Give me 1 good reason we shouldn't enslave women and put them in cages like animals?

Give me 1 good reason we shouldn't enslave women and put them in cages like animals?

Think of all the problems it would solve if we did take all their rights away and made them slaves?

>Fertility problem solved, as men can rape and make babies all they want
>No more liberal pandering to women to attack the white man
>No more degenerate/depraved sexuality
>No more debt problem as governments won't have to waste money on women like they do now
>Less social conflict in society
>Men can use wealth to innovate and improve infrastructure instead of wasting it on women

All I am seeing are benefits, and no drawbacks

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If they show tits can the GTFO of the cage?

No. They can get raped. Back in the day, men knew women were better off as property. However in this society you cannot rape another man's slave as that would be destruction of property.

Can't think of any

Because my mother isn't a degenerate whore, she works hard and she can't even get kids anymore so what the hell is the point.

Why don't you become a Muslim?

How are they suppose to look good all clustered up in a dog cage?

You're on the right track, but you gotta let em free range a bit like livestock.

Every woman is a whore.
Except my mother.
But, she is a woman.

Sorry to break it to you, but your mother is probably a dude.

My mother only had one bf, my father and she got two kids with him. How is she a whore in any way?

>Give me 1 good reason
They're human beings. If anything, it's sounds like it's you who should be locked up.

T. literally sons of whores

choose 1.

Also you spaniards have sexdolls now so why do you even need women?

Every woman is a whore.
Except my mother.
But, she is a woman.

op is a faggot and he probably jacks off to mentally ill men in women's clothing

western women aren't perfect by any means but we fucking need them to cooperate

treating your women like cattle ends up with a mudshit society

putting your women on a pedestal results in sweden

the women's suffrage movement of the early 1900s gave us a time where women were equal but still wanted to contribute to society and keep the birth rates up. it was perfect

then sexual liberation in 50s and 60s fucking ruined it

goddamn it

Why I would waste my money buying a cage? That's what the kitchen is for
OP is an idiot!

We can have a society where women are treated like cattle and not have a mudshit society. To do this we need to make sure that only the most intelligent men breed. In mudshit society the most violent men got to breed, we know more about evolution now and know that high IQ men should be the ones to pass their genes down.


Even if you put women in a cage, they'll still learn to speak if they're exposed to human language. Didn't think of that, did you, OP?

because they are conscious living breathing beings with thoughts, feelings, dreams and desires. fuck all of you

How can they raise children or run a household from a cage?

Because unlike you nigger, I was raised in a healthy home by both parents (not a single mother- welfare queen) so I love both of them and don't want to hurt my mother.
The same feelings of goodwill I have towards other females in my family.

Fucking Americans.

That's a little inappropriate

The cage needs to be attached to a dunking crane for obedience games

It would be mean.

You stupid head ass
That's what religion is for
Keeping the women from destroying everything we work hard on

They can't cook or clean in a cage.

Nigger population could potentially keep all white women pregnant year round constantly pushing out human mutts.
How to solve OP?

>Nigger population

yes good goyim, anything but a traditional family life, never EVER let children have a bond with their mother and father no matter what you sub-human goy

The black women cages would be lost in-transit due to unfortunate beaurocratic mismanagement.

you make us look bad. go away forever

>we grow the stones to literally turn women into slaves
>but we're still too squeamish to genocide the niggers
lol whut