School me on Religion

Which version of the bible is the most accurate? the hebrew bible?
Why dont christians read tanakh?
why dont christians do jewish tricks if the jesus was jewish?
Are there any spin off/religion related scriptures like dead sea scrolls?
Why does islam sound like a totalitarian rip off of judaism? Is it even legit?
Who tf is king james?

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No religion is real, they are all lies created in order to control entire peoples.

tfw no post


All religion is a Jewish trick

I'll school you faggot:

All religions are "bluepilled" (whatever the fuck you want to call it).

Believing something just because an authority figure tells you it's true, with no evidence to back it up, is the literal definition of bluepilled.

Grazie, fratello.

this was me when i was 17

virgin mary a cute

we way pass authority and church
praise YHWH

Most Christians don't have the means or the patience to learn the Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic that is necessary to read the bible in the 'original' form
If you are interested in that you should read the septaguint and the masoretic text but most modern translations translate from different versions of these texts.
Christians don't do Jewish tricks because they believe in a 'universal' god instead of an angry Jew-only God (I consider the God of the OT to be different from the God of the NT)
Dead sea scrolls is not a 'spin off religion' as you call it. Christianity and most other proper religions have always had much variations until some fucks decide that some things are orthodox and others aren't.
Islam is based on Judaism and a bunch of other influences and other shit Mohamed came up with.
You can google for yourself who king James is


The summoning

The summoning

king james bible

watch "marchinig to zion" and "new world order bible versions"

The Vulgate or DouayRheims

Depends on what you mean by accurate
We actually are supposed to use Jewish trickery to an extent, but it gets lost in translation because we lack understaning of the culture from that time (pic related)
Most are heretical and can be safely ignored
Because it is. No
Some homo king from many years ago. Pretty based guy tho

Christianity in its current form didn't exist until the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD, organized by the Romans (mortal enemy of the Jews). The whole religion is basically a population control program developed by the Romans.

hows god from OT different from NT

This was the popular opinion before the Romans basically killed anyone who thought otherwise btw. Look up Gnosticism. It's considered evil Satan worship by the Church, but all it really is, is the idea that the OT god and NT god are different.

Jew here
Can someone explain the trinity to me?

One of the defining characteristics of Judaism is its staunch emphasis on monotheism. Perhaps the most important prayer in Judaism, the Shema, reads.
>Hear, Israel, the Lord is our God the Lord is ONE.

So you can see how Jews have trouble coming to terms with god not being One all encompassing and independent being.

KJV is utter shit. Translation wise go for a New Revised Standard Edition. I've gone through it with a respected rabbi and it very closely matches the direct hebrew and greek translation.

If you ever fucking read the bible it becomes obvious. OT God is clearly a tribal god that only cares for the welfare of the Jews.
He also makes obvious mistakes and needs to be convinced multiple times by Moses not to kill all Jews.
Contrast that with the perfect universal NT god.

The important question is why is this belief the highest blasphemy in Christianity? You could be burned in the stake instantly if you made such a claim any time in the last 1800 years.

OT is all fire and brimstone
NT is basically saying gods actually a pretty cool dude. It's a complete 360 from the OT

yea im not sure about the holy spirit myself

ok this based

All three things are God.

*mic drop*

NT god is one fucking scary dude. the lifestyle proposed by jesus is pure compassion. which is hard and frightening and painful. If you think the NT god is a "pretty cool dude" you need to reread your scripture with a historical context.

If god is as ruthless as most bibles leads you to believe we are all going to hell anyway.

If he's as merciful as religious nuts claim, you can basically repent on your deathbed.

There is literally no reason to waste time and money on churches and religion other then for doing service to the community.

That doesn't make any fucking sense and you know it.

Id love to get into this in gritty detail, as it's a recent passion of mine... but I need some margarita mondays with the senpai. Oh, and jesus didn't drink. He was a nazarite so i'll be sinning.

That literally explains nothing

but jesus was a jew, why would he state that god is his father
although it sounds like he dislikes goyim himself
>The woman came and knelt before Him. “Lord, help me!” she said. He replied, “It is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to their dogs.” “Yes, Lord,” she said, “but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” Then Jesus answered, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour.

