So can someone here explain to me why everybody on Sup Forums thinks nationalism is such a good ideea?

So can someone here explain to me why everybody on Sup Forums thinks nationalism is such a good ideea?

And why are you all opposed to golbalization.

Not trolling, just want to hear your arguments.

Other urls found in this thread:

People want to preserve their countries' cultures and believe that they have a value that can't be replicated or replaced if everything becomes the same and cultures are worn away for some global blob. People also don't like the idea of their communities changing radically via things like demographics, which totally change the fundamental face and character of a nation and decrease social trust.

If you're talking solely about economic globalization via things like free trade without the immigration stuff then that's different entirely.

No, i mostrly mean the cultural element.
I don't get the fear of losing culture and the need to preserve it. Globalization seems kinda inevitable to me.

I mean if you look at it from an evolutionary perspective, it's the next step in society. We grew from hunter/gatherers -> tribes -> city states -> empires/nation states.
So it's only reasonable to assume that globalization is next, and i also think it's a good thing since it would bring less international instability.

barking up the wrong door. Not a kike. Just didn't drink this particular kool-aid

I will do and say anything to rid myself of the jewish insect.

What I support or oppose is an illusion. All I want is to see this jewish world burn.

Because Illuminati theory is real. "Globalism" is the public face of the New World Order. They had to mask off after so many years of exposes and leaks. It's transparently fucking obvious to anyone who has paid serious attention to things for any respectable length of time.

So are you opposed to globalism as a general concept, or just in the form that it is happening now?

>nationalism is a roughly 150 year old idea
>muh 2000 years

uneducated fags

In general, because I'm concerned with the potential abuse of power by a government that has control of the entire planet. There is simply no way to prevent abuse of power, no checks and balances.

The more hierarchy there are the less peoples can control the upper hierarchy. A global gov would be completly off reality of the common folk. A bit like Communist state back then. Mass deporting pop because you need it there, general corruption. When you see what is happening in US gov or EU parliament and Comission you don't want a global gov to happen.

What, you think we're all going to dissolve our borders and mesh together in some global society free of hate? You're fucking dreaming mate even the most basic of differences in culture and ethnicity spark conflicts all the time. Unless your solution is to make everyone brown and cultureless, in that case you should consider suicide.

hunter gatherers -> tribe -> hunter gatherer -> tribe -> city states -> empires/republic -> tribes/city states/fallen empires -> reformation/rebirth of civilisation based off of tribal and democratic values such as roman law and pagan traditions (european), which later got replaced by christian traditions (pagan european traditions mixed with jewish traditions, mostly pagan) -> constant internal religous war -> nations -> WW1 -> WW2 -> the USA becomes corrupt to the core with its hardcore capitalism, it now constantly intertwines itself in europe, funds immigration, terrorists, causing trouble for europe -> collapse any minute now

you do have a point.
But it also has the potential to end petty rivalries between countries and people of different cultures/religions and push humanity towards more important goals, as a civilization, not as individual countries. And that would have much bigger and benefical consequences.

Also how would democracy even work? Would Americans vote in elections against billions of Muslims and Chinese? If it's not democracy, its against the core principles America stands for.

Realistically most people who have a problem with it have a problem with the way it's going right now. They probably wouldn't mind purely economic globalization for the most part dealing with things like free trade deals, greater universalization of international law, etc.

The problem is that things like NGOs, corrupt business practices, etc. along with massive cultural changes displacing people from what they know and appreciate benefit some people while screwing over others and take away from many people what they feel like their cultural or country's inheritance should be. Many people just view globalism as a scam to enrich the elite capital owners.

fuck america and your principles of "democracy"

Sup Forums will always embrace the opposite of the views currently accepted by the mainstream.
That's all you need to know.

t. Ahmed

Mostly because I don't want foreigners trying to tell me what to do or what's acceptable. That's the high level gist of it.

>germany is the prime example
ironic isn't it?

