Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=pp_7-0IQYjo


Now is your time to pull your weight in The Great meme war!

Macron is the status Quo candidate. A globalist shill who is openly pro-EU and pro-immigration.

His policies could mean the end for the French Republic as you know it.

This is your chance to help Make France Great Again!

What will follow in the wake of Marine Le Pen's presidency will shake the EU to the core. Possibly even leading to a successful Frexit.

In order successfully capture the voters of the losing candidates you must target their demographic.

Fillion is a conservative christian family man.

Let his supporters know that Macron supports the islamization of France and the destruction of healthy traditional values.
Mèlenchon has some some views that are similar with Le Pen.
He wishes for the possibility of a Frexit.
Tell his supporters that Le Pen is the candidate that can make Frexit happen.

Macron does not want Frexit to happen.

Know your target audience.
Get creative.
Do not lose faith.

Fire up those twitter accounts!


Other urls found in this thread:


>Calling that Canadian and Frenchman meme dream team
Don't tell me you're the original fin.
If so what phase sparked the comments. Make it quick so I know

I'm sticking around bitch,
Reply so we can make this thread #1

Bump for frogbro's

In Dutch we trust

>15% of Dutchmen literally want to ban the Koran
Easy tiger


What the fuck is it with people and immigrants anyways, why do so many faggots want to see their countries destroyed, they should know by now modern day immigrants don't assimilate whatsoever

Anyone's welcome to tweet this epic little piece I just made. Could any French people confirm the accuracy of my translation? "Live permanently under the terrorist menace."

Don't know but christ these shills

They must be near the end of the 40 million soon!


No 2

That meme is dank bro
So bad its good
The Room effect


I'm heeeere. What are we translating next? Does my fellow frenchman still need the "jesus in a manger" french translation?

added some blood to the wheels

"Ils se sentent menacés? Qu'ils se mangent des camions!" (or the diversité or migrants variation, everything works here)

Nice to see you. Wheres the graphic gigawatt maple?

Its really annoying
Left that in another thread then went off

saw him there

I'm leaving for a small while, but i'll keep the threads open. I'll translate stuff then, keep em coming!

Fuck off and take your Jew loving Saudi/Qatar/Russian backed socialist with you


News alert - in a shock turn of events a potatonigger turned out ok and I've probably been giving a maple all the credit

I think it's more convenient to have the template posted in each thread. We should still keep linking back to the older ones though.

So basically, we need the Eurosceptic and protectionist Melenchon voters to vote for Le Pen; and then we need the anti-immigration Fillon voters to vote for her. Doesn't seem to hard, but the Melenchon might be faggots who are afraid of looking racist.

What about
>"Il n'y a pas de culture française?
Being shortened to
Il n'y a pas de culture?

For a second I thought it was OP

what happened to that guy? Don't you all live in Shia's cabin?

God she's so fucking based. France make it happen


Bumping, guess this is the state of Nu-pol then.

I don't know - maybe there aren't enough fags with whiskey in them to make france great or maybe I had too much whiskey to make france great or maybe that mysterious stranger Fin in the first thread fucking off fucked everything

You idiots think France has any hope is a republic. Boulangism is the only way and eventual return of a King.

Republicanism failed france over and over.

Thats actually better looking then the Trump one. she looks energetic. Does anyone have a clip of where its from?

Trump is a globalist neocon shill who duped a bunch of plebs and naive idealists into an unrealistic vision.

Le Pen is cool though.

I'm sorry and although chances are you're a shill what the fuck does this mean?

Its not the bog pill so what the fuck is it you burger making, corn farming, hog humping, quran burning, flag flying, whiskey downing, anthem singin, arab killing, yank?

is potato to decide

Aside from coming up with "let them be enriched", I can't think of anything else to contribute with so I decided to go out.
And I'm still not sure if you've been talking about me in all these threads or some other Finn.


>Aside from coming up with "let them be enriched", I can't think of anything else to contribute

My hero right now
Trust me - it was enough for the work

Ok so we have
>Let them be enriched
But the finished french version! Ah that would be a sight to see in the election

Well, the shorter, better version would be "Ils n'ont pas de culture?". It's even closer to the original quote. Then you could also add "Qu'on leur donne un pass culture!" (it's about granting people who turn 18 some form of 500€ movie and music gift card. Something in his program to buy the youth vote)

Where is that god damn maple. He'll be demoted to leaf if he doesn't get his ass in here with the original font

Here is a little footage, old meme but was no french version at my knowledge ^^

I might have had a bit too much whiskey. The touble is I'm nearing the end of the bottle and the question is, do I go out for moer?

Bump. We need this every day

French frogs, kick your printers in

Man I know drink only is meant to strip inhibition. I don't think I'd be angry as a person but seeing that vid (saved by the way) I'd only want the LAW to be on my side to the point i could help fix the problem then I'd be happy to stop without malice...or not. I don't know how stuff like that would effect me.

we don't have "enriched" as a word to describe migrants. we call them (unironically for the left and ironically for real people) "chances pour la France", as in "they are a chance for our country" or "we're lucky to have them".

We could go with:

"Pas de culture? Ils n'ont qu'à s'enrichir avec l'immigration!"

"Pas de croissance? Qu'on amène des chances pour la France!"

