What were the Dems thinking when they decided to run her?

What were the Dems thinking when they decided to run her?

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"she's a woman"

They weren't

They were not wanting a socialist leader.

"She'll kill us if we don't"

How much money they were going to make with her pay to play tactics.

They saw that feminism was trendy on Twitter and Tumblr and assumed their vote mattered.

"I don't want to be shot in the back of the head"


Just imagine the entirety of the DNC getting Arkancided.

They were blackmailed by the Clinton Foundation cronies.


she orchestrated complete control over the DNC. they had no choice.

She was an easy win until the emails

Her marriage with Bill is a sham going on for decades for this and it failed. I wonder what it feels like to waste so many years.

They weren't thinking, but she was.

that they'd get Trump in the White House

>maple leaf

They were thinking "progressive" alright they just got done getting a "black" president in and they wanted to show America wasn't some backwards hillbilly country still living in the 50s, DEMs wanted to put America back on the map as the leading country in world development both socially and economically

but that shit will NEVER happen as long as we have conservatives, even the wingnuts won't push a Black or Hispanic because they're so set in their ways and true to their outdated ass conservatism that they will not appeal to moderates or change swing libs

This crisis torn the nation before president Elect got in because people were leaning towards Bernie who filled that gap, but the unjust assassination they gave him killed any chance

Bernie should've at least been her VP she would've got swing voters and moderates she's a fool and this election will go down in infamy, if she thinks she can run in 2020 she's delusion she'll be too fucking old

best bet is to push her daughter or something or maybe another female but only as VP

sadly I don't think either side learned shit from this election and this country will continue to spiral into shit while the Chinese and Russian governments surpass us

They were thinking, "We know what's best for the little people." This is how they always think. Snobby, bossy, delusional nannies who pitch a total toddler meltdown when they don't get their way.

i mean u saying this like they didnt alomost win the fucking election


They were scared for their lives.

I saw Hillary Clinton at a grocery store in Washington yesterday. I told her how cool it was to meet her in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother her and ask her for photos or anything.

She said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but she kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing her hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard her chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw her trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in her hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Ma'am, you need to pay for those first.” At first she kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, she stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, she kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


>She was an easy win until the emails
idk, I don't think this is true. I think she got so many votes because the media shilled against Trump so hard. And the media would've done that to anyone.
but looking at her as just a candidate: she had an uninspired campaign and no real economic message.
She basically ran on "I'll keep doing what Obama was doing" when what Obama was doing was obviously not working, and the economy was still trashed, but she and the media had to keep up this false narrative to keep Hillary afloat.
But even with all that, the Republican party didn't manage to run anyone great, and they were fortunate that Trump showed up.

they owed her for taking the Benghazi flack off of obama's second campaign. why else would a person that has literately never admitted fault for any mistakes take the blame for that?

I think what marked the turning point in her awful campaign was when she gave that tin-foil cap "Deplorables" speech. So fucking stupid. You don't seduce undecided voters by calling them names.

Group identity is the most important factor in job performance.

the Clintons are like royalty to the Democratic Party. they literally thought it was 'their turn' to be president again. no one expected Bernie to be as popular as he was, which made the DNC panic and begin to conspire against him in order to save their beloved queen.

it was somting like: -Bill do you remember when you put your dick in that fatinternship mouth? well I do and I want yo pull some strings so I became president

Pay for play.

She paid, helping various dictators/corporations around the world, who then in turn used their leverage to force her to the top of the DNC.

"This adversary will surely get Trump elected"
t. jews controlling the """""opposition"""""

>they decided

you mean "she decided." you don't seem to understand how the oligarchy operates

gibs dat presidente white house

She made a deal after the 2008 election. She would be the party choice in 2016 in exchange for her conceding to Obama and backing him 100%. She also got an appointment to the highest foreign policy position in the country with no foreign policy experience because that lack of experience hurt her during the 2008 campaign. Her campaign manager and tons of other people loyal to her were giving top positions in the DNC after they helped Obama get re-elected in 2012. She literally payed her dues. It was literally her turn.

This is common knowledge. Sup Forums really has changed if you are all this ignorant. Why do I even come here anymore?

Even if you were uninformed before this election. Do you really think it made sense that no one besides Hillary ran? Mr Omalley literally got permission from the dnc to run just for name recognition. Everybody else who ran was a non party insider who didnt follow orders. Jim web is essentially a moderate republican. Bernie sanders isnt even a democrat. And chaffee isnt even human.

All the other big names were told not to run to give hillary the cleanest primary possible.No biden, No pelosi, No howard dean. Not even any small names just wanting attention. Thats why there was talk about Hillary being coronation 2 years before the actual election. No one expected bernie sanders to do anything. Not even bernie sanders.

Hillary would have won any other year. But this year people wanted an outsider and she was literally the opposite of that.

Next time people will realize that we keep electing these corrupt politicians because the other corrupt politicians wont work with anyone else. Trump will get nothing done in 4 years. The swamp will laugh and say " see you should have elected the swamp monster" and we will be right back where we started.

hope clinton doesnt have me suicided


>The swamp will laugh and say " see you should have elected the swamp monster" and we will be right back where we started.

Why does that sound familiar?

Fuck off faggot with your establishment cuckoldry...

was gonna post this.

name recognition + woman. they're really this delusional.

I'm just glad the DNC sabotaged Bernie. Hillary shot herself in the foot every step in her campaign. Bernie might have actually won, and we'd be staring communism in the face.

i liked bernie. maybe he wouldnt work for the US but he seems like he gives a shit. feel free to send him over

>this meme
why are americans so scared about not paying 50k for a doctors visit?

inb4 100 posts about the total cost of a socialized health system vs private health system

Bernie wasn't bad in my opinion. A bit too optimistic and naive, but we should be getting the idea into people's heads that they have power in numbers. Even if he was to fail, him doing a sudden 180 would redpill the masses and show them all it's just a game and politics is just a marionette show.

They weren't.