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christ that video is embarrassing

what I want to know is how the normies are reacting to this nonsense

two responses

>blah blah this is exactly what we needs didlos for everyone!


>blah blah blah white man blah blah not enough focus on non white wommyn of colour

Bill Nye the hypocrite guy

God damn it! I loved this nigga when I was a kid!

Let's see you save yourself you skinny fuck

Yeah thats pretty disgusting alright

>tfw when you can no longer tell the difference between unironic videos and milliondollarextreme parody sketches.

fake science guy running a kids show has an agenda? who would have thought

I shared with friends/senpai yesterday irl - they were completely utterly disgusted especially when they realized they still use his vids in schools to excuse lazy ass teachers- this will be the final nail if we keep exposing this bullshit- I have started a local campaign to get his shit old/new the fuck out of schools/publicly funded programming ect.


check them quads -kek

This is why going to poetry slams and feminist events on campus are so fun. Its like a live version of MDE

Judging by the like/dislike ratio, I assume that even many normies aren't on board with this propaganda.

Indeed. Even normies have breaking points. As much as the kikes and marxists have a total strangehold on the media, it doesn't stop the fact that the VAST majority of people are not onboard with this tranny/genderfluid/social construct bullshit.


this is good, they have become overconfident and greedy, they will fall because of that

Is this his dad or lover
Inb4 both

>tfw he's dead


It's like I died in 2007 and I've actually been in hell this entire time.

The world was so normal back then, now it's worse than the twilight zone. I actually can't believe it.

john doe
john doe10 hours ago
Just a few years ago I wouldn't have had a problem with this and didn't understand hatred for muslims, jews, the media, the left, atheism, gays, etc, but now I feel like i'm getting closer and coser to full on Deus Vult Nazi territory.

I completely understand why Germans revolted against this bullshit.

Its Jim Norton

so when are you going to start, dare i say it, saving the world?

I suppose the Big Bang Theory (Shitty Sitcom) was to blame for the rise in this crap.

This is the most blatant clusterfuck of marxism I've ever seen, this show just seems to keep on giving

Its feels as if its almost intentional. Maybe he's trying to "save the world" from this fucking garbage by overexposing us to it before its too late.

I... miss Hitler.


>talking to an auditorium full of grown ass adults

I'm 35 and the world started taking a turn for the surreal around early 2000's when the whole PC bullshit really started taking hold. Maybe the world did end on midnight 2000 and I'm in some bizzare sort of hell where I'm the only sane person left.

That was back in the '90s before humans had the ability to check their privilege.

>muh feels can change the order of my nucleotides ;^)
And I used to like this guy. Fucking Bill Nye. What scientific principle will SJW's change next. My money is on race.

That's definitely part of it. Big Bang Theory, smartphones, and reddit all became introduced around the same time. It's a combination of these factors.

>gender is a spectrum because there are people with XXY, XXYY, ETC.


Yeah, I fucking love it when they bring up weird genetic defects like klinefelters and hermaphroditism.

You were born with some rare condition and seem to have some halfway thing between a penis and a vagina? Fine, you get to pick one and identify with that.

Everyone else, the other 99.999% of people? Fuck off, you are biologically normal.

It's because they don't want to discriminate. They don't want to discriminate SO BADLY that they won't even discriminate between healthy and unhealthy

fresh off goybook

I hope le thunderfoot shows us whats wrong about this!

Shill lie the science goy.

Bill Nye the faggot guy BTFO by fat egg person

is the XXXXY thing true?

The only thing that's changed is half of Sup Forums has become brainwashed conspiracy theorists with tinfoil hats screaming "THA JOOOOOOS"

>the science says we are all on a spectrum
That is a fucking dirty lie and absolute bullshit
This man deserves to be shot

Seriously. I feel the same.



>His show is justifying why people hate us.

none of this is science

These people need to hear the Bogpill.

Had to delete my Facebook OP

I was triggered cause normies were defending Bill.

>Said I was hating him becaus dog trump
>Said he IS scientist since he HAS A engineering degree and I was insulted for thinking it's "not science"
> I was accused of saying everything I don't like is liberal and SJW BECAUSE I said the shit he is teaching is not science
>virtue signaling from people liking comments that said I was not a scientist and its not Bill Nye's fault and mostly with the producer and such

I couldn't take it, I rage quit and deactivated that shit. Facebook needs to be destroyed and all the Faggot SJWs with it.

I honestly think it may be worst then le Redditt

jesus, how long is the Sexual Identity episode?

>thinking it's a single episode
oh dear

>Bill Nye emerges from a smokescreen pretending to strum chords with a plastic electric guitar as speakers play Bohemian Rhapsody
>Floor becomes moist with the drool of the audience, mouths agape from sheer epicness
>*record scratch* as the camera zooms in on Nye's face
>"Now let's get serious."
>Audience quiets, preparing for major wisdom bomb
>"Folks, did you know that we can see the scientific method at work in the world of Harry Potter?"
>Audience begins clapping, gets cut off by short clip of CGI monster from Fantastic Beasts
>"It's True!" Bill proclaims, pointing to corner of screen with cutout of the exact same monster roar superimposed
>And to illustrate this point, we've got one of the best, most intellectual scientific minds the world has ever seen...
>Audience begins to gasp, unsure of which incredible feat comes next
>"Ladies, gentlemen, and everyone inbetween, please join me in welcoming Harry Potter!"
>Harry Potter's actor appears wearing a labcoat adorned with Gryffindor logo
>Half of the audience is now seizing
>Potter holds a metallic wand as a photoshopped picture of Donald Trump with squished Voldemort nose descends from ceiling
>CG effects freeze the photograph
>All men in audience become filled with sexual violence, rip off their penises and use them as wands to shoot cum at the picture as well
>"I'm Bill Nye, and that's all the time we have today! See you next episode! Stay logical!"