(no culture? let them be enriched by immigration)
(no (eco) growth? let us bring in chances for France!)

idk, these feel kinda low energy. have a base for the first sentence? Oh and side note, there was something about shirts and vest (vetements et costards) in another thread. Anyone have it?


si, l'enrichissement culturel, c'est un connu

OK hungry you're fresh so you might have the wherewithall to make this work

Seeing as the leaf hasn't shown up see
Ok lets just assume I'm right and it makes sense

>"Il n'y a pas de culture française? Qu'on leur donne de la diversité!"

Shorten to!
Il n'y a pas de culture? Qu'on leur donne de la diversité!"

Could you please make me an image or for the love of SWEET JESUS CHRIST would someone give a man on his days off an idea of the PERFECT font which our former maple friend used

the quotes of Hollande, admitting integration is impossible and sedition of the country unavoidable in the long run.

L'intégration? «Il y a à la fois des choses qui marchent très bien et l'accumulation de bombes potentielles liées à une immigration qui continue. Parce que ça continue.» Nadine Morano? «Je suis convaincu que, quand on interroge les Français, ils sont majoritairement sur sa position. (…) Ils pensent: “On est plutôt des Blancs, il y a plus de Blancs que d'autres.”» L'équipe de France de football? Elle est en proie à une «communautarisation, une segmentation, une ethnicisation». Le seuil de tolérance? «Je pense qu'il y a trop d'arrivées, d'immigration qui ne devrait pas être là.» Et de prendre l'exemple des professeurs devant les nouveaux immigrés. «C'est Sisyphe! On les fait parler français, et puis arrive un autre groupe, et il faut tout recommencer. Ça ne s'arrête jamais (…). Donc, il faut à un moment que ça s'arrête.» L'islam? «Qu'il y ait un problème avec l'islam, c'est vrai. Nul n'en doute.» Le voile? «Un asservissement.» Les migrants? «On ne peut pas continuer à avoir des migrants qui arrivent sans contrôle, dans le contexte en plus des attentats.» La sécession des territoires? «Comment peut-on éviter la partition? Car c'est quand même ça qui est en train de se produire: la partition.»
"Un président ne devrait pas dire ça" Gérard Davet & Fabrice Lhomme

C'est connu, peut être, dans les milieux nationalistes. Si tu dis ça à quelqu'un de "normal" ça risque fortement de ne pas tiquer. Si tu lui parles de chances pour la France par contre...

Putain celles là elles n'ont pas été relayées par le monde ou france désinfo. Le mec est un traître de la pire espèce.

>Il n'y a pas de culture? Qu'on leur donne de la diversité!"
It works? Comon bro Help me
help you

My face when this whole fucking thread in the sea of shill threads without a hope of being in the bump order


How about "No truck drivers? (written in French) Qu'on amène des chances pour la France!"
I wonder if it would be too much for normies and backfire.


"Besoin de camionneurs?
Ouvrez vos portes et vos coeurs."

read "Ils n'ont pas de culture?" is a better beginning

nice idea Thats great. "Besoin de chauffeurs? Amenez des beurs!"

Whoops I spilt a bit guys. I want to help, please. Does anyone know the font>Spilt a bit sorry

is there a fucking Bernstain thing going on with her?? there's like two versions,
andlook completely different

and for some clarity lets just say we started about an hour ago here
Thank you French bros I'm sorry I could never into french

Why is it
Ils n'ont
Istead of
Il n'y a pas??

You Can't Get In-Between The Marine

I've changed the meaning from "there is no culture" (il n'y a pas de culture) to "they have no culture" (ils n'ont pas de culture). It both:

- Implies he's not french and he thinks of the french as "rural and suburban retards"
- Is closer to the original "they have no bread" quote

wouldn't it say more if there was a world in which there was no culture? In which a France never existed? A world which will be achieved if France goes on with others children and the France of days gone by forget the yesterday of yesterdays children?

maybe 600ml of Teachers whiskey. I'm not trying to sound rude.

You don't sound rude, but it's becoming hard to read. English is not my native language after all.

"Il n'y a pas de culture" is (to me) not enough without specifying french culture. But, if you want to shortend it, you could always go with "Pas de culture française?". Maybe I'm just not understanding what you're trying to say though. Gonna pour myself a glass of Kilchoman, maybe that'll help.

thanks, will use it

Sorry I am a bit very drunk

>Pas de culture française?
I wonder. Isn't french and culture kind of the same? When you say to a French man "culture" doesn't the French bounce in? Is is not the same in French?

Not really. If you say "pas de culture", it can mean "uneducated". "Having culture" means being educated or well read in french.


It's dead already

please france be cool only once !

for muslim target audience, Macron is homo, has said Palestine state would be useless. Remind Le Pen is not invited to CRIF. a (((dinner))) for (s)elected leaders.


siorry I was gone but Igot a call about a very important family matter

Worked out very well for me. Now I shall always remember France with fondness for another reason

The younger woman is her niece, Marion Le Pen.

to be honest after watching this graph fillon seemed good, aside from being more pro-eu

How traditional is the filion vote>? Didnt read the otiginal graph. OP is a faggot afterall

Fucking Ginns

>yfw Le Pen is an actual Nazi