Post yfw you realized you were God and this entire universe is in your mind

I'll start

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There are two possibilities. A we think therefore we are and cannot believe anyone besides ourselves exists in this thing called consciousness, or B we are all part of a global consciousness and if we all believe something we can make it real. This is how politics work. People at the top use our consciousness and manipulate it for their own gain. This Idea is similar to thinking of man kind as a cell on a universal level. As with the microscopic so with the macroscopic and so with the mortal as with the divine.


That's a pretty good analysis.

How do we break free of the system?

So like I am part of your mind or you are part of mine?

You really think YOU are God? I think we all know who is writing this story.

yet you cant even make your phone or some small object levitate. you arent the real god and neither am i


>doesn't know that he is God playing as someone who doesn't believe that

In-character roleplaying is cool


>Mfw I attained enlightenment @ 14 years old

In terms of being awake, that is all you really need to accept. You are in control of your life. You can do anything . We learn, grow, and pass on our legacy. I think that death is the only way out of this plane of existence, but suicide is a cheap and unfulfilling way of getting there. No matter what your path in life is, the only one who measures its value is you. If you live your life falling for tricks and doing things you believe are wrong but make excuses for, they will catch up to you when you are in the twilight hours of your life. Im assuming you're still young so all I can say is go out and achieve. It doesn't matter what, just live a fulfilling life.

is that why even people who do, cant use magic powers ie: our buddy in north korea, shizos

Okey fagget suck yer own dick without movin yur body

Explains why Israel and Saudi Arabia are so powerful. They are truly America's greatest allies.

Only a god would know that he is the puppet master. The puppet only plays a role.
I found you, better yet you found yourself since I am only following my character and you want me to find you

All depends on your definition of god. If you think it's someone who transcends science and dimensions then yeah he/she/it or they (for any pagans out there) probably don't exist or at least we can't comprehend their existence in ways other than existential abstractions. If god is merely the one who controls our lives then each of us is certainly our own god.

There is goodness in this world, and I have been called to protect it.



The truth is that all that truly is, is God.
And all it does is playing a game. In order to play this game it creates the illusion of separation. It then plays percieving itself from infinite different points of views and playing pretend.
It pretends to be just you, just me, just a rock, just a tv, just air, but in truth it's only God.


There are no puppets. All is God playing.

How could they know which one is which?



It doesn't matter if this God is truly a conscious being or just matter following a pattern, for its game would be the same.

>scroll past this thread
>start wondering if the universe i created in my head is, by making me see this, either somehow self-aware and making a joke at my expense, or if my mind is playing a joke on itself
>scroll back up to post this

If I am God, then why am I suffering in this liberal hellhole of a world?

Your definition of God is limited


god dammit /x/
you can't even summon one succubus and you call yourself a god

What do you believe is its end game? To be a game? To exist for the sake of existence?

We all should just get TANG'd desu.


Because as God you're supposed to do something about it, not whining about your suffering on a Mongolia tapestry forum

The answer is surely something that defies our mind,but I like to believe that it's like a kid, it plays because it likes it, or maybe because it's all it can do.

For intelligent life to evolve to a state where we can become gods

> tfw I am your God and you're all living in my made up world.

So much fun watching these people fight about muh politics

Definitely not something easily comprehended let alone accepted by humans, but it's a valid theory. It reminds me of in video games when there is an invisible wall because the game developers didn't make any more area in the game. We can't quite understand it but maybe it is just because it is. No beginning or end, only a cycle.


I really like the fact you said that we are in control of our own lives. You have to start at looking for what you want for yourself and only yourself first. Call it independence, call it egotism, but once the cells at the individual level each pursue their own interests the control mechanism cannot manipulate the cells to do something stupid. The control center is made up of the shared interest of all independent cells.


I whole heartedly agree with you. This is my theory as well. Earth is our test. If we can make it out of here, like a child from his mothers arms then we are in the pubescent stages of our existence and from then on our goal is to watch over and guide other life in the same way that we do on a much smaller scale with our children.

I believe in that too. Especially in the phrase "It is just because it is".


isn't it obvious that "we're" all the same being?
there's no you or me.

i wrote this and im reading this



Precisely. Your expansion on the cell is spot on. Each taking care of his own purpose takes care of the whole subsequently by virtue of a common goal. Our plight as humans is the capability of knowing that there are multimple paths to this same goal.

I didn't wrote this post, but I can read it.
How do you explain this Aussie McAustraliaface?


nice work

Solipsism is the most stupid philosophy ever. At least counted from those which actually have arguments backing them up.

Autism is the only infinite because autism is chaos. You're welcome.

And our society completely isolates and concentrates us in one box or another.
"Know your place, stay in your lane". Much of life is exactly that, there are so many paths to God, to a meaningful life, but we only spend time to bring other perspective of the same truth down all the while following hypocritical betraying leaders.

I don't care if it's real, made-up, my mind, or something else.

I just want off the ride. I can't even remember the last time I was looking forward to tomorrow. If God is real, it's a real fucking asshole.

>lol, war, rape and famine are just wacky lessons in consciousness bro!


Good means nothing without contrast. That's why pain exists. We were never meant to be docile and mindless.

I think that rather than BEING God, we have the potential to BECOME God. Remember the story of falling down into hell an trying to come out unscathed without succumbing to temptation? You have to act as God, whether it is to overcome hardship, pessimism and hopelessness and work towards something of meaning. For others the test is power, the destination is always to get closer with God.


A justification for the current system of existence by the current system of existence. It is what it is. Maybe things have to be this way. But maybe they don't. It's not hard to conceive of a world without pain as such. Busting a nut doesn't feel great because I got my ass kicked when I was a kid, it feels great on its own terms.

Damn, homie.

How can we do that when it's so damn hard?

Damn Sup Forums, you're inspiring today.
