Mfw my friends unironically believe 2.8 jews died per minute during the holocaust

>mfw my friends unironically believe 2.8 jews died per minute during the holocaust

How do I convince them bros?

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Jews were executed in large batches, it wasn't one Jew at a time.


2.8 is not even that much, it did happen, faggot

so where are all the corpses then?

disgusting pudgy notits trash

Just show them the math and science behind incinerators. Do the math in front of them and they will at least be forced to agree the numbers are dead wrong. Only then can you get into the "Why".

>Jews were executed in large batches, it wasn't one Jew at a time.
When you incinerate a body it takes anywhere from 1-3 hours. You cannot just put 5 bodies in 1 incinerator and expect for all of them to burn in the same time, it doesn't work like that kohai.

There simply weren't 6 million Jews in that area. Not really sure how else to phrase that to make anyone but the most staunch hasidic merchant understand.

cool pictures

where is the proof that they Jews?

The world almanac actually shows an increase in population from 40-45.

Tell them that that more died during transportation then in the camps, describe how by the time they got to the camps the joos were already fairly broken because without usury they are the weakest race on the planet.

So if I put one potato in an oven it will take a significantly shorter time to cook than if I put 10 potatoes in an oven? Have you ever cooked before?


How big do you think these incinerators are?

If you had a potato the size of a watermelon your analogy might make sense, and even then the answer is still yes without convection.


>Found the heeb

Throw your life away and become a farmer.
Get the comfyest house you can cheap and then later offer to help him escape his shit life and arrange that house next door for him, you'll help him kill his first chicken and shit.

Tell him to remember his old city life and how bad it were.
Tell him to remember how stressed he were and how kids bothered him.
Now he want a family and you set him up with that bee farm so his testosterone rose.

Now tell him to remember the 6 grazzilion jews, how he used to think they could mass produce lamps at such pace.
Now with his eagle eye and aryan mind rekindled, he shall see.
Scream sieg heil and start ranting about rotschilds at the campfire.
Then he will understand.

>being manipulated this easily

Search for the 1949 number in your beloved almanac

>i will just deny everything that goes against my ideology

You are free to research the source for each of those photos.

Tell them not to be sad that it wasn't muh 6 gorillion, but to be happy that it happened at all and could happen again. Also,mature we're never that many Jews to begin with, prior to the Holohoax the number 6 million is used in Jewish texts repeatedly, and that after the war the ared Cross had estimates at 700k I think. Also, show them pictures from other POw camps and they're not dissimilar. Maybe it happened, but not like (((they))) say. The holocaust, so super true that saying it's not true can land you in jail. Can you imagine anything else where denying it is cause for prosecution?

Pro tip: denial of holocaust is crime.

Go to your local crematorium and ask the guy there, don't bring up the holocaust, just ask him if he were to put 5 bodies in the cremator, would they only take 1-3 hours to be ash.

He will laugh you out of the room.

>using the "revised" number
You definitely aren't a shill.

Burnt to ashes.

>what is burden of proof

You haven't seen the pictures of mass graves?

What about the civilian German lives lost in WWII? Is it against the law to greatly underestimate those casualties?

If not, why are Jewish lives somehow more important than white native Germans?

Greatly underestimating Jewish casualties is defined as holocaust denial.

really who cares?

whether or not nazis killed 6 million jews seems like such an absurd thing to debate about. even IF they did I don't understand how that would relate in any way to the modern world where basically all the holocaust survivors and nazis are dead. some other people MAYBE suffered in the hands of some other people in a time I wasn't alive.

everyone should focus on pointing out how absurd it is that jews still use the holocaust as a political tool rather than arguing on the details of the claim.

Burden of proof is not an argument, it's moving the goal posts.

Burden of proof only applies when there are consequences involved. You being a complete faggot is already established, so winning or losing your point really has no consequence.

I don't believe the numbers, prove that any Germans died during WWII. I want to see every grave and verify that the numbers add up.
No Germans died in WWII.

