The information pill is final pill


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Surely, Sholomo Ettinger.

"pills" are just another form of identity politics for people who can't into realpolitik

that is a terrible illustration

If matter is affected by observation, why don't things change when I close my eyes and touch them?

Your eyes aren't the only thing that send information to your consciousness.

Also everyone should look up the double slit experiment

You autistic Jew, the observer effect has nothing to do with people. It's due to the interference of the instruments that measure the particle causes

A better explanation would be that particle superpositioning collapses into a single state once observed. The properties of the matter you're looking at doesn't really change much except at the quantum level.

lol get real this shit was easily debunked.

How do we know things have changed because of our instruments if we can never look at them without our instruments?

Quantum theory stuff only makes sense on the quantum level user. For example, quantum superpositions work something like this.

>particle is somewhere in space time
>we don't know where it is exactly, but we can use math to estimate where it could possibly be
>when we use observation tools to pinpoint the location of the particle, the very act of observation alters the result
>so we find out where the particle used to be when we did the observation but don't know where it is now
When we observe things, its usually by its interactions with its surroundings. For example, sight works by bouncing photons off of surfaces and into your eyes. If you have something like a subatomic particle though, the very act of bouncing a photon off of it will change its position (kind of like pool).

tl;dr When you don't look at a particle, it exists in a cloud of space time possibility where it can possibly be but you aren't sure if it is. In this state it acts more like a wave. Once you observe the particle, you collapse the possibilities into one reality and the particle behaves like an actual particle.

t. failed high school


Look up the instruments that are used in these experiments. It's basically akin to when you put your hand over a water spout, blocking it from its usual downward descent. You don't need sophisticated instruments to understand that your hand is the reason why the flow of the water has changed.

Fuck misinformation bullshit like this. It has nothing to do with people looking at things, kys.

observation = any sensory input

learn in 2 baisic of occult
we aren't in simulation faggots but
matter is affected by observation
if someone look at you and you don't see him
but you feel that he is staring at you
matter works same way

how do you know things don't change? you can only observe it at the moment you observe it; not before or after. "observation" means any impression, btw. physicists aren't literally looking at particles (usually)

this is such bullshit, by observing it we're exerting a force upon it.

>Polish intellectuals

>what is RAM

seriously. people with IQ lwoer than 130 please see yourselves out

But it really doesn't have anything to do with physically viewing the particles. The whole experiment is with special tools for observing particles.

The delayed choice experiment shows that consciousness might have actually impact on particles as well as the fact that future may rewrite the past.
Or so I've read.

Makes sense. Thanks.

If enough people stop believing in the Holocaust, will it cease to have happened?

>so I've read on /x/


the correct way of putting it:

if the information about a state exists in the universe, the wave function is collapsed.

The information can be on a hard disk as recorded data, or in your brain as an observer.
If information does not exist, there is only the wave function which cannot describe momentum and position at the same time.

In other words, if nobody looks at the moon, is it still there? Yes? Well, prove the opposite.

the source of the delayed double slit is discussed towards the end of the video linked in OP

stop feeding goyim with pseudo-science, shlomo

watch the video

I don't believe any of this Jewish quantum physics.
It is simply a distraction for great minds.

I'm not talking about the double split experiment, we're talking about this time travelling past altering stuff.

its not just about particles. the double slit experiment can also be done with fullerenes (large molecules).
There seems to be no size restriction.. however, the larger an object becomes, the harder it is to measure one specific state that is still a quantum effect.

user stop being willfully stupid. That's what the Jews want.

just because we don't believe it, doesn't mean we don't understand it..

>use weird things to measure even weirder things, some electricity crap
>be surprised that your electricity crap changes stuff.

whew, the observer effect is just your micron microscope not only being a microscope


okay, keep studying a bunch of shit you can't see or test, without Jews everywhere fucking with the results. It's a new religion.

but it's what the eraser double slit experiment proves. Why do you keep talkding total bullshit without watching the video/reading about the experiment?

fucking retards I swear to god

There is no belief in science.
So yes, if you don't "believe" it then you DEFINITELY don't understand it.

It's also what modern technology is based on, including the computer you're using to shitpost with.

I did read about the experiment, if you scroll up, I actually explained it to another user.

So let us say for a moment that everything is a simulation in some form or another. What is to say the people running the simulation aren't in a simulation themselves?

It is the same argument about God that humans have had for thousands of years and you simulation experts just act like this is new concept.

>trailer trash intellectual everyone

but seriously, see yourself out inbred, see the thing is that non-sub 90 IQ people are talking here. :)
cheers mate

The thing about "observer" and double slit experiments is when you measure/detect things at such microscopic levels those things getting affected by your instruments and behave differently because of it.

