Civic Nationalism vs. Ethno Nationalism

Civic Nationalism vs. Ethno Nationalism
Which is best?

why dont you explain the basic principles of Civic Nationalism and Ethno-Nationalism so we all know YOU know what youre talking about and arent just sliding threads because you're Jewish

Cultural Marxism


Civic Nationalism: race doesn't matter, only culture.
Ethno Nationalism: race and culture are intrinsically linked.


>Civic Nationalism: race doesn't matter, only culture.
The lie here is that race and culture aren't dependant upon one another. They are. Further, today's "civic nationalism" isn't the same as it once was. America has always been a Civic Nationalist country, as we have always accepted immigrants and expected them to adopt our American culture. But until 1965 we only had about 10% non-whites in America, whereas now the Jew wants whites to be the 10% while shitskins become the new majority. Pic related.

Ethno-Nationalism is superior to the Jewish version of Civic Nationalism because one results in white genocide and the other doesnt.

Why do you think race and culture are dependent on each other, exactly?

culture is just an expression on a group's average intelligence. the more intelligent the people, the more complex and beautiful the culture.

compare african culture with japanese, for example.

True. But do you think that the innate intelligence of a race could possibly be improved?

Thanks to a new gene editing Science called CRISPR, yes one day we will be able to engineer intelligence. But this is exactly what the ancient Aryans were trying to do by spreading their technology, laws, culture and sciences with the natives they met exploring the ancient world. Ancient Aryans invented things like warfare from horseback. They could have conquered the entire ancient world many times over. But they didnt. Instead, they tried to raise everyone else up to their level. This is the difference between races and culture: Aryans try to build, others for the most part, just want to destroy.

Brown people = Garbage


Intelligence aside, people just seem to be very tribal in nature. It makes me doubtful about civic nationalism.

Civic '''''nationalists''''' are fucking insane morons with no idea what nationalism even is. It's completely indistinguishable from globalism, maybe you could say that it's right wing globalism.
While the left wants to eradicate whites and create a single one world government, the civic ''''''nationalists''''' want to eradicate whites while maintaining some form of localized power. Not that different. You shouldn't even compare these shitheads to nationalists.

>ethno nationalism
This is a dumb redundant term.
Ethos and nation mean the same exact thing. This is like saying ''nationalistic nationalism'' or ''ethno ethnocentrism''

Civic ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''nationalists'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' have fallen for the meme that nationalism is patriotism. They believe that being a nationalist means worshiping the state, the laws, pieces of paper, contracts and arbitrary bullshit like loving your fellow country men, even though you don't even share the same nationality.

Civic nationalism only works with extremely similar ethnic groups like whites, but then of course thats pretty much ethno nationalism

Civic because ethnicity will inevitably blur. No matter how much some people might struggle to keep their race pure, it will mix eventually. Love and lust beat chastity almost every single time. It's easier to be degenerate than it is to be pure. It's easier to fall than it is to fly.

I am not against race mixing, obviously. I feel like that would be silly. But I am against forced or arranged marriages. I feel like they're shallow and lack love and real commitment. You shouldn't marry someone for their race, you should marry them if you love and trust them and have good reason to.

So that's why I think Jews are racist.

Civic nationalism is a jewish myth.

Ethnic nationalism is the only one that matters

>Civic nationalism only works with extremely similar ethnic groups like whites,
The history of Europe disagree...

Croats and serbs, germans and british, "spanish" and portuguese...

Race mixing is still the exception, though, despite endless propaganda and encouragement from the media.
Race has always played a role in how people choose who they marry.

Poptart pete is good

threads shit tho

Where there are people there is conflict.
Best we can do is reduce the conflicts by protecting national identities and not having too much (((diversity))).

It's not an ideal option to have Germans and Brits together in the same place, but it's preferable to what Muricans have.
If they could kill all non-whites and just have a country full off different white national identities, it would still be preferable to what they have now.
Shit like the Italian mafia isn't even remotely close to being as harmful as having a welfare state for niggers who commit 50% of all murders.

all nationalism is for good goys anyway

>die for your country goy! think of the collective good goy!

>Ancient Aryans
>ancient Aryans were trying to do by spreading their technology, laws, culture and sciences with the natives they met exploring the ancient world
>Ancient Aryans invented things like warfare from horseback
>They could have conquered the entire ancient world many times over

are they those 'ancient aliens' everyone hears about. toptet you're retarded

Civic Nationalism with Blacks and Muslims etc is obviously impossible. So Ethno.

>nationalism is statism and patriotism
Now that is a good goy

Crazy how the jews have completely brainwashed you faggots. It's very rare that I see Americans who know what nationalism is. Every single time you faggots seem to think nationalism is worshiping the country, the flag and fighting wars Isr- I mean America. That's just not what nationalism is.

A nation is your blood, it's your language, it's shared heritage, it's your race, it's your family, it's your religion.

Damn why is everything in this world the opposite of the truth... White People are the "People of Color"

or lurk moa

debate me then fgt

hah the pic


>Ethno Nationalism for Europe/Asia/Africa
>Civic Nationalism for Americas/Oceania

Is there a reason why this couldn't work?

