Sorry leafs

sorry leafs

Other urls found in this thread:

we have a prime minister who can't balance a budget and can't get the economy running hot enough to raise rates all you've done is give him an excuse on why he is such a failure.

Damn does this mean we're not getting a new season of Trailer Park Boys

at least he loves the gays and legalizes weed right

When shit like this happens I keep thinking. Maybe this time our government will focus on infrastructure and manufacturing instead of selling everything not tied down. But i am let down every time and instead they tax us harder.

diversity is strength and we are finally becoming commies.
these are dark days

It's all good, please make us miserable so that we flip conservative

At least he loves gays, trannies, muzzies, pedos and gays and weed and he hates Trump, right? He'll go down as the greatest prime minister ever just like Obummer

the pendulum has to swing the other way eventually. Problem is we need a decent, just a decent conservative. Hate how politicians first requisite must be ambition

worth it

crashing this plane with no survivors
yes and merkel is leader of the ""free world""

Trudeau is possibly the worst leader Canada has ever had. He'll be adored in the education system just like his dad was, teaching lies to the next generations.

>shit up the economy of your only trade partner

Must be 4D chess again.



don't apologize, call us CNN and spank us harder

>the budget will balance itself tho

cuck cage is too restrictive for it to get hard

>Canadian dollar falls to four month low

>mfw when Canadians use superior American dollar instead of the British pound that the queen they worship uses

Teachers hate him.

Individual education plan for each student

Classes can't digest normal student, Non English speaking syrians, and kids with learning issues.

30+ students per class with 1 teacher and 1 EA.

But fuck those teachers they are set for life with all their benefits and high pay.


>only trade partner
>Leafs are actually this delusional

Good luck buying $10 loafs of bread!


>Increaese cost of imports
>Dollar appreciates
>Imports are now less expensive



Mental gymnastics at it's finest, folks.

>I-it's not the only one, i-it's just the biggest!

Fuck Canadian wood.

>doesn't include any of the 3 most populous states

Day of the rake when?

The dollar has raised under trump. Fake news.

>getting one of yours for 3/4s ours

When is the US going to learn that screwing with the softwood lumber deal never works out.

Prior to the last blow up X feet of lumber was allowed at a set rate that had enough room that it covered most of the exports from Canada. USA got a bug up it's ass and reached a new deal, with a tiered system. The first Y amount at one rate then the next Z at another and finally the last unlimited amount at an even higher rate.

Someone looked at the numbers and said; If we build the world's largest mill we can export at the highest rate and recover our costs on scale. Which is what happened.

The amount of softwood lumber exported shot way up even at the highest tariff rate.

US softwood lumber suffers from the same problem EU farms have. Small scale. In the USA most lumber comes from private land owners that sell their lumber for a premium to producers reaping a cyclical payout.

In Canada most of the lumber is logged from Government or Crown lands and is sold at auction to producers. The price is lower but the government recovers more money by having more people working in the industry and having more throughput of product, over what they would get from having US style private sales pricing.

The US can't compete with Canada due to small scale small time operators. By limiting imports you just raise the cost of housing in the US, and hurt US businesses.

With these steps Trump is taking? "Soon".

>Soft lumber

There's a joke here but I'm too tired to formulate it.


fuck me like it wasnt already garbage


Stop bullying the leafs, they're good ppl!

It's not really a problem. If anything, it makes it cheaper for Americans to import goods from Canada. Our Imports suffer though. The fact of the matter is that our dollar was only ever around parity with the USD when oil prices were at all time highs. That's not something that Trudeau can control.

So your picture proves that you aren't the biggest, and can only get smaller from here?

Jesus fucking christ, leaf.

It's ok.

They will love him when its time to write the new history text books. The schools here are already full of his "new liberal" rhetoric.

Wtf is that shit real?


Us getting smaller doesn't mean that someone else will get bigger, it just means that you make less money in total. If you make less money in total that means you'll lose jobs.

fuck you he's hot you're just jealous of his looks.

>but but but we're the biggest
>posts picture proving they aren't the biggest
>but but but we're getting smaller along with you

You really have fallen for the 4D chess moves, guy.


Import the 3rd world then selectively give them free wealth paid for by hard working canada born citizens. The revolt is going to be glorious.

I don't know if I can go on.

He will use love and feminism to get the economy going again.

It'll work itself out.

>posts picture proving they aren't the biggest

The EU is not your trading partner nigger.

You buy a lot of stuff from them, but they don't buy anything from you.

What do the Swiss sell?