I have nothing against globalization under a center right leadership in fact its inevitable.
But Globalization the way its currently done (on purpose) will just end up in a islamisation of the west to keep the next generations stupid with threat of Islamic violence and to control the population, the liberal useful idiots may know this or not while they cheer for this.. doesnt really matter.
Have you ever asked yourself WHY your politicians (despite thousands of people screaming at them to stop and a mountain of corpses) import more Islamic society with higher fertility than you can integrate into a low fertility western secular society? Did this question ever occure to you? And what in your opinion will happen in the next couple of geneartions? No really humor me.
What happens when the fertility rate and lack of integrations cause of the numbers make the pendulum swings into the other direction slowly from secular west to Islamic west.
Why dont politicans they just wait until a certain amount is integrated before letting in the next group? Ever thought about why "diversity" always means more islam but never more, no critism of islam and more acceptance for islamic special treatment? It never means more buddhism or more amercians funnily enough.
Its not about japanese, americans, canadians all this diversity talk is just used to get more islam.

Its not that most of us are straight up nationalists in every question. Most people i've talked to on here just hate the fact that most cultures are indistinguishable these days. You cant travel to a certain country to meet a certain type of people who live in a certain way anymore, because those people are already in your own community, and lets face it, most other cultures are fucking unbearable after more than like, 2 weeks. Most people who travel for longer either change countries during the travel, or live in high-class areas that look and act more like their own.

Nationalism only worls when combined with patriotism.

Globalization = open borders, world being controlled by only a few people (The EU/UN)

Globalists want to eliminate trade-borders and tariffs so they can take advantage of third-world labour, and pay Pajeet a bowl of curry/day to produce what they would previously have to pay a Westerner $15/hour for. They sell this under the guise of a united world. I don't like it.

They also wish to take away resources and privileges enjoyed by lower-class whites and redistribute them to Africans and other third-worlders, while maintaining their own resources. Their mindset is something like
>all these people beneath me are the same grade of shit, why should some enjoy a better standard of living than others?
While at the same time enjoying a better standard of living than everyone.

They post about how the West must open its borders and disarm themselves, while living in gated communities with armed guards.

Everything about them is hypocritical and gives me a horrible vibe. They are liars.

>it also has the potential to end petty rivalries between countries and people of different cultures/religions

>as a civilization
Holy fuck have you ever been outside of Europe

>t. Schlomo

the amalgamation of culture also seems inevitable to me, because of the internet.
culture is spreading between different parts of the world at an increasing rate. And i see nothing wrong with that.
It also gives us the opportunity to expand our worries from the well-being of our own country/race/religious group to the entire population of the planet

why are we replying to this faggot? spend more than an hour here and you will find out


> to the entire population of the planet
jesus christ Hans, Germany truly is lost
Enjoy your niggers!

> German wants the entire world to be one massive singular state

Nothing new here.

i just think that we could achieve much more if everybody was on the same page

They never stop. They never will.
I can't wait for WW3 when Germany is walled off and firebombed

I don't want ANY lesser culture influencing mine. I also see is as entirely one-way influence. Go ask someone in Somalia how westernised they are.

>It also gives us the opportunity to expand our worries from the well-being of our own country/race/religious group to the entire population of the planet
Legendary German efficiency.

Well we could/would but it's a pipe dream to think that all people or cultures ever will be on the same page.

Nationalism is the intent to preserve a culture and it's practices.

You can't claim that multiculturalism is good, but then say culture is bad.

This is the paradox of globalism.

i don't see the problem with this.
i mean the only question is who would be in charge

The 'progressive' fallacy. There is no objective standard of progression it's completely artibrary.

top kek good luck.

Another thing about this.
>Races are different.
>Mixing them all together means some races will do better than others.
>Rather than admit races are different, globalists force the narrative that whites are evil.
>This is the only reason that blacks can't compete.

No different to the wage-gap lie:
>Males earn more than females.
>But males and females are equal.
>Therefore males are evil and keeping women down.

The whole thing ends up as "fuck white males, get them."

Mkembe and Zhong Qua will NEVER be on the same page, Ivan and Pablo will NEVER be on the same page

>the amalgamation of culture also seems inevitable to me, because of the internet.
>culture is spreading between different parts of the world at an increasing rate.
>And i see nothing wrong with that.

