Defend this

Defend this.

White is Right.

Barrack Obama was new to politics and wasn't INTENTIONALLY trying to be racist against white males you fucking shitlords. Cut him some slack, jesus christ.

all the other ones were shit

You're a fucking white male, the post.

I see nothing wrong here. White people use their brain before emotion.



kill niggers

He said most qualified.

Not most diversified.

>cuz black people are rational

How many of these white men are actually jewish?



White men can't be qualified?

It is his cabinet, he can pick who he wants.

Quick looking at race.

Wow. Donald Trump is selecting cabinet members based on their ability to do the job, rather than their race or gender. That's very progressive of him!

so beautiful

Defend THIS: every company you send your resume to is one of 1000's of applicants. Why should I really give a fuck if some political hack sucking off the public tit has a job or not whether they're black white or Chinese???

Obama picked white hispanics that arent listed. He isnt actually racist.
>Ordered the death of a white American patriot father of 12

fuck off toothpaste

Finally someone who is sane enough to keep women out of places they don't belong to.

America belongs to white men.

Only correct responses in this thread


Its just a coincidence, go back to sleep


White men are the smartest and strongest of the racial-gender combination.

> half of these are jews
