How important is technology?


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Damn hockey why my fingers be burnin and sheeeeiiiitttt

man, once some of the soldiering pasta fell on my finger while repairing my sound system plug.
I didn't have a good time

Fuck technology

I would pay to watch them try doing that with the Soldering iron plugged in. Anyone who has ever used one can tell they are either retarded and have never ever used one before

i dont know what to point out first in that nigger. that he is holding the hot end or that his head and shoulders have a ratio of a peanut to a potato sack

Why are these images shopped?

>this isn't watermelon

stop using technology

>clear plastic grip so hands don't get burnt
>puts majority of grip on metal part

The girl is doing the same right?

Fug what a dumb bitch, won't hurt on nigger cause he doesn't know better.

Dumb bitch, that's not how you make a sandwhich

There's more of it

do they not do any research?

Oh come on it's just about 752 °F


Just my speed

Is that that stupid bomb nigglet?

The one and only

>holding the iron from the hot part
>soldering the wrong side of the board
>no solder vacuum in sight
>no wet sponge in sight
>no solder wire in sight

I know those are just stock photos, but that "soldering" is Akhmed the Clockboy tier retarded. They could've had just flipped the board over and make it more believable.


Gotta melt that board senpai.

>can't even pirate Windows right
He must really work at NASA

Holy fuck, Jamal on the right seriously looks deformed.

They had to photoshop a nigger in so it is the best they could do

i better use this for some upcoming computer repair shops website
Sorry for mobile link, am phone posting