Brainwashed implies it's false info. Jews are always causing and openly bragging about leading the destruction of whites, Western civ, science, normalcy, societal health and happiness, families, Christianity, peace, etc. It's an informed position to call out the specific group (certain Jews) responsible for their evil.

>this retard actually thinks a penis or a vagina doesn't define gender

he's mentally ill

You're fucking lying. The guy has been on a mission with his one message for years. Wether you agree with the message or not, one has to respect that kind of dedication.
Now he goes and waste what seems to be a 3 hour special episode on gender identity of all things?

What timeline is this?

Oh the Atheism plus movement, what cancer it is.

The fucking ice cream skit was fucking disgusting too. Also gave me a boner though. Sorry guys couldn't contain it at the the orgy part.



>religion is nothing but a silly joke
>kids are being raised on these kind of shows

Now I see why Christianity died.

I feel worried that Netflix's metrics show that this kind of (((woke))) crap sells.

>tfw Williams is gone and unable to do historical shorts for kids

anti PC Psychology Professor Jordan Peterson should do a video disproving Bill Nye's pseudoscience

So basically, this guy isn't a scientists. He's a fuckign presenter.

Actual scientists don't host fucking TV SHOWS

Bill Nye is a science guy, like Barney is a real dinosaur.

>not just saying Bill isn't teaching science if his show is talking about "cultural appropriation" and the non-scientific idea that there are more than 2 genders.

>Actual scientists
Actual scientists don't consider a mental/hormonal disorder something normal.


Agreed. When something fits the very definition of a mental disorder, why do we indulge it rather than treat it?

>Stupid vanilla, you can't change someone's sexuality!
>Now let's convince you to change your sexuality and have an orgy

I dont like him invoking science here. For one, bringing up chromosome aberrations is flatly irresponsible here. These are genetic abnormalities the most common of which has a 1 in 500 chance of happening. Most people who have chromosomes that differ from XX or XY are disabled or infertile to some extent, and many combos are simply incompatible with life. Their use is this context is inappropriate because they say nothing about the validity of binary, biological sex.

Furthermore, science is much less in agreement on what he is saying. Males and females show sexually dimorphic brains, animals such as monkeys exhibit behaviors which mirror human gender norms, and to deny that biological sex is strongly coordinated to gender identity is wholly unscientific.

Non-conforming (trans, gender queer, etc...) people constitute 0.01% of the population. That means in humans as a group, biological sex correlates with gender identity 99.9% of the time. This is true across cultures and across the world.

That isn't to say transgender people don't exist. Individuals can vary. But this show seems to say that biological sex itself is a construct and that all of sex and gender identity fall upon a spectrum of roughly equal variance, and that science backs this up.

This is simply wholly untrue. You can hold theae viewpoints if you wish, but don't bring out the big stick of science to form your foundation.

before all this mental illness I generally thought people said gender instead of sex because it sounded better


Amy (((Schumer)))'s "comedy" special provokes a ratings backlash, Netflix and other content providers change their ratings systems, just in time for shows like Nye's new propaganda venture.

Now, there's no 1 star rating next to Nye's show, just a "thumbs up" or a "thumbs down."

the fuck

And the fucked up thing is they only need to give the poor things testosterone and some appointments with the psychiatrist.

This man is an enemy of the republic

He must be stopped

also, gender/sexuality is not a spectrum. at best it is a bimodal distribution.

bill nye is not the science guy anymore.

I'm still mad about this

Not gonna lie, former Bill Nye supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Nye crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get his hands on the nuclear family.

Hey kids!

>some will take whatever they can get
>if you know what I mean, heh!

Why is it the Vanilla one trying to "re-educate" everyone into thinking he's the one true flavor?

The irony is that whites are literally the only group of people pushing these ideas. Most African/Middle-Eastern/Asian countries will just treat you like you're retarded. Or they'll kill you. Depends where you are.



Social sciences are hard sciences to these people.

Hey kids!

Yet. They weren't on par with niggers or faggots either. Times change because normies are docile.


>science says that gender is a spectrum

That is an extraordinary claim...Is it even true?

When women discovered that they could use technology to spread their narcissisim to many more men and they could use nerdiness to appeal to those in charge at the time everything went down to shit.

"Social networking" favors the hypersocial and narcissistic, they dominate that space, and those people work entirely on feelings and impulses.

Also this feels like a Don Hertzfeldt film, just without any of the humor or artistic value.

He's right and I'm surprised how many people here call him a moron. He's much more intelligent than all of you, alt-righters.
Yes, he only has a ME Ba but it's much better than being a high school drop out like most of you, Sup Forums.
Moreover, he's credibility in the knowledge of science has been established plenty of times. Face it, your arguments only work if you conflate gender with sex.
Bill doesn't make this fallacy and if you wouldn't fail at basic logic too, you would see that, in fact, there are more than 2 genders (not sexes) and, yes, even 3-year-olds can determine their gender.


user, I got some bad news for you

Anyone else feel we need to take vanilla on board?

This implies that homos think kids can't consent to sex.

I know this is bait, but

>Thinking gender is whatever you want it to be

This video converted me to Islam. I am done with the West.

La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad rasoolu Allah.

I can see it. Would probably be funny.
But probably not worth it because not many people have seen this shit.