So how many of his campaign promises has he fulfilled yet?

So how many of his campaign promises has he fulfilled yet?

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0, absolutely zero. He sold his soul to the deep state.

check politifact, they're keeping track of it autistically

if you watch the MSM not much

if you actually keep up with trump, a great deal with some caveats that are frivolous except to the fringe left base

He's mostly there on most of them.

He gave us a great Supreme Court justice

Politifact is an extreme left website.

Cuckservatives and democrats are blocking him everywhere he goes, as expected of globalist cunts. He's still doing very well despite all that.

Fuck outta here with your biased Drumpf site

So at least one of the departments on your site has all boxes checked then right?

Oh wait there are 4 days left, maybe he'll do it.

>repeal ACA
I thought this happened, in 2018 it's gonna be gone right?
>tax reform bill
Sounded like he was in the process of doing on
>border wall funding
it's interesting how 'build a wall' had now become 'get funding for wall'
>infrastructure funding
I don't think he's done this yet
>impose trade tariffs
>I mean this seems like it already refutes their third point seeing how he's going to use the tariffs to pay for the wall
>label china currency manipulator
He's literally done this. It doesn't need to be put on fucking paper. Just saying it is enough of a scandal for china to deal with
>end common core
Department of education is getting removed next year from what I remembered. So it's done.

I also like how they conveniently forgot all the lobbying ban promises he said he'd implement which, I think, he already did.

This is like fucking porn right here holy shit

Are the blank ones things he's done, or things he hasn't attempted?

>I thought
>Sounded like
>from what I remembered
> I think, he already did
Wow some solid evidence, you convinced me.


This right here, Trump already assfucked TPP and saved our grandchildren, we need common core to end NOW

OP is a faggot

The Jews won't let this happen, common core is their way of controlling American students and making sure they all from sea to shining sea get 2 months of holocaust studying, read Anne frank, and watch Schindler list.

Enjoy your next 8 years of Trump. Hope the pizza money holds out for you!

>and much more

Welp, he fucking backed off on the Wall after talking tough about a government shutdown if it didn't get funded, he literally (not metaphorically) adopted Jeb Bush's policy on DACA after mocking Jeb! for it, he couldn't shut down immigration from violent muslim countries, and he didn't touch ACA (although when he tried, he pushed Ryan's plan through, which was horse shit - just fucking REPEAL IT, no replacement needed).

Oh, and he bombed Syria and seems to be gearing up for North Korea, despite saying he didn't want the US to be a world leader or to bomb anything without approval from Congress.

I don't come to this board much anymore, simply because its impossible to have a real conversation. Any criticism of him at all gets me labeled Shariablue.

It was his plan for the first 100 days, and he would have made it if it wasn't for

>RINOs and democrats blocking the Obamacare repeal
>North Korea threatening nuclear war, forcing Trump to work with China
>Supreme court pick being delayed
>intelligence agencies fucking around with their spyware having to be dealt with
>ben carson discovered Democrats "disappeared" 500 billion USD
>travel ban blocked by activist judge

The wall is coming, the rule that 2 old legislations have to disappear for each new one is in place, Gorsuch is in the supreme court, ICE is mass deporting criminal illegals, major parts of the commie network have had their funding taken from them. Forcing NATO to collect Germany's debnts was hilarious too.

Trump has done incredible amounts of work, I just don't think he expected the mess to be quite this big and his opponents to still have THIS much power. The biggest problem are the open border conservatives in the Republican party itself. How the fuck are you going to conserve your country when you're not enforcing borders and actively ship off all the jobs your own people need to countries with less regulations?

He promised that anything that he is allowed to change by executive orders would be done, which for the most part they have. He promised that he would introduce the rest to Congress, again for the most part he has. President that keeps his word. What a novelty.

Things he hasn't attempted yet

But we criticized him for bombing Syria and Trump backed off on that because it was a seemingly stupid move. He's not backing off on the wall, RINOs and Democrats are now trying to block funding for it. He could and did shut down immigration from violent muslim countries but activist judges repealed it illegally because they knew the delaying of the supreme court would allow terrorists to fly in for another month or so. As for Obamacare, he knew he'd get blocked on that so he's letting Ryan take the fall on that since he doesn't like the guy.

Trump isn't a dictator. He can't mandate things and then they happen. There's processes in place and people in these processes don't change in between governments.

Well the real question is how many of his campaign promises has he earnestly attempted to fulfil? He has been fought and blocked at every step so its not reasonable to judge his honesty based on promises fulfilled.

5 year lobbying ban
Great supreme court justice

that's all I know desu

> Trump backed of on bombing Syria

Oh BS, they're already banging the war drums. Mattis said there's more chemical weapons and Trump put sanctions.

According to the site Trumpists here so like to post he hasn't even tried at all to do the things he promised about Economic Policy and Education. Or do you have evidence he has but got brutally stopped by Democrats?

Not an excuse. He should fight harder, trying one and getting shot down is like throwing a bone to his fans without having to actually change anything.

I don't think he's done a good job. Looking back, I still wouldn't have voted for any other presidential candidate (although Rand Paul was and is still my first choice), but if Trump doesn't get his shit toegether, I'm gonna give up on politics and Western Civilization all together.

about sums up my feelings entirely.