually have change and that shit isn't going to happen.

> be me
> want to be an engineer and good husband
> study hard, get gf
> 5 years later
> Helped design a weapon that killed a bunch of children in Afghanistan
> Got an STD because my gf was gangraped as a teenager and lied to me that she was a virgin
> fml
> become depressed, lose job
> find Sup Forums, get redpilled
> become even more depressed

Because most men have become massive pussy faggots,pathetic desu.

>Housing prices higher than ever
>University degrees now useless
>High schools churning out retards
>Girls won't notice you unless you're a 6ft+ 7/10 or above with a good job
>Media constantly shitting on masculinity and men in general
>Increased automation of workforce
>Weakening of cultural and national values

It's not that men didn't always have responsibilities in society, but at least your average man could actually get a piece of the pie for himself. Now the amount of work you have to put in to get even less than that just isn't worth it.
Why should I bust my ass off studying when some less qualified stacy or shitskin is just going to get the job?
Why should I bother going out and looking presentable when girls just want to fuck anyway and might give me a cursory glance when they're 30 and want to settle down
Why should I bother working hard for years just to afford a shitty two bedroom apartment?
Why should I contribute to a system which shits on me at every opportunity?

The amount of work required just isn't worth the paltry benefits offered to me. Society is a two way street and I won't participate in one that doesn't represent me. Let them all buckle under the weight of their combined degeneracy.

What makes them a massive pussies? Also what makes them want to not be massive pussies? Have you seen what the world has become? Why would you want to fight for those who don't want you to fight for them? Fuck off.

Pretty close.

FPBP. God made men to be leaders, but that means there needs to be followers and yet no one is willing to. God made men to provide, but all the women and children they can do it all on their own. God made men to start families, but the selfish hearts of women paired with the lie that children are parasites and uncontrolable makes that journey all on its own. God made men to work hard but with the devalue of education and the diluting of the workforce with non driven folk makes that near impossible. Society is crumbling and the true men have taken it to keep their heads down and their families safe so you don't see many out there right now. But we do exist.

Very close.

You're probably right, it's part of being in a service economy partly + we're in more of a service economy because straight white dudes are targeted culturally and we have a nice feedback loop. Meanwhile fewer and fewer people make more and more money and i don't know if 6 million jews died in the holocaust anymore man, dunno

I am in a position currently where I can survive by doing nothing. I can stay at my family's house until I die. I am completely subsidized, and will be for years to come. I have no purpose or goal in life. It is not necessary to get a job, or go outside, or speak to people, or accomplish anything, or have any interest in females. In a way it's like I'm living in a utopia, but I'm still miserable because I've been a weak little mental shit with no ambition or resilience for the past decade.

Why would I ever push myself to strive for something? If I ever do decide to strive for something, it's certainly going to be on my behalf, not society's.

The west died when being strong became politically incorrect.

>Media constantly shitting on masculinity and men in general
This is the big one right here. Mass media since the 90s has created a culrure that shames these values creating massive cucks we see today, but you can't really blame them for that upbringing. They were indoctrinated from birth.

because for some of us it's just not worth trying anymore. years of hard work mean nothing, you work harder these days for less rewards than you did 50 years ago. i wanted a nice home, a loving and wholesome wife I could share my life with, children, my own little slice of the dream. can't do that shit anymore unless I hit the jackpot, what was common-place decades ago seems like a huge luxury now.

i can't go on anymore, i'm 28, i'm just so tired of it all already. reality and society have broken me, i can only live for myself now.

Because there's a labor surplus in developed countries which has dramatically brought down the cost of labor and increased job competition. The minute purchase power, the inability to support a family, and knowing that most women want a financially stable man due to their nature as incubators, has made men reconsider taking on the insane pressure of becoming a perma-broke breadwinner.

Jewish plot to weaken and beta-ize the modern man, to keep us from rebelling or taking any of their control away.

This sounds about right

Can't you sue her? And what STD?

it worked very well, now white man don't need to work for mr goldbergersteinowitz, and niggers don't want to
soon jews will have to work for themselves, karma really is a bitch


you should do that for your own good at least, it is called decency.

jeez fellas i was just trolling for (you)s before bed calm down youre scaring me

is this bait or are you serious?

>(((the shifting of our society)))

100 years ago, 17-20 year old men used to openly wonder about, and go to war over wondering what it was like to kill another man, and the adventure and honour that the battlefield would bring them. Nowadays, stating shit like that would get you thrown in a big pharma run mental hospital where you'd be force-fed anti-aggression medication and left to rot.

Really helps put modern society in perspective.

always been the case but before men didn't give a fuck and were just men, it used to be an honor it used to be called heroism. Men are just crybabies now, just like sjw's




Men are withdrawing from society because of this bullshit.

I don't want to have my life destroyed by a bitch ex wife. Fuck the hell NO.

