Steven Crowder caught publishing fake news again

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steven is the funniest man alive

painting with muhammad was 10/10

Dude, don't fuck with crowder. Even ironmarch thinks he's too hardcore

>uh it's gonna cool but don't let that impede you from implementing a carbon tax so we can fund our pet projects out of your pockets cuz otherwise you're gonna fry the earth still!
wew lad

It has been well understood for many years that sulfate aerosols from large volcanic eruptions temporarily cool the atmosphere, for example the Mount Pinatubo eruption of 1991.

Crowder BTFO xD

i kind a like him but his news site has absolutely no problem publishing the most vaguest shit

No need to watch the video. Anytime it's "climate science", it's usually fake anyway.

I award OP no points.

This is a very scholarly approach and I wouldn't expect any less from you

If you take/took that fruitcake seriously, you need to reevaluate your life.

>doesnt care about weed
>spouts out trash propoganda to millions of people for an hour while reminding everyone every few sentences that he doesnt care
The same type of bonehead that would buy an early 2000's ponticrap and try to convince the world he bought a hyper car

Crowder and alarmist shitheads deserve each other.

Hes good for the cause though normies like him

He has got the most punchable face in the world. It's mesmerizing.

>the cause
>"pol is not a hivemind u guize"

What's wrong with him? he doesn't seem to bad to me

The climate change debate is dumb. Who cares about this issue. If we go carbon negative than we are living in huts. I'll take my chances with what we have currently.

That is extraordinarily hyperbolic and a really lousy way to try and rationalize not making any effort to try and help out the environment

wtf i hate steven crowder now

>Help out the environment
Fuck that shit. The environment has been trying to kill us ever since we became aware of ourselves.

If anything, the only sort of help I'm willing to give the environment is a bullet to its forehead. God damn.

Yeah hes a leaf what do you expect.



He's pretty extreme. I remember him ranting on his show in 2009 about how the Jew's get special privileges over the rest of the population and how our society is controlled by them and how we need holocaust 2.0 .

I just can't watch him after that...

Sure he meant jews and not white males??

Absolute cringe.