I meant in the US where their history is pretty much skewed and you can never really tell someones lineage without asking. That being said it is probably better for northern europe and Mediterranean europe to be separated.

No picture and from mobile so why am I even bothering to write this.

Basically for me, ethnic nationalism is the ideal, but no longer applicable to our nations thanks to decades of social engineering. There for the ONLY realistic hope of seeing national socialism in my country one day is for it to somehow appeal to the multiethnic population of Britain and end Multiculturalism together.

Team Britain or GTFO basically and if some brown or black British behaving person agrees with that, then we can both remove the Jew.

The Irish were despised when they first came to this country. They weren't even considered white. And yet they assimilated in a relatively short amount of time.
But there's Africans have been in this country for even longer and haven't been able to assimilate. Why do you think this is so?

Humping civic/econimic nationalism is a spur in the heel of globalist Jews. It fucks up their free votes and their oversea factories. Continued further, it will fuck up their weapons deals, their drug trafficking, human trafficking, nrarly all offrnsive weapons against the whites.
Turning the US into an ethnostate for whites is a retarded pipe dream 40 years too late and any attempt to shill for one on a national level simply divides the right and paves the way for kikes and pinkos.
If you want to divide the right and give up on making a dent in the side of ZOG, screech autistically about ethno-states. If you want to disarm the weapons of the Jew, hop on the civic nationalism boat and help hold our elected officials to task.

Ethno-nationalism. Civic nationalism is a lie to drive idiots into multi-culturalism one step at a time.
>think about it before you average burger immediately spews some shit and I'll have to correct you.

I knew it. Most if you fucks are larping Jews.
Can't even attack the many typos in my unrepentant phoneposting? Pathetic.


>Civic Nationalism vs. Ethno Nationalism
>Which is best?

If you are going to post put some effort into it mate, Could put a quick description of both side and ask a question maybe? This is almost Reddit tear however before I posted you have made seven posts in total so your not 100% failure.

Western nations gave birth to a coeherent mixture of both, we can take the best from anyone else and make it our own, while keeping our identity we evolve, christian ideals, scientific methods and minds. We are westerns.

That was the classic way. We are the ancients.

Now they're dumping these pile of shits onto us. But we'll be stronger than ever when we'll clean this mess.
We will weed out the worst among us, and those who'll take the brown bait. It'll be like cleansing.
Now if you brothers on the other side of the atlantic could actually get rid of your jew masters, stop pandering to the brits and be your own nation, we'd be really really happy to have our own again over here.

Maybe, by that time the Chings will be ready for the cultural challenge.

>civnat will lead to multi-culti

Forgot your proxy, kike.
But sure, let us all focus on the darkies coming over the wall and not the jews tossing them over. -_-

You could write a book on it really, but at its very core......

Civic National Socialism that focuses on stopping debt slavery via baseless currency and reforging a unifying national spirit is the only way.

Ethnic National Socialism would be almost impossible to realistically implement in any western Nation, and even if something like it did somehow gain control of a country, it would quickly find itself sanctioned, isolated and likely invaded by the remaining globalist vassal states

>think about it before you average burger immediately spews some shit and I'll have to correct you.

I thought you guys can read your own fucking language correctly, for Christ's sake.
Civic-nationalism is embracing different people that have different cultures and telling you that they have the same culture as you. Usually it start small with neighboring ethnic groups that have a lot of similarities in their cultures and behaviors, and later on it slowly develops to more distant groups culture-wise, making the culture shift into a mixture of different cultures, which can also be called multi-culturalism in a sense, because multi-culturalism is what happens before all those cultures mix into one after being in one another's ass for a couple of generations.

They are both different routes to the same end-goal.

"Le bugie hanno le gambe corte e il naso lungo"

Never understood the part on the long nose 'till Sup Forums.

(((civic nationalism)))

>civ nat
not race mixer and cultural traitors

shekelsberg is right, its a subversive path to multiculturalism

This stereotype-thinking shows that you americans are beyond help

Everyone of us has the same enemy - even left and right, but we are too stupid to unite and call them out.
(((They))) make us fight each other in blind hatred and we keep falling for it. Rational discussions would clearly show that we have goals in common.

So ethno nationalism would be ideal, but only civic nationalism is viable.

> mfw the Jew is the one showing you the manipulation.
We are good at creating it and spotting it, kek.

Fuck off cancer.
Academic methods are weak memes and poor rhetoric

Etnic nationalism.

Everything else just gets you screwed by lower IQ savages and technology thieving chinks. Ethnic nationalism is completely viable, whites just have to remember how to be the violent genocidal bastards they always were throughout history.

Both civic nationalism and ethno nationalism are blue pills

>ethno nationalism
I would disagree, to preserve it you'd need to close your borders to both the good and the bad civs.

You would want to open them to the good ones you came in contact with and socially evolve to better yourself.

and of course you should just keep the bad ones out to rot.

that macro serie is shit. Never enlarged it.
Stop that non innovation, be creative or stop

>Christian ideals, scientific methods and minds. We are westerns.
>That was the classic way. We are the ancients.
Love it. Traditions are important. Once that simple point is established it provides the logical justification required for effectively opposing immigration and sjws.