>mfw remembering Robin Williams is kill

What's this 2.3 per minute math? Is that assuming the death squads operated all 5 years?

dude you literally just unironically posted a fucking blogspot, like its not 2008 anymore

youre an actual chimp

3 jews a minute from the second the war started to the very last day where decimated and bombed berlin fell

ok dude

you mean the majority of pictures that have been found to be lies and the bodies of polaks and other slavs?

also i wonder why its illegal for anyone to conduct a proper investigation on the holocaust in europe

>3 jews a minute from the second the war started to the very last day where decimated and bombed berlin fell

Yes, even when their supply routes were being cut off, they still burned 3 jews a minute, even while starving and freezing to death themselves.

thanks pekka

That would be a lot of work. Too much for me.I'd quit.
>I work 84 hours a week, btw

Yes. 2.3/minute is what it would be if they never ever stopped during all 5 years

You mean the Jews that were taken from Poland?
When where they "proven" to not be Jews?

I was telling my roommate about those numbers and he pulls out of his ass


Then I tell him that not even the jews claimed mass street executions happened and he tries to just laugh it off. Does the conditioning tickle when it weakens or something?

All the photos in the link are sourced. It's not my fault retards don't know how to browse a simple site

> Is it against the law to greatly underestimate those casualties?
yes. Apart from Israel, the legislation concerning Holocaust denial doesn't mention (not even once) the words "jew" or "holocaust".

The same legislation that was used to prosecute holocaust deniers was also used to prosecute armenian genocide deniers.

>everyone from poland was a jew
>polish people were never slaughtered by germans and their corpses disposed of

Proof: It's not against the law in Israel to say what you just wrote.

No, kike. Almost 3 jews killed every minute during WW2.

That's impossible.

No one believes you fucking jew lies, any more, kike.

All of your kind should have died.

>No one in Poland was a Jew.
>Jews were never slaughtered by Germans and their corpses disposed of.

What about the Germans that the Jews gunned down in the streets?

Couldn't you call that even?

Yeah so fucking absurd to warn against genocide and fascism and the issue with plebs falling to authority like honeybees

>muh history is in the past why should I have to know things mom I hate school

Not enough apparently

>dude you literally just unironically posted a fucking blogspot, like its not 2008 anymore

>can't argue against the source
>attack it because it's not a wordpress or a youtube video


>you mean the majority of pictures that have been found to be lies and the bodies of polaks and other slavs?

>also i wonder why its illegal for anyone to conduct a proper investigation on the holocaust in europe

It's not


yea how can .8 of a jew die if .8 of a person can't live in the first place?

I'm literally a history major dumbass.

The problem is that jews use the holocaust exclusively as a pro-jew tool. Nazi party's rise to popularity is certainly a warning example of populism in action and of course it shouldn't be forgotten, but using it as an excuse/reasoning for "anti-jew" laws and policies is ridiculous.

>2.8 jews died per minute during the holocaust
you can kill a shit ton of jews in one minute if you round them up.
that's not the problem

if I cram 100 hotpockets in a microwave, they will all cook evenly......


try to light a plain block of wood with a match you idiot

I dunno. When they've swallowed the wrong pill, they can be difficult to persuade
Maybe they should run the holocost again, you know, to prove those gorillion figures are literally impossible

its how my family laugh at my anger at our government all the while they agree with me on everything I bring up but dont ever get mad about it.

They just laugh it off and say "the world is a fucked up place with greedy evil people 'whattayagonnadoaboutit?' "

I asked a scientist who was struggling with the realization the Holocaust is just another Jewish myth (like Moses parting the Red Sea) to do the energy analysis of incinerating that many bodies. To his great credit, he did. And the science and math proved that the Holocaust could not have happened - any more than Santa Claus can travel to every house in a single night.

>Obviously, the energy required would be immense. Having just had my grandmother cremated last year, I would also wonder about the time necessary, even when split into machine-hours.

>I am told by and that the Crematorium II ("Krema II") facility at Aushwitz-Birkenau contained 15 "muffles" (receptacle for the corpse). And that in December of 1943, using a strategy of alternating loads of 3 and then 2 bodies into each muffle, this coke-fired crematory was capable of turning 2,250 bodies into complete ash every 24 hours, allowing 4 hours of downtime.

>2,250? Are they aware that stuffing more material in doesn't actually reduce the energy requirements? If we were to assume an average body weight of 50kg, we're talking about reducing 112,500kg of biomass into dust in 18 hours? A body is about 65% water weight, so that would give us 73,125kg -- it takes about 2.5 MJ (megajoules) of energy to evaporate 1kg of water.

