Women are often seen as sex objects whereas men are seen as success objects

>Women are often seen as sex objects whereas men are seen as success objects.
Do you agree with this statement?

... Literally everyone on this board believes that.

This is (((often))) the case my friend.

Women are feelings based. Men are logic based.

But women want to be sex objects if the guy is good looking enough. So it's their fault.

women use men as sex objects too

>Women are feelings based. Men are logic based.
The complete is the opposite. It's as if women in the west never heard of feminism, they still use their bodies to get material goods by MARRYING the richest guy they can without providing equally. That makes them at least logical as men.

but they hold contradictory viewpoints simultaneously. not as bad as kikes do, but to a significant degree nonetheless

no. lots of men suck and get nowhere, like you

They hold simultaneous view points to make it easier to thrive in different situations, user.
Men might tend towards logic, but the adaptability of women is unquestionably an asset to them.

>Men might tend towards logic
That's 100% false as everyone who worked with kids knows.

anyway to answer the OP question, i'd say yes. women provide the womb and some social stuffs. men provide nearly everything else

So you think that men=logic is just a meme that society causes its participants to take on?
Interesting. Do boys tend to be less logical than girls in classroom environments? Could it just be different rates of maturation causing that?

Then it's a fair deal.

How is that deal fair?

it would be a fair deal if we returned to those traditional roles. things are muddled now and gone to shit with women's rights, etc. a return to patriarchy would be a welcome change

No, I think girls and boys are different, but women are more logical than men. Just take a look at the nearest military graveyard and you'll see what I mean.

Modern men hold no logic.

Women choose their partner so that he shows his adaptivity i.e. not just looks, but his intelligence. Men choose their partner solely by looks, and, sometimes, by their conformity or submissiveness. This degrades the humanity by a half each generation, just like with dogs breeding based on their size or color or whatever, they stop being normal animals very soon, only holding the needed size or color or whatever.

Women are maybe to blame for the social degeneracy of the world, by men are to blame for much larger catastrophe, the actual genetic degeneration of the human.

>women are more logical than men
your 4chin pass have been revoked. gtfo

Bravo. That's precisely why Jewesses look like S*** whilt White girls are beautiful and dumb.

Sup Forums: the only board where being a normal fag is a good thing.

Men are looking for fertile incubators for their progeny, Women are looking for good providers/protectors for their progeny. There is no sex object or success object we're all breeding objects.
nope, the will to procreate is hard-coded into all life, from the most basic to the most complex, logic and emotion have nothing to do with it. Attraction, sexual pleasure, love, lust, it's all to compel you to breed. If you fail to breed you were not fit.

We regard other people in the context of the roles they play or could play in our lives. A baker is a guy who sells me bread, it could be a robot or someone else. It's primary just a role, a function.
Only once we develop a personal relationship with a specific person we start to regard them as anything more than that.

Girls arent marrying

Theyre getting fucked by degenerate men while good men waste away into trash like pic related

>Implying God doesnt exist
>inb4 abrahamic gods


>sweeping generalization saying that an entire gender is prone to doublethink
>no source, no explanation given for why
why does Sup Forums let their feelings about women cloud their judgement and prevent them from making an accurate assessment

>And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein.

>not as bad as kikes do
Oh boy. Women are kikes. Everything in the behavior of kikes that we see as bad can be attributed to women. Everything, from child sacrifice to nepotism to corrupt behavior to whining. Everything.

Give jews a schooling on how to be masculine, and they'll be ok.

If you are involved in society and a woman I think it becomes very difficult to not be tangled up in doublethink, user.

trying to stir us up against one another, mortimer? Sup Forums cherishes women. gtfo

what did you mean by this? are you saying women are only able to doublethink or that anyone involving women and society is vulnerable to doublethink?

Women should be seen as either sex objects or potential maternal figure for muh babbies.

Look dude, In the strictest of senses this system has worked for literally everyone for thousands of years, if this is a segway into some of that kike hippy crap they teach in modern college you need to find the close button and get out because we don't buy that shit around here.

>everything bad in life is because of women
do you realize how retarded that sounds

no since "success object" is a fucking retarded concept, everyone wants to be with anyone else whos successful

>Just take a look at the nearest military graveyard and you'll see what I mean.

Simple explanation, you filthy kike. Women are not forced into war. They have been (((liberated))) from all expectations, but men have not. Men are forced by other men to go to war and die to serve women and society and government.

I think most people that are involved in society are at risk for doublethink, but I think that women are particularly at risk. Women could be taught to not be so easily caught up by the ideologies around them, but no one bothers. Women are some of the greatest meme machines because of this. They will propagate any message that they believe to be just or "good." Unfortunately, women use society at large and the people around them to measure their ideas against, instead of their own minds.

Remember goy, your women are our most powerful tool.