That's bullshit. Do people just ignore all the angry/scary stuff in the new testament and disregard all the grace in the old testament?

It's a fresh perspective, I'll give you that.

Church wasn't really that blood-thirsty.
If you came up with some shit like 'there are actually three gods' they would first try to convince you you're wrong. If you continued after that you'd probably be executed though.
Anyways, you should look up Marcion of Sinope. He wrote the first new testament and in response to that the new testament as we know it was made.
The reason why everyone reacted so harshly to stuff like that is that it undermines the authority of the religion: if you don't have an 'orthodox' faith then what is the truth?

It's a bit painful to get through the series, but I highly recommend it to get a good understanding of where the Bible came from.

>why dont christians do jewish tricks if the jesus was jewish?
read the old testament of the bible (which is the entire jewish bible) every chapter is something like:
>and then the jews went forth and smote the XXX and pillaged them and brought great terror on them and they were blessed by god

then you read the new testament and it say:
>turn the other cheek, give to the poor, help your neighbor

jews obviously never got around to reading the new testament after killing jesus so they only know how to fuck people over

There were many types of Jew back then but most of these Ideologies died out. All modern Judaism descends from Pharizeans (except a few irrelevant groups like Samaritans)
Also Jesus was a radical and probably believed something very different from mainstream Judaism (not that we can really say, historical accounts of Jesus are rather limited)

If you want the real historical reason, the OT is about 1000 years older and mostly about a powerful Semitic warrior god. The idea wasn't that he wasn't the only god, just the best/most powerful one. Notice the idea: "you should not take any gods before me" does not mean "I am the only god". Monotheism evolved about 500 years later. The Shema prayer is about 2500 years old, it's in the Tanakh, which is newer then the Torah.

Jesus was probably a normal rabbi with Essene influence that got deified in the 100s of years after his death. The opinion that he was a god or part of god or whatever would have probably been pretty insane at the time.

Image trying to show a rubix cube to an 8-bit Super Mario.
Do you think he'd see a a rubix cube or a magic square that changes its color 6 times while disappearing and reappearing? Do you think Mario would call you a retard for even implying that all 6 squares were actually part of the same thing? Do you try and explain to him the concept of a 3rd dimension (which he can't see or interact with because he's in a 2D world) or do you just call it a great mystery and call it a day?

Yes because the OT only gives 613 commandments that set the foundation for Christianity and Western society as a whole.

To love God —Deut. 6:5
Not to embarrass others — Lev. 19:17
Not to oppress the weak — Ex. 22:21
Not to speak derogatorily of others — Lev. 19:16
Not to take revenge — Lev. 19:18
Not to bear a grudge — Lev. 19:18
Not to pass your children through the fire to Molech — Lev. 18:21
To give charity — Deut. 15:8
Not to kidnap — Standard->Ex. 20:14
Not to commit injustice with scales and weights — Lev. 19:35
Not to murder — Standard->Ex. 20:13

etc. etc. etc.

slightly triggered

That's a great explanation for the idea of dimensions, and I think it's already agreed by Jews and Christians that god is in a state akin to being in another dimension, but that doesn't answer the question as to why god is split into 3, why god does so despite being contradicted by the OT, what the purpose of each form is, etc.

>Not to pass your children through the fire to Molech

ya mind if i pass your children through the fire to Molech

he's right but he is not explaining it well. The trinity is called the trinity because it describes one being in three perceived different forms. Better to think about it as different limbs of one person than 3 separate people.It also makes no sense for the crucifixion in any other context given that only god can withstand his own wrath.
Jesus is described as "the word of God given flesh". I guess you can think of it as someone playing a video game with their own avatar. You could also think of it as God being a time traveler being in the same place multiple times.

be careful!

Trinity is necessary for God to be able to sacrifice himself without the Father doing it because that's not right (for some reason)
The holy spirit was made part of the trinity because 3 is more magic than two.

There is probably a god but no religion are real and god isn't the one of their religion
They are like mythos from grec, romain, nordic etc except we live at their time so retards trust them

Religion is an umbrella term for a lot of types of systems with different purposes. Generally religion can be best understood as a "established way of life based on a metaphysical worldview". The way the way of life is formalized for teaching, how detailed the worldview or the way of life is, and its overall purpose differs between religions.