>So every 18 hours, these receptacles are given 182,813 MJ of energy, from a coke-fired furnace? This is just for the water. No heat loss, no insulation, no flues, 100% efficiency, and we're talking...

> 4.37 metric tonnes of oil (toe) equivalent
> 6.24 metric tonnes of coal (toc) equivalent
> 43.7 tons of TNT denonated...EVERY 18 hours?

>I just don't know what to do with this.

here, i can do the same you child

half your sources are (((newspapers))) and (((digital archives))) and legal documents open to subjective interpretation

dont worry i dont blame you for being an uneducated 3rd worlder

>The same legislation that was used to prosecute holocaust deniers was also used to prosecute armenian genocide deniers.

What are those laws? The Good Goyim Doctrine?

>>Obviously, the energy required would be immense. Having just had my grandmother cremated last year, I would also wonder about the time necessary, even when split into machine-hours

I just creamated my grandma last week and it took over a day and she was probably 115 lbs. and old.

>killing 6 million people is literally impossible.
50-80 million people in total died during WWII.

6 million that couldn't fight back, that's impossible though.

came here to post this

there weren't even that many jews in germany and poland combined, and their numbers didn't dip after the next census, explain that?

2.8 Jews AND 2.8 non-Jews.
5.6 people per minute.
Approximately One every 11 seconds.

The .8 accounts for the extra mass of two Jewish noses

The census was wrong.
How many Mexicans live in the US? Give me an accurate number...reality kicks in. Nobody actually knows the real number of Mexicans in the US.
Such a simple thing to overlook. Nobody knew how many Jews were in Europe.

I don't even understand what your argument is.

Do you have trouble understanding how militaries can achieve coordinated actions with millions of soldiers for example?

Stop believing lies. Every sane self respecting men that talked to a holocaust survivor irl knows that it was real.

>came here to post this
Too bad his argument was slaughtered instantly with basic math. That's not even getting into downtime to clean the incinerators and parts connecting to them.

Even modern day incinerators and cremators need downtime for cleaning/fixes. To have the fires cooking non stop for 5 years, there equipment would have been destroyed within weeks without the downtime on the machines.

didn't happen like they tell you.

>Dedicating millions of soldiers to exterminating Jews instead of fighting the war.


Show them the "eyewitness accounts" that the entire narrative is based on.
They're invariably ridiculous and no sane person could believe they actually happened.

Personally I can believe it. The mobile death squads, Einsatzgruppen, did alot of work in Soviet territory, basically wiping it clean of jews. Drink schnapps at night, shoot Jews and communists by day. This doesn't even count the Jews killed by the local population.

What area? Europe + USSR is pretty large. There were 3 million Jews in Poland alone if I'm not mistaken. I don't think many were killed in the camps but I think death squads killed alot.

Germans never leave a job half finished.

Unless it was all fucking fake and obviously made up bullshit. Fuck America and fuck Trump.

>How do I convince them bros?

Don't. Only autists give a shit about how many jews died a hundred years ago.

>I just creamated my grandma last week and it took over a day
She wouldn't keep still? (h/t/ MP)

Like I said, the Holocaust is magic math. It's as real as "NORAD tracks Santa." (Revealing how the Hanukkah lamp burns for 8 days, but Jews themselves don't make it 8 minutes).

I suppose one could offer the believers the pro-Holocaust argument Jews take no energy to burn because they have no souls.




Link them the david cole doc and ask if they can refute his claims.

Tell him 22 Rwandan a minute were killed for 100 days straight with rusty machetes during the well documented Rwandan Genocide.

Six million is too high.

Einsatzgruppen only account for around 400k deaths, not all Jews.

Red Cross estimated 271k deaths in concentration camps, not all Jews.

Did local populations kill the remaining millions?

>that talked to a holocaust survivor
And that's easy enough to do - there seem to be millions of them!

Just because they're were nazis doesn't mean they were awful people. I'm sure a few of them had no problem spilling brains of innocent people, but most of them didn't just murder Jews for no reason.

See pic related. Jews have all pushed their persecution complex. It's in their torah that says Israel will return to the promised land 'minus six million' and another shit.