One of the main reasons we don't have many immigrants in Iceland is everyone agrees that our language should be preserved and it's already under threat, even the biggest globalist jews seem to agree to that point. This point applied to the wider culture is also valid in all the other European countries. The globalists have no justification but their shekels, no tradition, no authority.

Let me guess, you're a commie?

But isn't being violent genocidal bastards what got us into this mess to begin with?

>Civic-nationalism is embracing different people that have different cultures and telling you that they have the same culture as you.
Not how its being employed now in the states. It is a vector of the right that wants to stop illegal immigration, bring back manufacturing from overseas and push for personal responsibility and adherence to the rule of law.

Tell me how you would go about making the US an ethno state for whites without a full on civil war?
We are too fucking late in the game to stand up in a minecart careening down a hill towards a cliff and loudly proclaim that the mountain is ours. We need to stop speeding downhill first.
What you are doing is telling us that we should abandon consensus on these issues and screech for a civil-war instead of using a majority vote to stop the flood of immigrants.

Towards multiculturalism?
Do you think we're really all too stupid to catch this ruse?
We are fucking dick-deep in multiculturalism. Stopping the flood of immigrants and the kikes flooding us with them should be priority one, not splitting the sliver of a majority we have to wax poetic about a pure land for our race.
If I wanted a race war I would turn Dem.

no I just think it's impossible for me to support ethnic nationalism when I have non-white friends (who, incidentally, took the time to attain fluency in my language and respect my culture)

>Tell me how you would go about making the US an ethno state for whites without a full on civil war?

Maybe that was part of the plan all along, ultimately a conflict between the different races will happen, and such an event will result in the collapse of the nation its taking place in. Basically nearly all ethnically white nations are ticking time bombs by design.

>And that's exactly what will get us out of it.

Your country is a country that was founded by migrants that "fled"/left Europe some 200-300 years ago, and according to your very basic laws that defined the US after your declaration of Independence and civil war, you are a multi-national country by definition.
To attain what you want you need to dismiss those definitions and create new ones, and besides Civil war I think it's pretty hard to do so.

If you think Slavs are non-white then whatever, its alright.
You can never reach complete ethno-natinoalism, you can only strive for it and stop somewhere on the way when it seems alright. In my eyes, a realistic ethno-nationalism country can include people like the friends you mentioned. If they fully integrate, embrace the local culture and traditions then they are all the same to me. Striving for Civic-nationalism will slowly shift into multi-culturalism end-goal.
It may sound like I'm contradicting myself, but the striving part has a lot to it.

Ethnic nationalism is what you want when thinking what you want a hundred years from now. Great thing on a local, county or even state level. On a national level, it is a call for war and a diversion.
Civic nationalism is what we need to actually make it a hundred years from now instead of handing everything over to ZOG by dividing the right wgen the left is at its weakest.

The solution is a synthesis of both ethnic and civic nationalism

Civic nationalism is ok for societies that started multiculti like most of the Americas. The Europeans are entitled to an ethnic state that's how they started.

At nearly any other juncture in history, I would be happy with a simple race war.
Right now, the complacent kikes are on their knees, taken by surprise right before they could seal away the openness of communication that sheds light on their ways.
Just a few more years nigger, that's all they need to refine their works of cognitive mapping and AI enough to influence all public debate for the foreseeable future.

Fight them now or lose everything.

pretty much a tl;dr to what I wrote before - >Should strive for almost ethno-nationalism but accept those who want to take part fully in the culture without pushing in their stuff.

(((You ))), my friend, only have your ethno state because of us. We don't have a big brother to threaten everyone that disagrees.
Look at all the shit you get for your tiny chunk of crap. You cant even expell or kill off the teensy amount of shitskins lobbing rockets at you.
Tell me how to clense my state after you've cleansed your own.

We cannot really just bomb the fuck out of them because the world watches every single fart blowing in their direction and immediately calls us out for harming human rights.

anyways, not my fucking problem anyways. I don't know what to suggest to you to solve the problem in the US, I think its a problem with roots to your very foundations, maybe you can shift things for the better even without addressing them, but again, I don't know what to suggest, I don't understand the American mentality to its fullest.

A.I. will ultimately out Jew the Jews.

civic nationalism works as long as immigrants are a small% of the total countries population and given the proper means/methods to assimilate. It takes time to assimilate, often times 1-2 generations and you need to spread out the immigrants all over the country not create ghettos. Bringing in a small amount so that never at any one time a large portion of your children are born from immigrants gives time for each successive generation to assimilate.

Civic nationalism might best be exemplified in the Roman empire.

We are all brothers and sisters in Christ.

Heretics can burn though

Civic Nationalism is retarded.
Etnho Nationalism is the best

Nice thought, but they are being developed by Microsoft, Google and M.I.T.
Expect ShareBlu times a million and A.I. mods that will silence the "wrong" questions before anyone can lay eyes on them.
>Something indistingushable from human that can be deployed cheaply and effectively to drown out meaningful discussion
GAME OVER, welcome to the dark ages.