You do realise a culture is defined by how it differs from the culture next to it? If you want a global culture, what you end up with is about 9 billion people with no roots, no norms, and no sense of identity, looking aimlessly to fill their life with something to distract them from the fact that they belong nowhere. See; America, Brazil

>lesser culture
as defined by you
also, it's already happening. Tough cookies

yea ok..
how about just, no? The thing with culture is that it is the way people live. When massive cultures "Meet" they dont shake hands and start to change the ways to adapt to both cultures. One dominates the other via reforms and force. I live in the shitter (sweden) so i have first hand knowledge of how globalisation fucks a country. 10 years ago, walking alone on the streets of stockholm was totaly okay, nowaday you need to cc a knife or anything, while avoiding as many somali pirates as possible. I dont even go out drinking on the mainstreets anymore because of all the shitskins stabbing people.

Some cultures are a lot more violent than others, expecting the simple "Flow of integration" to work is a fucking lie told by people who don't live anywhere near the areas affected.

Nigger population control


>it's already happening. Tough cookies
You expose yourself for who you are, thanks Hans! I had a small bit of hope for the future of Germany, but no longer.


Also add the fact that the bigger the distance of governance the less likely that people's needs will be met locally.
I.e world government deciding the needs of a small rural town makes 0 sense.

Less global instability? Go read some history, the bloodletting that occurred when dynastic change occurred in China was huge. Think of global dynastic change. Megalomania will still exist and what megalomaniac does not want to rule the world. Nation states work; I think we should keep them.

Shitting in the streets, lynching people for adultery or blasphemy or homosexuality, genital mutilation and breast ironing are all lesser culture.

The eternal Hun must be destroyed.

>You do realise a culture is defined by how it differs from the culture next to it

if you're part of a tribe that is totally isolated, does that mean that your religious and social practices are non-existent because you have nothing to compare them to?

The only good globalization is ethnic globalization.


Globalization is not bad and is inevitable
(((Globalization))) will be our doom

National protectionism and brexit are proof that globalisation is not a law.

>as defined by you
also defined by anyone with half a brain or even a hint of sympathy for minorities, women, human rights and future generations you are obviously not among those people.
You know its not a crime to say for example burning women or raping children to "cure aids" is worse than freedom of speech.. Its actually a crime imo if instead people like you pretend its all the same anyway sry this stinks of nothing more than spineless cowardice to stand up to even the most basic and fundamental human rights.

Globalization and trade enriches the successful people who actually have something to offer the world. For them it's an opportunity to gain access to new goods and services, to get new jobs and to socialize, travel and meet interesting people from around the world.

For losers, it's the opposite. Foreigners take their shitty McJobs, foreign chads take their women, and because they can't afford to live with other rich people they're afraid of crime. They also tend to be stupid and unable to learn foreign languages or cultures so they can't possibly thrive anywhere except their own piece of dirt and are triggered by foreigners in their own country worshipping different gods or eating "smelly" food.

You know it's true no matter how unpopular an opinion it may be here.

i think constant state of war/threat of nuclear armagedon incentivised by run-away capitalism is much more worrysome than globalization.
Also global warming, which is being dissmised by the manufacturing and oil/coal industries just so they can squeeze some more shekels while the wrinkly CEOs are still alive

it would also annihilate diversity, which liberals claim to love so much

ironically, conservatives want to stop globalization because they love diversity. They don't want the world to turn into a homogenous cultureless brown mass of mass-consuming drones at the service of the globalist elites.

You are not speaking to hans, brit bong its ackmed you're talking to...

Aight I'll concede that was a bit of a retarded point, I'm just arguing against a unified grey blob of culture, and what it's effects will be.
>no roots
>no norms
>no sense of identity

>they can't afford to live with other rich people they're afraid of crime.
Literally the only thing thats some what right and like an opinion it can be swayed away...its just an opinion not a fact.
Factory and warehouse jobs or construction are jobs where im from.

The larger a state the larger and more unaccountable the government. A single world government is all powerful.