Why does noone mention the MILLIONS of christians killed in Soviet union? The millions of people China? Way more people killed by communism but all the professors are brainwashing kids into being COM-TARDS to this day!
>why did the germans spray camp prisoners before they entered? why shave their heads?
>to prevent typhus
>why have camps ? why not just kill them? It's a waste of manpower/resources
>BUH they starved!!
>some did.most prisoners died at the end .how do you feed prisoners when your supply lines are bombed and military is almost destroyed?
>why didnt hitler just round everyone up in a field and blow/gas it?
>they develop a complicated mass etermination campaign instead involvong shootings/gas/ovens-doesnt make sense- germans were very efficient-this is inefficient
>Israel/jews use the holocaust as a weapon to :
>scare its own people into voting a certain way
>$$$ from other countries
>manipulate people into supporting them
>cant be critical of jews or you're racist
>uses it as a threat "Iran must be stopped becaise it wants another holocaust!!"
>NEWSFLASH:Iran already has nukes from Pak and NK
>iran using them for defense
>israel knows this but wants USA to strike anyways so iran is forced to use them-israel will be there to pick up the pieces
>israel wants to breakup the middle east to that its easier to conquer
>Holocaust is weapon that helps push its geopolitical goals
> Jews control media/entertainment industry.
>Jews bribe politicians through AIPAC
>Jews (Rothschilds) run all the central banks around the world
>Macron,who is going to be the next leader of france, worked at a Rothschild bank for 4 years as an analyst before becoming a partner!! FOUR!
>Neocons like McCain/Graham always push for war
Jews have taken over,just like Hitler warned us.

How do we stop it

See Jews have all pushed their persecution complex. It's in their torah that says Israel will return to the promised land 'minus six million' and another shit.

Why does noone mention the MILLIONS of christians killed in Soviet union? The millions of people China? Way more people killed by communism but all the professors are brainwashing kids into being COM-TARDS to this day!
>why did the germans spray camp prisoners before they entered? why shave their heads?
>to prevent typhus
>why have camps ? why not just kill them? It's a waste of manpower/resources
>BUH they starved!!
>some did.most prisoners died at the end .how do you feed prisoners when your supply lines are bombed and military is almost destroyed?
>why didnt hitler just round everyone up in a field and blow/gas it?
>they develop a complicated mass etermination campaign instead involvong shootings/gas/ovens-doesnt make sense- germans were very efficient-this is inefficient
>Israel/jews use the holocaust as a weapon to :
>scare its own people into voting a certain way
>$$$ from other countries
>manipulate people into supporting them
>cant be critical of jews or you're racist
>uses it as a threat "Iran must be stopped becaise it wants another holocaust!!"
>NEWSFLASH:Iran already has nukes from Pak and NK
>iran using them for defense
>israel knows this but wants USA to strike anyways so iran is forced to use them-israel will be there to pick up the pieces
>israel wants to breakup the middle east to that its easier to conquer
>Holocaust is weapon that helps push its geopolitical goals
> Jews control media/entertainment industry.
>Jews bribe politicians through AIPAC
>Jews (Rothschilds) run all the central banks around the world
>Macron,who is going to be the next leader of france, worked at a Rothschild bank for 4 years as an analyst before becoming a partner!! FOUR!
>Neocons like McCain/Graham always push for war
Jews have taken over,just like Hitler warned us.

the question is how can you make them disappear at that rate without leaving any mass graves?


Shit! Double post! Oy vey!

It was around 4.8-5 million probably, not 6.

This goy makes some good points

They did many mass graves. They just had to dig them up and dispose of the bodies like the Soviet massacre in Katyn Poland or the Mass grave in Srebrenicza.

The real holocaust

Every time a Jew posts, I punch a hole in a condom and donate it to Palestine.

So how much is that, like 5k people? Where's the rest?

With the facilities they had it would have taken 47 years of nonstop gassing to handle all of the alleged casualties.

Yet niggers killed 1 million in 2 months with machetes and sticks

Really makes me think

Germans are not very smart. Hutus are.

Yeah, it does. Even niggers know it's retarded to put your enemy in camps, feed them, house them, and clothe them, only to turn around and use chemical weapons against them in small batches.

Your narrative is ludicrous.

accidentally kill yourself while choke wanking?

any faggot got that anti wankchoke PSA video pic related did? or did i dream it