When speaking specifically about Christianity, the Bible is a series of books with varying structure, genre, and authorship. The compilation is to explain the life of Christ, the beginning of the church Christ came to create, and the setting in which God prepared for the coming of Christ. The Tanakh is in the Bible and fulfills the latter goal. It is referred to as the "Old Testament" with everything else lumped together into what is collectively known as the "New Testament". As the work in the Old Testament is simply a preparation to what is revealed by the coming of Christ they don't follow the Old Testament as doctrine but as inspiration as due to knowing God was involved in this scenario (as opposed to elsewhere, which couldn't be effectively be claimed) despite that the covenant at the time was incomplete and was superseded.

The Dead Sea Scrolls caused no new religions or new scripture but greater examination of existing scripture.

Islam is a religion from the 6th century that came about when a middle eastern man learned from Christian heretics and began to think himself a prophet. Islam wasn't uniquely bad in terms of violence until the rise of the Golden Horde in the 13th century. This is mongols storming into Islamic territories and both dominating them and being converted by them. What became of this is the more violent aspects to the middle east. The west trying to install puppets in the middle east led to Islamic people getting more violent to have their way. Islam holds that Christianity and Judaism are actually just Islam corrupted over time. This stands to no historical rigor.

part 1/2

>Church wasn't really that blood-thirsty.
Post 325AD when it was "organized" by the Romans, it started to become bloody.

>If you came up with some shit like 'there are actually three gods' they would first try to convince you you're wrong. If you continued after that you'd probably be executed though.

Pre-325AD there was diverse opinions in Christianity but they were stamped out, often violently. Any time these pre-325AD opinions popped up, eg. Catharism, they were hunted and killed to extinction. The worst is gnostic belief. Everything any opinion even vaguely gnostic was a quick ticket to a pike.

Obviously Jesus the son is for fulfilling the prophecy and interacting with mankind in the flesh.
The Spirit for fulfilling the promise and tying all of God's children to Jesus; The crucifixion of their sins and their own Resurrection being confirmed by being one with Christ, and acting as God's temple or body in this world.
The Father is pretty much what he has always been.

>Trinity is necessary for God to be able to sacrifice himself without the Father doing it because that's not right (for some reason)
>The holy spirit was made part of the trinity because 3 is more magic than two.
le wutface

>why dont christians do jewish tricks if the jesus was jewish?

Isn't he Persian or soemthing?


>The Spirit for fulfilling the promise
Can you elaborate on this?
>Resurrection being confirmed by being one with Christ, and acting as God's temple or body in this world.

Nobody said it makes sense.

Christianity is literally filled with brain-teasers,

Well, I don't know what's accurate or not. Let's just say ther eis 2 books: one for the people one for the masters.
>jew bible
False bible made for them to keep being pharisian and do usury. They workship satan, some knows some don't (2 book)
>christian bible
Contradict a lot in jewish bible. The catholic form was made to counter jews by having a huge organisation against usury & shit. The protestant/freemaçon/vaticanII are conspiracies of jews to turn christians against themselves since jews can't fight they use ruse.
Great and aryan but too unstable and individual to have a great big structure organisated at large scale. Can't counter the jews, too weak.
FUCK 9 YEAR OLD GIRL, YEAAAAH (Sup Forums's favourite religion)
More seriously, islam is the broom of israel. Muhammed was literally a semitic merchand. Yes it talks ill about jews but islam is disorganised and islamist are usually untermench because no smart people can believe this crap.
Weak because it's about peace. Most people think religion is about peace. They're wrong.
High level jews

tl;dr : Workship jesus.

Yeah, didn't explain it too well; early church was pretty bloodthirsty but the shit with the inquisition is often characterized wrong.
Most of them got a 'fair' process before the were brutally wiped out.


>Why does islam sound like a totalitarian rip off of judaism? Is it even legit?

Abraham had 2 sons, in his haste to try and hurry Gods plan Abraham laid with his wife's Egyptian handmaiden Hagar, their son's name was Ishmael. God fulfilled his plan in his time when Abraham's wife Sarah, became pregnant when she was 89 and Abraham 99.

