Living with Latinos

So I'm moving for a few months into an area upstate PA and due to cost and availability of places, my best bet is an apartment in what seems to be a predominantly latino area of town.

For any of you that live with/around them, is there anything I will need to know or watch for? Is there a difference between Paco at the border and Paco in the north?

Upstate PA is generally chill. It's the east you really need to worry about.

And with Pacos, they're all the same.
Just ignore them, you'll be fine.

If you want a car window broken lock your doors.

Avoid them at all costs

Loud music

Yeah don't date a Hispanic girl. Insanely jealous and controlling. Example: she assumes if you go to the bathroom alone in public you're cheating. Happened to multiple people I know. Also you're not just dating her you're dating her family too.

>Don't get involved with them.
>Have a loud ass car alarm.
>Look into concealed carry

They're not all bad people, most of them are actually decent. Most crime from latinos in that area of PA stems from gang activity. One of the towns in NEPA had to get the national guard called in because of a big gang threat lel

They honestly aren't a problem at all. Hope you don't mind mariachi and shitty mexican rap tho.

Every reply in this thread is someone who has never met a Latino

Good food, nice people, work hard as shit and do a great job cleaning my place/doing the yard.

this guy is right though, they are fucking crazy

There's two kinds of Latinos.
1: The typical beaner family that's all 5' tall, looks greasy, and has a lot of Dora shirts but are generally socially tolerable.
2: 1st gen niggers with tattoos. They can either be friendly but will end up getting shot over drugs/gangs or the aggressive type who will try to mug you and end up in jail within the year.

They put tp in the trashcan instead of the toliet after they wipe their ass.

NJ fag here. If they're anything like the ones here they're largely harmless as they keep to themselves, assuming that there's no niggers arounds

Latinos + niggers = niggers that speak Spanish

Whole east end of my city is Little Mexico. What never made sense to me is how many park their cars in the street, blare their music, hoard CRT TVs and generally live a trashy lifestyle yet when it comes to Sunday Church and lunch they put on their finest threads and look like a typical 1950s family.

Arizona here. Some will be bros, most will be assholes. If you don't want to chance it, go elsewhere.

Many blue collar hispanic neighborhoods are okay (and of course many are not) but either way being the one white guy in the neighborhood is always bad form. Be careful.

So would you say that a smaller town, and thus smaller area, most of them would be fairly decent?

I dont plan on going out much quite frankly since im only there for a short time, but I wanna make sure i make it out in one piece.

they're just people

make friends, hope you get invited over for dinner

If they mainly speak spanish youre safe. If they know english they probably hate your guts and you need to be careful

they always loud and confrontational

Latinos are pretty chill. They can be a little loud and obnoxious at times, but other than that they're generally friendly and nice. At least the ones I've met anyway.

it depends

are those mexicans, cubans? we need more info

Latinos love drama. My step-uncle is fucking his cousin, while his wife fucks niggers on the side. Also they fight then get back together several times a month.

They're trashy people, and don't expect them to have your back in any situation. But they keep to themselves and are fairly harmless except the drugs they sell and drunk driving.

I'd say so. Worst case scenario, they'll take advantage of the fact they can talk shit about you in Spanish. I will stress again though that this is in the absence of niggers.

Kind of depends. Being one myself I can tell you the vast majority are fine. Its the ones who think they're niggers and also the gangbangers that you need to watch out for. Depends on the neighborhood.

learn which ones are involved in gangs and avoid those. also they will hate you if you report the loud music to the cops