Here is the math with what we are talking about: youtu.be/mpI3y4Nqt4Y

No, it is not bait, the only way to feel better is to do all these things for your well being first. Everyone knows the truth deep inside.
Women have the option to live on easy mode, men don't.

there is something wrong with you
>you have to work your ass off because society is based on your work!
>no compensation for that, however all benefits you would recieve for your contribution will be redirected to jews, niggers, and females because you are eternal opressor

they could at least respect men, but it seems that now respect is gone, and so is men incentive to do anything

not wrong, check Frankfurt School

It's a hard topic, were constantly busting our balls no matter the situation or circumstance to be neglected and forgotten about yet get called out for not making the situation better and letting circumstance dictate our actions. Were naturally designed to want to serve, protect, and produce but a lot of forces are keeping us from doing that or manipulating the weak through their emotions. I get fired up on the topic because the irony is beyond confusing and almost insulting. We could build a strong and thriving country/society if we were shown a shred of support and respect.

Divorces are designed to be tempting. Destruction of family is the goal. Homemaking for women is going to be criminalized one day. It is already publicly shamed in cities.

How can I marry a woman when divorce is a shiny pay day for her she can grab ANY TIME. IT'S ALWAYS THERE. There is no time limit on divorce. There is never an expiration date. She can threaten you with it.

You have no power as a man in a marriage because a woman can punish you financially and socially by destroying your future and taking your kids.

How can you have power over a woman when she can do that? The cops, the judge, the state, her friends, facebook...they all back her up?

All you have is the threat of a paper tiger.

>, the only way to feel better is to do all these things for your well being first
except that is wrong, because I can fap all day and play vidya or watch anime for my well being, it is easier and provides faster reward than building house or having kids

When I was younger, I wanted a good career and a good wife. I failed very hard at everything. Eventually I managed to start getting things and achieve things. But now I'm too jaded to enjoy anything and I just go with the motions. I'm attractive enough that women ask me out, but sometimes I prefer to stay at home reading or playing videogames rather than going out on a date. I wish I had never become red pilled about so many things.

This makes me sad. Truly all you could really do is go to the criminal underground to take care of it, if you get what I'm laying down.

Because it's dumb and videogames are good

This. Thats why im going innawoods to do man stuff and get away from all the faggots.

We all got addicted to world of Warcraft and it ruined our lives. Also women broke our hearts mercilessly, they used to get shunned for the shit they do to men now they just grab another hapless loser and destroy him.

why is it that I see immigrant spics working hard and driving new Pick up trucks (blasting their spic music) everywhere in so cal, riding with their wife and 5 kids

while young (white) men say they cant seem to find job or wife?

same here
t. Forest Keeper in training

30yo obesefag here

Take the aesthetics pill (like women have since forever), become /fit/, then move to a White rural area.

The Bay area is fucked and so am I


Because those spics took our jobs. Dipshit.

Holy fuck look at everyone complaining here about "society withdrawing from men". Newsflash you're just sitting at home doing nothing.
You are in control of your life and you not getting anywhere is 100% because of you not working hard enough. "Men have it bad now" Stop victimizing yourself you faggot.
You want to be a man? Man up and stop playing games all day.
Jesus and I thought my country was full of cucks.

frig off, Randy

10/10 persecution complex. Stay triggered.

look man, WoW isn't even that good. UO was good, EQ was good. WoW is shit.

White people were escaping into video games back when SNES was around. Kids were shit then too. Highschool for a long time now has been a popularity contest about who can provide alcohol/drugs on the hush hush. Who can hold parties and who has a big dick and who is a slut and who is a player.

The reason kids were tapping out is because for decades now, parents have been shit, and parents have been shit. Now those shit kids have kids and their kids are even much bigger shits.

Teachers are glorified daycare staff with little to no power. Nigs ruin testing and teaching and fuck all the white girls they can while they form gangs to beat up people, rob kids, and control the classrooms with shit.

It's all a fucking joke and if you think one video game ruined the life of everyone you're fucking dumb and I hope you marry a nigger.

If it were for artificial poverty induced monetary policy people would only need to work 3 days a week with the level of productivity we are at now.

Literally anyone with a job would own a house if we didn't have a central bank.

Fiat dollars have been so badly depreciated that on a gold standard people would be making the equivalent of 62 dollars an hour working at Mcdonalds.

i used to bust my ass in school and at work and it didn't get me anywhere, and people would take advantage of me. the expectations were sky high, but the payoff just wasn't there - didn't have the right connections or personality. felt like i was living a lie. now everyone thinks i'm a fuckup and other people let me get away with doing the bare minimum, and i'm still not happy, nor will i ever be, but they won't be turning me into another numale cuck. won't be a good goy anymore - too much stick and not enough carrot!

>Divorces are designed to be tempting.
>How can I marry a woman when divorce is a shiny pay day for her she can grab ANY TIME. IT'S ALWAYS THERE.