>you're a loser if you're against mass migration of shitskins to your country

both my bachelor's and master's degrees were in human rights, and i can tell you that human rights mean jack shit if they can't be enforced.
The EU is the leading entity in human rights because they have worked a very long time to figure out what the basic rights of every human being are. And it only works because the member countries have agreed to enforce the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights. If the countries would not enforce those decisions, whatever the rights are and how many of them you have is completely irrelevant.
So a global government could enforce those basic human rights that we enjoy here in the EU at a global scale

The interconected economy and comunications and evolving tech will lead to a global goverment eventually (megalomaniacs permiting).
The continue avances in energy and AI tech will make this a nonissue economically.
Its a given in hundreds of years it will happen.

(((globalization))) next step IS warring they will start trimming the population in the face of the new aforementioned advancements

globalization means everyone is mixed meaning theres not a class of people who can advance science in any meaningful way (white people) meaning that the human race is doomed to serve the jews on this rock as consumers for the rest of eternity and that's not a good thing. id rather see all peoples wiped of the planet then the sub humans taking control, in a sense of the planet then having white people interbred into extinction and basically no hope left for humanity above the petty goals of the jew/reptilian cunts who rule this place even at the moment but not in a super direct aspect

Look at this.
The following extract is a direct copypaste from my "Pending.txt", where I write down stuff I want to read later. Some user recomended me a thread, and I saved it for in-depth analysis later.
Make of it what you will:
Look for the OP, and "103162196":
"I did have a pretty crucial role on the current state of Brazil because I wrote the very first white paper on beauty commodification as an equalizing and marketing strategy and helped push advertising money in that direction"
Bureaucracy develops its own agenda and interests and through a process called institutional isomorphism, institutions become more and more alike. There is no leader that controls everything, its an organic process inherent in bureaucracies

> foreign chads


Diversity has been declining for literally hundreds if not thousands of years at this point as a result of improved communications. In places like PNG every village has its own language because of how backward the country is and how little people move around. But in most Western nations there is now only one or a few national and regional languages because of rail and road transport bringing people together.

If you want to totally preserve local diversity you'll have to find a way to throw everyone back to the Stone Age. I know this is a little bit argumentum ad absurdum but you take my point

I don't know, maybe i'm just not that scared of this homogenous grey blob of culture.
Also, i don't see why you can't build your personal identity without involving nationality.
I mean, i could give a fuck about what country (from europe) i'm living in or am a citizen of. It does not affect my personal identity

I don't think /ppl/ has that much of a problem with globalisation, which is essentially just exchanging ideas, goods, and services on an international level.
GLOBALISM, however, is the actual problem, and involves planning economic, social, and foreign policy on a global scale.

100% of the time, people with your line of thinking turn out to be pathetic betamales/mongrels, so why exactly are you posting your opinion?

Losers tend not to profit from globalisation.

Sup Forums is infested with society's losers.

Sorry, I meant Sup Forums. Filthy phone-posting degenerate here.

It should affect you, not necessarily your identity, but you should feel something. Your nation has provided you with the means and capaiblties to become literate and educated, have clean water, high safety standards, clean food and air, high standards of living, social safety nets, endless opportunities for work and living. How many other nations do you think have that?

Yeah it is argumentum ad absurdum. You argue that it's desirable to stomp out all diversity on a global scale, then argue that anyone against that wants 100% preservation of everything ever. Bollocks.

How are you profiting from Belgium being turned into a muslim shithole, Bilel?

Got a new business selling stolen phones or what?

