Why Are Officers So Neutral In The California Riots?

Like seriously.I am not from the US.But i just recently saw some videos of the antifa-tards literally disrupting public peace and starting blood shed for no real reason.The cops should take the authority and beat the brains out of these brain damaged teens.

>uuuuuh it's gonna cause bad rep
Who the fuck cares?Quite a small price to pay.The less antifags,the better.I've seen countless innocents getting attacked for no reason.

>uuuuuuuuuh it's not the right thing to do.
Maybe,just maybe.But the day i see a dog or a child getting harmed by these goons is the day i will personally buy a M249SAW,travel to California,and just melt whoever tries to start a fight.

Trump should allow the army to deal with these urban orangutans.I want to see how these stick carrying,mask wearing pussies will react to full armed soldiers marching trough their shit protest.

Sup Forums should do some of it's magic work and call a giant bomb threat on these protests.That way so a shit ton of units will arrive and send these fuck caps back home.

Anyone got other suggestions?

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knob off you vermin

It's the higher-ups (police chiefs, etc.) who give orders not to interfere with riots and such. They, in turn, are told to tell officers not to mediate by whoever's above them, i.e. mayor, governor. This is done because this would mean defending people from ANTIFA, which is a Leftist extremist domestic terrorist group. And obviously, the left doesn't want to admit it was wrong for validating the ideologues these people so desperately cling on to.

it is truly sad how people suffer for some shit ideology and we are forced to take the bullet because,unfortunetly,the left cucks basically rule over the US,with Trump being the last person we can,to some degree, count on.
These fags are doing the opposite of what they tell the world they do.
The anti-fascists are the real fascists in this story.

California police are under command of leftists, on all levels.

Trust me, if they could they would. These men are professionals that don't crack under the pressure. But I'm sure one day they'll have to retaliate by force

They know who signs their pay checks and obey.

Neutral? No, they're just not doing the duty that they swore to do.

Americans are lucky they can carry their own guns, and protect themselves, because American cops obviously won't.

In my city... the cops would step on antifas heads.

The mayor of Berkeley is literally in an antifa group.

>Why Are Officers So Neutral In The California Riots?

It is not by choice.

The mayor of Berkeley is a diehard lefty (big surprise) and has ordered the police to remain passive.

oh boi here in romania if you even try to start a violent protest they'll put the whole army on your ass.

It's not about obeying who signs the check. The mayor is in charge of the PD. That's the way it's supposed to work.

However, the police have a moral and ethical obligation to intervene, in my opinion, despite orders to the contrary.

luckily there are some cops that have the guts to take action against these masked monkeys.

in loc sa le plangi de mila mai bine citesti aceste articole interesante si educative.




>Trump should allow the army to deal with these urban orangutans

That would be unlawful in the U.S. under the Posse Comitatus Act.

you're god damn fucking right my man

whole riot suit for under $400

Because they're Californians. Even their best are shit

i dont mean shoot them.Legit just walk near them and they'll tuck their pony tails and run.

kek : ^)

Not even being edgy, lived in several states, including Cali. Even their best are shit.

probably because they are trained by shit

I'm in no way an expert on the Posse Comitatus Act or it's legal application, however it's my understanding that boots on the ground engaged in civilian action (even just by presence / show of force) maybe a violation.

Interestingly, it's not applicable to the Coast Guard or the Navy / Marines (although it's made applicable to them via Navy regulations. So maybe there would be a way...

These little kids need to learn a lesson.

Bay Area faggot reporting
Our officers are being told to stand down by the higher ups with threats of black listing and having pentions revoked. The mayor is a member of BAMN and they are the generals and recruiters of Antifa. Notice that all antifa powered areas are democrat or extremely liberal run cities. The officers walk a thing line and will not be safe it they get shit canned by the hire ups. The officers will be terrorized and demonizee by the media. Their information will get out and they will be chased out of town with a ruined reputation.

because their superiors are commies and want free speech supporters to get beaten.

A nice idea user, but if people need to start wearing shit like that...

Society is over. Better that the cops just do their sworn duty.

have you ever heard of Homeland Security and their 4 billion rounds of ammo?

What they police are doing is a violation of the Civil Rights Act, and due to the control of the police the cities that are telling the police to ignore crimes.

What it will take is someone to sue the city and police force, lose in Commiefornia courts and then appeal to Federal Courts, lose in the commie 9th then appeal to the SC.

Because they have their budgets decided by california state legislature, who get "donations" from people like Soros.
It's corrupt from the top-down

Thats just fucked up.These dudes are walking with bats and airsoft guns(wich are illegal to cary without papers) and they just watch?California is just a giant "we ignore the law and everyone inferior to us because we like it and the media might kills us" situation.

At this pace the US might become more corrupt than NKorea in a week.

It's California. Chances are that half the cops are spics and another quarter are white sissy liberals.

They do not support the right-wing demonstrations.

Yes. Federal law enforcement could, of course, intervene. I was simply referring to the OP's suggestion of using the military.

I'm not sure that the courts would agree with you. There is already case law establishing that the police, and by extension, the municipality employing them, do not have a standing obligation to protect you or any other specific individual. I think that they can lawfully just stand down and do nothing if they choose to do so (or are ordered to do so).

Of course, that doesn't change the fact that they're abrogating their moral and ethical obligation to intervene.

so basically,the cops are forced to not do their job,and still get payed,cause if they do their job,they'll be humilliated publicly.

and not get payed

>I'm not sure that the courts would agree with you. There is already case law establishing that the police, and by extension, the municipality employing them, do not have a standing obligation to protect you or any other specific individual. I think that they can lawfully just stand down and do nothing if they choose to do so (or are ordered to do so).

They have no obligation to protect any single person, however it's a violation of the Civil Rights Act to fail to take action to protect people from using their civil rights, like the right to free expression.

The case wouldn't be that harm caused is the fault of the police for doing nothing, but that by ignoring crimes committed against people trying to use their civil rights is a federal crime.


they aren't

some of them.Warms my heart seeing these cucks taking a bit of their medicine.

Commiefornians don't believe in the rule of law.

Can you point me in the direction of the section or case decision that says that? I don't think your interpretation of it is correct.

The Civil Rights Act makes no mention, that I could find, concerning an obligation of law enforcement to intervene to protect the rights of the citizenry. In fact, the Civil Rights Act seems wholly inapplicable to the issue at hand, as the failure to act isn't based upon the aggrieved's status in a protected class (race, ethnicity, etc., etc.).

It's pretty easy. There's a battery of lawyers ready to sue the shit out of the police there if they crack down on the antifa.

They're literally being lawyered into inaction here, because the department can't handle getting repeated multimillion dollar injury lawsuits through.

Texan here. Our cops are itching for a riot.
We also have a law where a licensed gun owner can shoot someone they see commiting a felony.

Summed it up nicely

man you texans might have some fun here in cali

By Any Means Necessary with that Mexican halfling

Um pretty much. This is why America hates California, and New York.
We strongly dislike New England as well, but some of those states are okay and get a bad rap because of Connecticut and New York

The mayor belongs to a known terrorist group? That's as bad as London!

The obama administration taught law enforcers that its ok to NOT do your sworn duty. He taught the courts to be lenient. He taught ICE not to arrest and deport. He told police (in Ferguson and Baltimore not to uphold the laws, not to protect property and generally let rioters do what they want.

>Anyone got other suggestions?
Yeah. If you're going to buy a M249SAW, get one of these

BUMP because of interest

M249SAW is a terrible choice mate.

should i just steal the vulcan off an A-10 Warthog and mow the fuckers down?

Link it or don't troll about that