The Far Right has Lost in Europe

>muh le pen wil win1!!!

>Muh GEERRTTT will win 14 eighty eight lol! paise litler!!


If your frog god and your meme magick is so powerful, why hasn't the Far Right made any success at all in Europe? Its been hilarious watching all of your parties crash and burn.
In fact, I have seen such a resolute rejection of the hate filled and xenophobic values that permeate your movement.

You should all accept that Europe is finished. There will be no great revolution, there will be no change except the influx of millions of new workers into Europe and beyond. Stop fighting this - you are going to destroy your lives and your reputations.

It is time that you accept this and move on with the time that you still have and enjoy your lives.

MOLOCH has won. Accept this. He is your new king now.

no u

I spy with my little eye... a paki poster

Their vote totals have increased by 1 million in france and 400 000 in Netherlands, but normies have started to vote more because of Trump

it is a temporary setback, if Trump does not blow up the world, normies will stop giving a fuck again

You are right.

All the non-kosher real right wingers are more invested in in-fighting and nitpicking at each other. It's like you think they too are controlled opposition to waste time for the more advanced right-wingers.

disgusting Satan worshiping larper.

i have not seen infighting within FPO; FN or PVV, what are you talking about?

Do you consider these real right-wingers? They are merely a speedbump in the decline. And especially (((PVV))). And people knows this, yet they are sitting on their fat fucking bitch asses and do nothing to appease normies and the left-wing.

>le penn
>far right

Still reading the guardian is it mate?

right-winger : anyone that opposes the great replacement

"less moroccans" as geert would say

> do nothing to appease normies and the left-wing.

what does that even mean?

Kek can only show them the door, they're the ones who have to walk through it

> inb4 right-wing means economically neoliberal and socially liberal

I guess Macron is the real far-righter?

It is indeed sad.

I'm just getting on the winning side now before its too late.

Sorry KEK but I praise Molek now.

6 away from 666

Your God has forsaken you. Kek will reign for a thousand years.

They keep growing though. Far right won't really go active until the economies fail.

There is no hope for the Far Right anymore.

People will keep being pacified until their houses are literally being burnt down.

There is no hope anymore. It is time you joined MOLOCH.

>crash and burn
but seriously guys, we can't let Trump get to the nuclear codes!

>Hofer lost by such a small margin that they had to do a """recount"""
>Geert went from nobody to the second largest party in the Netherlands and he's only one guy
>Le Pen made it to the second round despite what shills claimed and now every person on the establishment is desperately trying to stop her
Has the Paki been BTFO'd?

>It is time that you accept this and move on with the time that you still have and enjoy your lives.
This is how I enjoy my life, though

The far right parties in Europe never was so important than nowadays.

>> Slide thread

This shill posted the same shit yday



>> Shill


>> Shill

Continental Europeans are shit at everything they do. This is known. Only Britain and the US are worth a damn. I don't expect much out of anyone else. I'm still hoping the French manage to uncuck themselves. Nice role playing thread.

Did I? I really didn't.

Also I can tell you're a pathetic stinking new fag as you included an image and you announced your sage.

I think it is time you returned to your favourite place : Reddit.

The USA has less white people than every single European countries.

And the UK only voted for a Brexit, not to remove decadence or shitskin.

But they are losing at every turn.

By the time these rival parties have finished their term, Europe will be so damaged that it will be unrepairable.

>less white people than every single European countries.
We have around 200 million white people here.
>And the UK only voted for a Brexit, not to remove decadence or shitskin.
Stay salty. I hope Le Pen wins and deports you back to Algeria.