Globalism in the sense you describe is not a problem

>i could give a fuck about what country (from europe)
You betray your arrogance right here. Westerners are fucking arrogant and naive to think that the whole world shares their values. Europeans and their values are a small minority of the patchwork of moral systems throughout the world.

because i can define myself by my own achievemnts/likes/dislikes/life experience instead of by my nationality like it's something that i've earned and not just some cosmic coincidence that i was born at latitude X and longitude Y in the year Z?

and i'm the beta/mongrel. OK mate

I think OP lied when he said he wasn't trolling.

how is forced mass migration globalization?

globalism moves power away from the people into international beurocracy and mulitnational companies

it's inherently anti-democracy, anti-human, anti-freedom, it's a form of corporativism or fascism if you like. not the type of fascism the retards on this board espouse though, because they like to imagine themselves, or people like themselves running the fascist system

What is nationalism and what is globalism?
Nationalism should be nationalization, which means own country, that is us, control banks and market. Unlike globalism where we don't know who the uncles are who control our country and they can do anything without asking people of our country. It's like you probably want to control your family and if we extend this, you probably want to control your environment and then have a saying in your country, else you are a cuck or globalist. I don't understand why anybody would be willingly be controlled by strangers, since that means you will get cucked by strangers. When strangers sit in another country, are free from prosecution, then they probably don't care loading ton of cheap niggers in your town they will never visit, they probably don't even care if ghetto is created and you are in it, since why should they? Globalism sees money, you run hamster wheel, it's democracy, therefore everything is alright, even when democracy doesn't changes a thing and laws get passed nobody wanted.

>Don't understand nationalism



yes, you are absolutely on point with this.
but what i'm saying is why should those oportunities be exclusive to some countries? Why shouldn't that be the status quo around the globe?

D-do you have a link to the vid of the pic?

How are underage morons, allowed to come here and post questions?

For being so against nationalistic ideas you southern kim's sure hate immigrants.

I enjoying being part of what once was an "exclusive group" or tribe. its like you play rugby for a local team and fifa comes along and tells you all sports are going to be merged toghter. you agrue that you want thing to stay the same because rugby has a long beautiful history and its great belonging to a team and the only counter agruement they have in your favour is "but look at all the fancy new equipment you have"

globalism is a degenrate outcome and will unironically be the downfall of humanity

>Why shouldn't that be the status quo around the globe?
It's not up to me. It's not up to us. It's up to the people comprising those countries. The best help we can give is to (a) cut aid and (b) trade with them.

.....You can implement all these things, in separate countries, without creating a world government you fucking sausage
In fact it's happening right now, more people are being lifted out of poverty than any other time in human history

>everyone who posts with a Taegukki is Korean
>all Koreans have the same opinion

So many assumptions in one comment

>If you want a global culture, what you end up with is about 9 billion people with no roots, no norms, and no sense of identity, looking aimlessly to fill their life with something to distract

Exactly what is explained in and why Brazil was a prime candidate for "comodification of beauty through equalization"
I forgot to note that the man claims that his work was so succesful that even men started consuming female sexuality, spiking transexualism in Brazil

Bare in mind:
I'm not claiming this is a bad thing, that's up to you. Like you have said, there's a lot to be gained from a single language, and unified culture. But even then, cultures tend to scramble again in an evolutionary "random walk".
But we are talking about people trying to artificially make it homogenous.
Also, I know people in scientific research for example that find this hurts science, that usually benefits from different ways of thinking.

But the most important part Hans:
It's how we've been built. The identification with the community and your place in it. the feeling of brotherhood of seeing a countryman after a long journey.

You say what's wrong with that?
That it will not work nicely with the last three million years of human evolution.
Our minds are calibrated for living in small groups, caring for each other. The very fact that we lump together in croweded cities already shows lots of effects like anxiety, depression, neurosis, lack of empathy. We are not built to see that many people that we don't care about. That's why people won't talk to anyone or look in the eyes on the train. This is unnatural, but it's a reflex to avoid the expensive mental investment that we are calibrated to put into any social interaction.

To this, add that sense of feeling like you belong nowhere.

Cities are convinient. But stressful as they take us from our natural "social habitat"
idem loss of culture

> my bachelor and master were in human rights

that's either the most pathetic lie I've heard, or you're unironically the most pathetic peson

>Two pol parties
>Believes in "democracy"


I agree, and morality is relative, but like some other user said in this thread, some moralities are better than others.
And europe really is actively working on fundamental human rights and their protection. No torture, no discrimination, protection from arbitrary arrests from the government, freedom of speech, etc.

make that pussy squirt boi