Why are ancap so triggered by this ? How do you even think about getting triggered by this?

Why are ancap so triggered by this ? How do you even think about getting triggered by this?

roads violate the NAP reeeeee

Those are all sovereign travelers

Why do they have to drive to work?

ancap here

we have no problems with roads because we will build them.

They work so well precisely because there it's enough for everybody.

Can any statists explain WHY we need paved roads?

Have you ever been to Africa? I have and most roads aren't paved and cars drive on it fine.

How are you supposed to make money unless people can travel to your business/slave farm? You would probably pitch in with other rich folks for roads

>government builds roads
>never seen a politician paving a street
Statists BTFO

makes the US look like a third world country

because unpaved roads have to be maintained every year

with a paying booth every kilometer ?

that depends on where the road is built and who is paying for it.


the private sector could have done a better job, and at lower price.

>muh roads

Get a fucking 4x4 then you bitch, why should I have to pay for roads just because people are too poor to buy decent cars?

There are these crazy things called electronic GPS devices. They can track how far you ride on a road and you don't need to stop for a single toll booth. Next time try and think about it for at least ten seconds, I came up with that idea in like five.

Prove it.

In the early 1800s the state governments tried to build roads but lost shit tons of money so they gave over the roads to private companies. Private companies have literally built roads for most of history, having only state-run roads are a modern phenomena.

how is that not theft ? youre forced to use them and pay for it

How is it theft for requiring someone to pay you for using your road. It would be theft if they made you pay for the road if you didn't use it. Are you an idiot? Seriously, try and explain what you said to me, I'll wait.

i cant use a car without paying for the road. its not optional

>off-roading vehicles

ancap here, why do you faggots think we get triggered by roads?

i'll tell you what triggers me. nanny stating crap invading every facet of our lives, forcing us to live like slaves in a kafkaesque nightmare where the federal reserve owns all of us like cattle.

sounds crazy, right? until you go learn your history and see that you are infact slaves to the federal reserve. the FOUNDING FATHERS themselves warned of the danger and you all ignored those great men.

ancaps like roads, built by private companies who compete to do the job best and thus win customers.

we hate roads that cost 88 million dollars for a single roundabout because of corruption, like in my country. get it now?

gonna be a blast in montreal

>toll roads
the only thing to be triggered by are public-private partnerships

Theft is the action or crime of taking or using property that is not your own. How would someone be committing theft against you for requiring you to pay if you use their property? That is the definition of capitalism. If you use someone else's road and don't pay for your use that makes you the thief by definition. Are you arguing that you shouldn't have to pay for using other people's property? That's communism guy, let's go take a ride on my helicopter and we'll sort this out.

I'm triggered by the lack of road-side ads to prop up such a road

>How would someone be committing theft against you for requiring you to pay if you use their property?
im literally forced to step on their property if i want to get out of my house. what the fuck is that retarded shit

I'm not ancap, but it's a newer Las Vegas with more money backing it. To each their own, but it doesn't appeal to me.
This image reminds me of Pyongyang, where the buildings next to the main road are the facade of the city.

If they are only forcing cars who drive on their roads to pay then you could walk. Quit making up strawmen, I said the only people who paid are those who drive on the road and you don't need to drive to get anywhere. If you don't want to pay then don't drive on the road, this is very simple I'm not sure why I have to spend time explaining this to you. In every major city (even in Canada) you can walk to your destination. The only time you would be forced to pay for roads is if you use them and you can easily get anywhere without using them. It's just easier to pay to use the road and drive than it is to walk.

>If they are only forcing cars who drive on their roads to pay then you could walk.
wtf i hate cars now.

hopefully the walking will be free...! after all id be on their property

You honestly walk on the same roads in the same lanes that cars drive? I've never been to Canada but that sounds retarded. I would have guessed you would walk in the grass beside the road, but hey I'm an American.

dude do you actually not see how fucking retarded this is ? are you implying that the border of the road will magically appear and be owned by no one ?

What grass ? do you live in the middle of montana ?

Guy you can walk over roads. Ok just like private homes have yards and if you walk on their grass its not breaking and entering. There is a difference between walking over a road and using it. You have third grade logic. Roads aren't magical barriers in AnCap societies that no one can cross. You can cross a road, you just can't drive on it without paying.

Ok let me put this in an example you can understand. Have you ever been to a privately owned grocery store? The places where you buy food? These grocery stores have aisles and you can walk down the aisle without paying, they aren't magical private aisles that no one can cross. Just because it is private doesn't mean no one can go on it, the only people who would be required to pay would be the ones who drive on it. If your argument were true then you would be incapable of walking down aisles in a grocery store. You can even walk inside a grocery store for hours without buying anything. Who knew, right?

Main problem of the Ancap is not a roads. It is just meme for dumb people. Main problem of ancap is kings and knights.

They would fuck up your car's wheels, tires, etc idk im not a mechanic but I do know that driving ordinary cars along dirt roads is not good for them

I visited Pittsburgh from the UK a few years ago and as I walked down the side of a high way were there was a huge stretch of grass (wider than the 4-lane road itself) the police picked me up, told me it was illegal and gave me a telling off. He wasn't a dick about it and he said welcome to America when he let me out, but yeah, lots of places if you don't use authorised transport to cross the highway you simply can't cross