There's a reason international courts have always ruled in our favor in all iterations of the SL dispute. It's because you are fucking wrong. It's your lobbyists who push this because they are penny pinching Jews who want to make a fat buck from the duties imposed during the interim periods between agreements. Your suppliers simply don't produce enough lumber for all your people. Your housing market is rebounding so unless you want to empty your wallet, we can do it better in a way that helps both our countries.

You don't have to mindlessly suck Trump's dick all the time. Read up on issues before commenting on them.

oh, I know.. you need _MOAR REFUGEEEEEESS!!!_



do they import trannies?

Uh-Oh but "Americans are our friends they won't tax us and also fuck spics, let's shill for the Cheeto" right Leafs?

>Canadian exports get cheaper and more competitive
>US housing costs increase


You burgers better bend over and take our soft lumber, unless you wanna feel the hard lumber.

We have had tariffs on our softwood lumber for years. Trump will just do it legally. No fucks given. He's building the pipeline that will save Canada. All we need to do in the meantime is somehow ship the entire province of Quebec over to Africa where it belongs.

I can't wait when Trump kills NAFTA and shit hits the fan on those red states

Hahahahahahahah Day of the rake soon fellow burgers

What a fucking retard you are.
35,000,000 people, are the largest trading partner of 350,000,000??
Nice "maps" too buddy. Get them from (((Canadian)))) sources? LEL

The Canadian economy has been shit since 2009 btw.

wood is babaric building material fit only for union fuck retards
concrete plastic and metal ftw

Being a Trump fag, I'd think you wouldn't give a shit about the popular vote.

>retroactive tariff
why the fuck is that allowed?

Trump is a wrestling fan. He was pretending to go for Mexico first just to make Trucuck to let down his guard and royally fuck over Canada since they are literally trapped in a bearhug by US territory.

The best part about this thread is how easy it is to spot the Quebecois and the non Quebecois.

Trump won pop vote by 22million

because murica

>exact tariff on canadians import because they're too cheap
>canadian dollars fall and makes imports even cheaper.


>35,000,000 people, are the largest trading partner of 350,000,000??


Well looks like you gonna have to give those nigger more gibs there leaf. KYS

What the fuck is the black thing coming out of the front-lefts nose?

Yeah, he brought over south african fire fighters. They didn't do shit for two months then up and left because they werent being paid as much as canadian fire fighters.

niger USA makes rules about its own trade
plus canada owes usa 20trillion for defense costs last 100+ years
u nigger

>at least he loves the gays and legalizes weed right

The most important thing is that he sits on the floor with Muslims.

>hating Justin Tredaeu

fuck off

I demand Québec separates and finally becomes the strong and independent blue nation it deserves to be.

screw Ottawa

Biggest foreign trading partner. US states trade much more with each other and internally

>leafs have soft wood

I'd rather be ruled by russians than be ruled by the kikes in your government.

Why is DCs biggest export market the UAE? Is that where all the trafficked people go?

Since it's NV I'm going to guess watches/fashion. But of high rollers going through there for vacation.

Here is how to build a house:
concrete pillars form 20 foot square
cap with metal sheet
bolt on hard plastic walls
pillars hold roof
wall just keep you falling out
1% the cost
pay union tards the 10/hour they worth

Wait what was your original argument again?

Oh, right, "only trade partner."

Consider that 4D check mate, unless you feel like proving yourself wrong once again.

Fuck you, Mexico. We're all cocksuckers who deserve to be gassed.

get you story straight commy
you fags say russians put trump in

No. It's a lie.
Makes no sense. Not in anyway possible. We should be rich as fuck and working 24/7 to supply that many people.
We don't. It's lies.

We don't say it, everybody does. That rumor started with your MSM, not ours.

>implying I have any fucks left

Just burn everything to the ground please


wow why are our politicians so close with saudi princes

we keep the hard wood for our woman and soon to be murdered feather indian hitchikers.

>If we destroy our largest trading partner's economy
>we win

Trump is even dumber than Trudeau. At least Trudeau's shtick would fall under pacifism.

exporting just got even more lucrative

Nobody cares, leaf. USA USA USA

Nice fucking proxy, leaf dot gov dot ca. No one in America actually cares enough to post a paragraph, let alone a diatribe. Fuck off Trudeau.

You will when you are trying to buy your house.

Pierre is leaps and bounds above his son. Not even a fair comparison. If we only had someone like Pierre now...

Just wait until you Burgers see the petrodollar fall the moment Russia, China and Iran switch currencies

You'll either start WW3 or completely collapse

Commies and ISIS members -


Is he wrong though