Probaly one of you guys here on Sup Forums

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you dont make fun of how a person looks thats so immature, you dont need to bring those habits from childhood into adulthood

I just can't imagine anyone here or anyone in general who actually wears a fedora in public for some reason.

Am I the only one who thinks she has a really cute smile?

i think its cute


"The blacks and Arabs are taking our women" don't think you had a shot to begin with lmaoo

look at dis dood

again, please look past superficiality


i think the joke here is that he is a typical 4clonger. honestly mocking him would be mocking ourself.

she does for sure

more superficial comments...this is becoming a problem


no ones admitting that. i make fun of people when i feel like im better than them, not to make fun of myself. i think it goes beyond that, the joke is how poeple would LIKE to think the average Sup Forums user looks like.

look at the

i guess i kinda agree with ya.

Found the goblin in the pic.

Fucking hate some of the fags here on Sup Forums .

I bet you 80% of the people in this board are overweight.

arguing superficiality with superficiality

Fedoras are an extension of autism and serve only to visually signal to the world that you have autism

says the nonathletic skinny guy who's proud of just not being fat. guarantee i lift more, run faster, and look better than you.

this picture gives me the nostalgia

yes and? everything you do and wear is an extension of your personality.

Yes you do? I don't make fun of people if they're slightly overweight, have a super small facial deformation or something they can't control anymore but someone who wears a fedora in public and is obese should be made fun of so they realize how horrible they look like. It's pathetic looking like that.

you can make fun of them, but when you start judging them on who they are based on what they look is wrong. you can say they look bad. but once you start saying they are stupid, autistic, weak...thats where your getting into superficial territory.

feels > reals? No human who looks like this is respectable.

its not about feelings, its about maturity. doing whats right and giving the benefit of the doubt. its not about his feelings getting hurt. its about dealing with actual bigotry and prejudice that limits interactions between two different kinds of people. and i hope you learn one day that attitude attracts the same kinds of people towards you and i hope they plague your existense

of course there are instances where its ok like when your walking and theres a pack of niggs on the road, but this obviously isnt one of those instances.

I never called the guy stupid, weak or autistic but being obese, having long and unkempt hair while wearing a fedora and having a goatee show's he's at least one of those things. These things are completely under his control which makes it incredibly shameful.

yes i agree with you i was making sure we have a mutual understanding

This is why I don't go outside

>of course there are instances where its ok like when your walking and theres a pack of niggs on the road
the dissonance is real. you're a caricature.

I do not get this fedora phenomena or culture. It's such a weird attraction. First off, i'm no fashion guy, but it seems like if you're going to wear a fedora you have to wear nice clothes with the rest of your outfit. You're supposed to be clean shaven, nice haircut, not a graphic t-shirt, and no camo shorts. Secondly, it seems like the fedora-culture is a weird attempt for (mostly males) to grasp back at a time where masculinity was its most productive and visually appealing. They try to bring back the traditional ideals of that male but add their modern ideals while subtracting ones they feel are bad. They like the chivalry of the men but don't like the strong patriarchal nature of the man. Maybe it's a secret desire to have that patriarchal nature but they're rejecting it because it's deemed socially unacceptable in modern times? Maybe they reject it because they know they can't be that patriarchal figure? Fuck this is such a weird thing.

nothing is black and white friend

Some things are black and white.

Whoops I forgot my blacked porn image

It's like if Santana got stung by a bee

I think its mostly insecure faggots trying to find easy ways to become attractive.

>i'll become atheist and women will think i'm smart
>i'll fedoras like a true man from the 50s and women will think I'll provide for them and have a good sense of fashion.

atheism must go. I've never seen a chad wear a fedora, and they could probably pull it off.

I think it's the lowest-hanging way for a person with 0 self awareness to feel like they're improving as a person. Same with the whole 'nice guy' phenomenon. People don't want to believe that they need to take a hard look at themself and work out their issues, they just want to find a magical way to accessorize their shitty self into a perfect one.

That does seem to be the biggest factor. They turn themselves into doormats for women while trying to pretend they're being those figures from the 50's. It just weirds me out because I've encountered Christian fedoras as well. It's just so strange to me. They're just as cringe, spastic, and autistic as the atheist ones.