Sarah was jealous of Abrahams relationship with Ishmael and had Abraham make them leave so that he would build as strong a relationship with his and Sarah's son Isaac.
Ishmael founded Islamism and Isaac continued the Jewish traditions.
Jews and Islamists are half brothers fighting over their inheritance and father's love for 1000s of years.


Part 2/2

In the history of Christianity, Catholics, Orthodox, and Oriental Christians agree on the same canon of biblical books. Oriental and Orthodox include some books for special churches that wish to remain as they always have but they understand them to not be canon.

Protestant denominations have rejected some books from the Old Testament for scholarship reasons. The Jewish people had removed it from their own and they agreed with their scholarship.

The King James Version of the Bible is 17th century English translation of the Bible. This is the most famous Protestant English Bible.

The NABRE is a popular text for Catholics with very modernized texts. The RSV is roughly the same but Orthodox people like it because it also has the books that those special churches have. Orientals too.

Catholics hold the Vulgate (in Latin) is the authoritative bible and so Catholics also support the Douay Rheims, as to many Orthodox and Orientals, as it is a direct translate of the Vulgate into English. It does make for some strange wording something though.

>School me on Religion

They are all lying cultists that have no relationship with our creator. Nature is God's creation. That is where you will learn his/her ways. Man has never made anything to rival the perfection of the animals.


my sides

Well interesting fact, Judaism exists because Christianity and Islam allowed it to exist. Judaism is different from Islam and MUCH different from Christianity. Catharism is much less different. Yet the Catholic Church condemned religious belief that was only slightly different and largely* left Jews alone. It seems the Church would rather you not believe in Jesus at all, then believe he is anything less (or more) then God.

You should really just read the bible instead of me dictating. It will go in one ear and out the other if you do not look into this yourself. But ok.
The promise of new life. there is more than one resurrection. first is the Resurrection of the spirit, while the body is after physical death.

Being one with Christ is not saying that we become God, That wasn't my intention in those words. I was referencing when Christ says to drink his blood and eat of hos flesh. By doing this, we inherit the salvation of the cross. Basically our debt is called for and Christ(or the spirit i suppose in this case) intervenes for us when facing judgement. The temple thing comes from the apostle Paul who calls our body a temple that houses the holy spirit. (instead of the temple of Solomon)
Honestly the trinity is just different names for the same thing, namely, God. Just in different states of 'being'.

There are 2 types of religious people that I've seen. The type that honestly want to help people, volunteer for church events and stuff.

Then there are the people that I think get into religion just to have a reason to shit on other people.

Living by Catholic moral teaching is objectively a better life

Little known fact, Islam and Judaism is MUCH MUCH more similar then either and Christianity. In fact the differences are mostly non-material. Islam is basically Judaism with another prophet, and Arab instead of Hebrew as the holy language

Interesting, thanks for the explanation my friend.

There's more to gnosticism than just that, it's the belief that all matter is evil which is completely contrary to Christianity which is about obeying and making peace with natural law. I would say that the Old Testament is an imperfect bronze age interpretation of God, however Jesus Christ is the revealed messiah and perfectly represents God in the flesh


Why was gnosticism hunted down like crazy by the Catholic Church? I think because it's the most sensible interpretation of Christianity and they didn't want competition.

>Which version of the bible is the most accurate? the hebrew bible?

The original texts are the most accurate but they don't exist.

>Why dont christians read tanakh?

They read the New Testament not the Old jewish Testament.

>why dont christians do jewish tricks if the jesus was jewish?

Believe me they have their own bag of tricks.

>Are there any spin off/religion related scriptures like dead sea scrolls?

Radical Islamic Terrorism

>Why does islam sound like a totalitarian rip off of judaism? Is it even legit?

They are the bastard children of Abraham

>Who tf is king james?

He was a cock chugging kweer, king of England.

why would romans claim some random self proclaimed jew messiah as their god

>volunteer to help people
I don;t help people just for the sake of helping people my man. You miss the point. It is all about displaying God's love and grace. In all honesty it is more about doing something for God in response to his love, in a form of worship, by doing something he told us to do that brings him joy and displays his holyness.
no problem. Thinking for yourself, arriving at a conclusion not ordered of you is vital though. I know many people call themselves Christians only to abandon the faith because they where never actually christian, never truly put God before themselves or thought on his word. People go through their lives identifying as christian until hardship hits and reveal to them that they never had God first by showing that what they lost was more important to them than the God that made both of them.
Anyway i have a 'non-practicing' Muslim friend who doesn't get the trinity either, although i'm not as fluent with my mouth as my keyboard.

