Post things only white people understand

Post things only white people understand

Proper spelling and pronunciation




But Asians are a thing. Indians, too.


>being masterrace




cuck btfo

r u a nigger?



Anybody remember "Stuff White People Like" or whatever it was called? That was some funny shit

>being offended
>organic food
>black music that black people no longer listen to

I actually hate this bullshit they tried to put this shit in at my college a few years back

Niggers trying to prevent me from moving around campus as efficiently as possible. God damn commies trying to pull me back down to the chaff



gtfo with this fake CGI shit
the earth is flat, you've been brainwashed



Empathy. Even the best non-shitskin races have problems with this one.

Call of far lands.
An urge to explore and expand.