You know, guys, the act of "observing" has been completely misunderstood.

Observation does not mean a consciousness observing the matter.

It means that we measure the particles in question. How do we measure them, for instance? By affecting them.

For you and me to see something, we have to absorb the photons that has bounced off the particles in question into our eyes, correct?

Well those very same photons have affected the particles, by physically bouncing into them and affecting them.

The standard model is the most accurate scientific theory humankind has ever produced though. It's been tested more than any other theory we have.


can you just ignore the jim bob's?

simulation theory strongly suggests that if reality is a simulation, it is but one in an infinite series of regressions of simulations. The basis for this assumption is that if we get quantum computers with sufficient qubits, we can simulate our own universe down to so smallest detail and create an exact replica of it. From the inside, it would be completely indistinguishable from the original.

there is no one way or another, it's either all simulated or non of it is.

And to your point, what is your point? Yes it can be assumed that higher up this goes on for infinity, still doesn't chance the principle of our dimension.

Jim Bob's what?


Shine a light filed with photos on photos, amazed when this has an effect.

not true as demonstrated by delayed choice quantum eraser experiments. It's not just photons interacting with small systems

Bingo, but retards like musk think it means we're in a simulation

It's not just about wave function collapse, see pdf

Why are these pop scientists misrepresenting QM? Just to sell books?

>delayed choice


reality is "virtual"

I'm no science master, but aren't photons bouncing off of these particles regardless of whether or not an observer is there to "reciece" the photons? Just because I absorbed photons to see an object doesn't mean that the object wouldn't have had those photons bounce off of it if I weren't there to absorb the rebounding photons.

>observer effect

lel it's pretty good hook for children and the "I fucking love science" crowd but it's actually a pretty basic and less awe inspiring once you learn the fundamentals. Still cool though.


no actually its the corner stone of the most up to date physics model

wow he didnt say otherwise, just that noobs overblow it with pleb popsci exposure to it

also > up to date
you mean the standard model which is fucked and still based on set theoretic approaches. make this thread again after trig functions are expressed rationally and see what happens faggot

> if a tree falls out in space near absolute zero, did it really fall?
Yes and no

It shows that places where light was successfully spited into independent separate streams, it showed interference pattern, while where two streams were mixed into one, there wasn't any pattern. If you mix those two separated streams back into one you will get gif related.

>Jew Science

No thanks


BTW what this "jew science" bullshit. Science is science, you either attempt to describe reality or you don't. Reminds me of the middle ages, just replace "jew" with "devil"

Der Relativitätsjude, der seinen Deutschenhaß hinter einer obskuren Pseudowissenschaft versteckt.

Einsteins assertion and general consensus about time-space is that Future Past and Present all exist at the same time.

The deleted double slit shows that particles "know" the future somehow.

that's very nice architecture. fractal combined with geometrically straight line.

Did you just declare war again?

Don't push me!

meme magic made trump become a time traveler.

>Der Relativitätsjude, der seinen Deutschenhaß hinter einer obskuren Pseudowissenschaft versteckt.

Lachen aus laut.

fuck off, kike

this one might interest you

get comfy it is a long one.

> 2017
> Not knowing about Debroglie-Bohm interpretation of the double slit experiment
> All the same predictions without the bullshit quantum woo
> Compatible with the teachings of all ancient religions
Get redpilled, faggots

>ctrl + F
>"pilot wave"
>0 of 0

you're all faggots

Literally the post before you

This is just for optimized cpu use of the matrix
Dont think too much about it

>it exists in a cloud of space time possibility where it can possibly be but you aren't sure if it is.

how is this not a tree falling in the forest and cat in the box situation, the simple fact of us not knowing doesnt mean that it isnt where it is in the shape and for that it is in.
Why not just say we cant math it exactly, we dont know where it is before we look at it instead of speaking about infinite possibilities space time buzzwords, or am i just missing something here.

Ontology is individually different.
Fuck STEM cultists

Pretty sure we are just fucking with things and not know it. Like the particle or the center of the energy field that is the particle is stable in one place at one time with one charge. But we cant measure it without fucking with it. So we end up with this probability field. Eventually theyll figure out something about how the methods we use to do the measuring are bringing that in.

wrong. see

Jim Bob is a stereotypical "trailer trash" redneck name here in the states, southerners tend to have stereotypical names like Billy Joe or something.


This is a gross misinterpretation of the observer effect.

The point of the observer effect is that while, mathematically, objects exist in a quantum superposition, physically these objects jump randomly from microstate to microstate assuming physically observable properties.