Hagar was Egyptian so she would have spoken Arabic, I imagine that after leaving she would have headed back towards Egypt. I honestly haven't studied much about what happened to Hagar and Ishmael after they were thrown out of Abraham and Sarah's camp. I tried to keep it as simple as possible for those who may not have really looked into why Jews and Muslims hate each other so. You are absolutely right in the similarities between the 2 and the differences from Christianity.

It's not really sensible at all, it's actually a pretty damaging religion. God isn't evil, nor is reality, it has rules and humans tend to make things harder than they need to be.


Because saying God is not God is blasphemy? It is clear cut.

Yes thats why Christians were tortured in Rome. Dumbass

and whats up with jews claiming that paul set the foundation for Christianity before jesus did


in all serious, why did god even metnion molech

good goy!

Because sacrificing children to moloch was a common practice of the caananites at the time, also idol worship which is why there are like 50 commandments against it.

anal rape

better life through cognitive dissonance

>why dont christians do jewish tricks if the jesus was jewish?

Jesus was probably a retarded Jew.

Number of child raped by christian priests (not only catholics) : 3500
Number of child raped by Jewish Rabbi : 3000
There is 40 time more priests than rabbis, do the math. How much propaganda on pedo-priest? How much on pedo-rabbis?

It has different gods, which makes a lot of fucking sense in the context of the NT and OT. Look how much struggle there is in this very thread to explain the trinity.

Christianity is a religion for low T cucks. Islam is a religion for shit skins and retards.

>people who don't understand the trinity try to explain the trinity and do a terrible job at it
More than a few 'explainations' are just jokes and bait

Because it's a better pop control device compared to paganism.

read this

There is no real continuity between NT and OT. Very different personalities. Plus the whole 1+1+1=1 is just literally impossible bullshit. Gnosticism kept popping up and it could have been the dominant interpretation of Christianity if the Catholics literally didn't genocide them out of existence.

religion is just another form of governing set up thousands of years ago to keep a certian group united in everything from language to what they eat
the "Big Three" religions in the west are Christianity Islam and Judaism all of which spring from the same group of nomadic tribesman that existed in Palestine 3000-4000 years ago thus they are somewhat similar in beliefs and values but each was converted over time to adapt to it's specific group as such Catholicism is very European in nature and barrows heavily from European paganism as a way to keep it from being rejected by the people it targeted for conversion back in the day the same applies to Islam and Judaism both are adapted to the population they targeted not the other way round as some will say
in the end much like politics it's just another way for someone to say you should do X and have an authority to back it up the reality is that good people will lead good lives and bad people will lead bad lives with or without religion notice how much of modern Europe is largely not very religious and yet there aren't people trying to kill each other every second that's because most people generally speaking have a basic sense of what you should and shouldn't do (ie killing someone is not something I should do) irregardless as to whether or not they are religious

Religion is really what it all boils down to is explaining death and copping with death the idea that one day you will cease to be is scary as shit to us humans it's both the fear of no longer living (self-preservation) and the knowledge that time continues on no matter what as well as being forgotten by your fellow man (their not truly gone until you forget them) religion is designed to handle this question of death and provide an answer to it in Christianity for example those who die go on to 'live forever' with god in heaven this sort of living forever is present in nearly all religions from Valhalla in ancient Nordic paganism to the afterlife of ancient Greece to the reincarnation of Hinduism in some way shape or form religion is supposed to comfort us in the fact that we do not just simply "die" when we die but instead rather we still exist in some form
even the simple belief in a soul or even ghosts or spirits is an extension of the human need to say we are never truly just gone but as far as we are currently aware that is exactly what happens we just stop existing and that is truly terrifying to us as humans it's why we made up these beliefs in the first place both to comfort and to explain this is what existential belief is it is a way to comfort us when we think about our inevitable end and a way to explain that of which we know nothing humans have always told myths and stories to entertain to comfort to explain religions are no different