France needs us

We have been called upon again, Kek is needed to push Marine Le Pen to victory. It is another giant step in the right direction in today's society

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and people must keep in mind it does not only concerns France, but Europe as a whole, and also the US, UK relations and the market.
Do we really fight the NWO or are we kidding with memes?

Let's hope no ore vote for this Macron fucker.

Macron seems to be built from the (excuse this horrible word) establishment to keep the French people in a generally shitty environment with high unemployment rates and such

Also Macrons stance on immigration is ridiculous, in comparison to Le Pen's. She is aware and isn't pandering to these minorities

yes, exactly, macron is a pure product of the EU. in two weeks we will vote if we are for remaining or for leaving.

if there is a TV debate between macron and Lepen she will win.

We need to motivate everyone around to either vote LePen or no one

Expose Macron
Remind the people about his inhuman law he shat against workers while at the gov't.
The millions he made selling french companies at the Rotschilds

It's great to see that an actual French person agrees with me, restores faith. But didn't Macron get a higher % than Le Pen in the primaries? If so that could damage her chances and momentum, or even her will if Macrons numbers outweigh hers significantly.

No most le pen supporters here are fighting for controlled opposition just don't realise it. Just like Donald Trump

Yes he did, but hopefully it might prove irrelevant. The real challenge is to know whether the old "we need to block the FN !" narrative will prevail, or whether Fillon voters will be angered enough by the media to hate its champion, and the whether Mélenchon voters hate what Macron represents enough to see Marine is close to him on social measures (leave the EU etc.), because Fillon and Mélenchon each represent about 19 percent of voters, so that's a huge deal.

Le Pen is mightier than the sword.

Lets show spread the truth through our great memes..macron is a rothchild cuck and a freaking millionaire and they call him "The man of the people", show them the truth guys.



You're too late.

Can we fucking make kekistan something real? There's a great DIY governance website that runs on Ethereum (ETH) blockchain. Smart contracts, smart taxes, all that shit. Governments should really start using this, we could have a head start. Just put your weaponized autism to work and I can assure you, by the end of this year you'll have a tax paying base.

This is direct democracy, citizens decide how taxes are spend. There's no burocracy.


I should maie one with Hamon instead, he's really the closest living thing to the Jeb!

but no toshop here :(


Isn't it impossible for France to leave the EU without changing the constitution?

I just bought a new apartment in Paris so I prefer to vote for Macron, the bank candidate. Sorry friends.

I know Sup Forums doesn't much care for Sargon but there's some relevant stuff here

I have an appartment near Paris, and I don't get the point of your message. Unless if you want to sell it later for foreign business...

I need foreigners to rent my apartment, the french are too poor

If you mean tourists, then OK but Macron or Le Pen won't influence that much tourism.

Kek wills it.


Honestly, this is going to be complicated.
French people are bored of politicians and don't even listen anymore, being betrayed at every single election.
The left is strong in this country.