Wake up

>wake up
>see pic related
What do you do user?

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it's still the same ongoing 9/11 attack by the rainbow commonwealth pervertariat of shit martini stirrers. they are performing rainbowlution holocausting entire world as part of their doctrine of global WAR-ming hearts and minds of the population towards nambla.

wow that was almost coherent

Quadrouple the prices at the bar asap, more dumb Americans to fleece.

Start clapping


Go back to sleep. I saw those all the time living by PSNS

Attack it

Leave dacian clay alone

watch as my emu overlord satisfies my wife like i never could
then look out my window and see a massive aircraft carrier coming towards me

i would ask myself how i made it to the coast in my sleep.

Applaud it until it moves away.

Wonder how a Destroyer made its way down a Florida canal.

my destroyer made it's way down your mum's canal

"When did a ocean grow here in Alberta?"

Wonder how the ocean managed to sneak over the Rocky mountains while I was napping.

Why you do this man :(

>tfw port orchard fag while growing up

wtf are you even talking about? there's nothing there but ocean


I'd be like

>Look at the size of that moon
>That's no moon

Devilish lad

Yep same my dude. Moved to Texas though and am not regretting it. Miss the trees and water though.

Realize climate change is absolutely real because there is an aircraft carrier parked outside of my very inland home

Find interest in the potential reasoning as to why the navy decided to send a carrier to chicago. Maybe admire it from the Ferris wheel at navy pier

take pop shots at it with sks


Wait for the Fireworks

>wake up
>see pic related
what do?

The space jews came for their annual visit in Israel, we celebrate it for a day, but it's nothimg special. Happends every year.

Get mi binoculars, m8. Them things is beautiful.

So why are they also in San Francisco.

What did he mean by this?

Nothing lol

>be a landlocked country
>see this
>gypsies will stole it anyway

if you see that it's doomsday you bozgor

Relax. Whoever sent an aircraft carrier to a landlocked suburb is clearly too retarded to be of any threat.


Don't give it a second thought because aircraft carriers that extremely outdated and can be sunk with a $10,000 missile despite costing billions. They are basically a giant floating graveyard for the soldiers on board and are only built for Jewish profiteering.

the way the light hits the water can sometimes make it look like an aircraft carrier

Sure, but has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Go take a swim.
I have never swam a sea.

nothing, if a carrier is that close, it has no intentions of attacking



welcome the refugees aboard the ship and give them housing. Let them use me and my wifes bed while sleeping on the floor in the livingroom because of empathy over the thought what they slept on under their whole long travels

It's like swimming in a cold pool where weird things you can't see rub up against your legs and the water tastes like pure salt. Cool part is you can drop a load and nobody will know.

wonder why the fuck I'm so close to the coast

call of duty sucks so much cock its not even funny anymore

i've never seen snow

Say murica then have my breakfast? Idk op is a faggot...

Go about my day, it will do nothing.

>soldiers on board
What's it like to be retarded?

I welcome my close allies and wave my flag at them.

Wonder how the fuck I moved 20km in my sleep to the waterfront

>What do you do user?

Break out the Silkworm missile I have in the shed and sink the carrier.

Try to figure out what I can sell to the 5000+ sailors when they come ashore.

Get on my rowing boat and hope I get to it before some other Finn captures it for himself.

two words
boi pucci

Ask if they take in refugees

>the day of the democracy has come

Start singing

America! Fuck yeah!

Comin again to save thamuthafukkinday!

Go score some acid

>USS Ronald Reagan anchors off of Turku
>thousands upon thousands of rowboats immediately begin streaming towards the carrier
>CIWS and machine guns open up on them but there's too many
>Finns begin climbing the side of the warship
>they'd be making more progress if they weren't fighting each other
>knife-wielding Finngolians take on the sailors in an hours-long battle
>as the sun sets on the blood-soaked deck, a single Finn is the only living soul left

Do a 360 and go back to bed

Behold the wonder of american taxdollars at work before returning to my free university studies.


>wake up in my home in Calgary 400+ miles from the nearest shore
>see ocean
>completely miss the carrier or whatever the fuck it is I am supposed to care about because most of my family has drowned overnight

This is horrible. Can I outrun the sea? It is swallowing up the entire earth. I would probably drive to the mountains and try to get surviving family members to join me.

Honestly I might even just kill myself, this is a horrible calamity, it would surely put a great strain on my mind and body. This might even be worse then a nuclear war.

Never change, straya


Get on board and start the party

>Fuck the sea came to visit my house.

a lot of girls must turn you down if you need to start importing

Wonder how my country got access to the sea.


>wake up
>see pic related
>What do you do user?

Laugh at americans who will end up digging a new hundred kilometer channel if they want their carrier back because its in a lake now.

That is from Transformers 2

Tell people near me that ever since Disney bought the Star Wars IP they've been having every space ship descend into planetary atmosphere just for dramatic shots.

Every time I see that shit I try to imagine a character from Star Trek comment on how absurd it is.

Different acid


How the fuck did I wake up in front of a coastline? I live in north arizona!

figure out how the fuck i teleported out of oklahoma

Open floodgates, drain body of water
Carrier is now normal airfield

>Buy Rowboat
>Row towards big ship
>Seek assylum

about damn time

>>wake up
>>see pic related
>What do you do user?

Silly Carrier. Mayport is on the other side of Florida. It's right next to Jacksonville.

>buy the biggest Firework rockets i can find in my city
>set up a timer to launch them after 1 minute
>see as carrier bombs the shit out of my city
>shit, now my house is gone

also kys

I call the firefighters and tell them about how a huge lake appeared in front of my house.


>giving up the element of surprise

Swim towards it.

What the hell?? Finnish people don't talk like that. Also we have desert camo

fake attack it to lure them into another vietnam war ^_^

Immidiately, start humming The Star-Spangled Banner.

>No spurdo

Bad Finland meme.

Send some guys on a raft because the soldiers are retarded and wont engage.


relax, if they were going to hurt you it would be 300 miles away and you might just see a flash or feel a shockwave before died.

>Well I guess it's time to leave everything behind and get shipped off to the FEMA camps!


Well if it was coming to attack you couldn't ask for a better place for it to be. You could shoot the bridge out and sweep the flight deck with machineguns at that range.

Otherwise I would wonder what it was doing by Anglesey, and if it intended to navigate it's way up the straight.

im your biggest fan. never stop pls

I'm pretty sure the only reason big ships don't go into atmo is because they need to leave the atmosphere before going to hyperspace, which leaves them extremely vulnerable