The problem isn't divorce. The problem is that divorce is really a quasi-marriage where the man has all of the responsibilities of a husband and the ex-wife has all of the benefits of marriage without actually being married. Make divorce an actual divorce. It's over. It's done with. No alimony. Child support is heavily regulated to keep the family courts from turning it into a form of back door alimony. The default is joint custody. In fact, child support should be the exception. The norm should be, since both parents have joint custody, they must financially support their child when the child is with them. Child support should only be a factor in sole custody and sole custody should only come in the equation if one parent or both parents are abusive or negligent. In that case, custody goes to either the other parent or another responsible adult.

IOW: make divorce a true separation and women will be less incline to get a divorce.

Because for many white men it's still the norm to be successful. We are only taking about this because we see a receding trend.
For once Cuckland is right.

They can afford to buy a new truck because uncle sam pays for their fuck trophies to eat.


Wow so South Park made a funny so that makes it the truth

Christfags are so pathetic

Thanks Dr. Phil

Are you a total newfag or are you just retarded?

Why would you want to be part of something that actively rejects you?

if I really told people how i feel, if I wanted to take what I could. I'd be in jail.

Because women can't control what their vagina's do to them.

It's ass backwards but menstruation is the #1 leading cause to degeneracy. They cannot control this and project onto men that they cannot control their penis.

Last time I checked, I only get erections when I chose to.

Checkmate, ladies.

>You are in control of your life and you not getting anywhere is 100% because of you not working hard enough.
Stopped reading. Posting generic 'jus b urself' and 'work harder' is garbage.

because muh feelings from normalfags

What does society provide me? What benefits me, for being part of it? I'm blamed for everything, as a white male, and I'm viewed as a criminal just because of that. I can relate to blacks, because women treat us like racists treat black people. I can't be in a room alone with a woman, in a professional context, because she can literally destroy my reputation, and not suffer any consequences if she's caught lying.

Why would I bust my ass, to marry a semi-pro whore, who will take my kids and half of everything (and all of the house) on a whim? Why would I bust my ass to buy said house, for insane amounts of money, and be burdened with that kind of debt, and then be expected to buy cars, computers, tvs, Disney cruises, expensive clothes, expensive food, college, and all manner of assorted, overpriced crap, to be considered a "good husband", by someone who will some day despise me and turn my kids against me?

Why shoudl I drag my ass into an office every day, and be demoralized by the souless corporations and unacceptable demands of bosses, so THEY get bigger bonuses, and I have to fight tooth and nail for cost of living raises. Throw in a healthy amount of stress worrying if I'm the next to get laid off, so I can be embarrassed by someone 10 years younger than me in job interviews I'm not going to get hired from, because I expect to get paid fairly?

Why should I buy into something that will use me up, and spit me out in my 50's, when it's impossible to be hired anywhere, and forced to live in the cheapest lodgings I can find, and grind out shitty part time jobs until Social Security kicks in?

What exactly does "society" have to offer me, besides dying younger than I should, from stress induced heart attacks or strokes, in massive debt?

They say in poker, knowing who the sucker is at the table is how you win.

If you think society has anything to offer the average white male, other than blind consumerism and debt, you're the sucker.

>persecution complex

But please, tell me more about how people are yelling about black women.

Men are withdrawing from neofeudalism.

lolnope, just cold sores which "everyone already has" so no way to prove I got it from her. Welcome to the era of (Jew-owned) Tinder and OKCupid.

Bro, cuckolding is legal. Merely spreading STDs isn't even newsworthy unless it's HIV. God damn this jewed up society.

Because they have much lower standards. They're willing to work for shit pay, live as a family of 7 in a 3 bedroom house and not have access to nice clothes or fancy gadgets. A lot of whites aren't willing to sacrifice their wealth and standards of living to start a family of their own. I'm not sure if it's a matter of too high standards or self respect but that's what it is.

Came here to post this. Not the only one who thinks this way, obviously.


>why are men withdrawing from society?
They aren't. Only weirdos and mentally ill people are.

what std

Because western culture is being attack at it's roots by neomarxism. If we don't win back control over the culture, it will all be over soon

OP asked a question and is getting an answer. While you're right real men bite the bullet and push through but there's such a thing as symbiotic relationships and in order to have the best outcome all parties must be working together not for themselves but for each other and that is why men bite the bullet, to power through for the greater good. Without respect and support that bullet becomes a lot more difficult to chomp on. Your forced masculinity is ripe with denial and self depreciation.

Fuck you nigger. Spics are 100% stealing blue collar jobs from Americans. Kill yourself, worry about and talk about your own fucking country.

Because the world is a fuck.

>Only weirdos and mentally ill people are.



I'm not even going to bother working hard or smart. I'd end up being taken advantage of. I tried working to help my community. I got nothing in return.

Protip: Be a shitty worker and act entitled as much as you want. Working hard, unless for yourself, is for suckers. They'll just hold you down and milk you, never giving you any sort of reward or promotion. If you work for someone else, fuck them.