Why do we still need Gender?

Why do we still need Gender?
Like seriously, I am not coming at this from an sjw view, I am just seriously curious.
If we just abolished it, then everybody can stop arguing.

Please give me 1 good reason to still have gender.

How you abolish "genders"?

Wait a minute, that bulge...

The basis of western civilization is the family of a man and a woman. Without this foundation, it will collapse.

Well, just stop making new ones up. And stop forcing people to comply to whatever gender stereotypes there are.
I say forcing because people can do whatever they want.

If you want to look through the local catalog to pick out a sex slave to buy don't you think their gender would be important to know

That would mean making the human race extinct

OwO what this

There would still be men and women though and they would still make families. OP means the social construct of gender where boys are supposed to like trucks and the colour blue, girls are supposed to like barbies and the colour pink. He thinks if we abolish gender then the mentally ill trannies wouldn't have an excuse to cut off children's genitals because their gender doesn't match their sex.

No, because you could just see their body and be like; the have boobs, which I like.
Like, pictures exist.

>Imagine the first time you had self awareness, and you asked what gender you were?

Nope, can't tell you lol, it's illegal now. Despite not knowing anything about any party of people that assosicate themselves in some shape or form, you now have to wing it!

Or you just don't have to bring it. Literally just don't talk about it. It would be a collective effort, but that's what people are required to do for society to go forward.

only females get boobs with the exception of very rarely prevalent androgendeficiency shit

white boys are the best

nah man. once you go black you never go back. how can white bois even compete?

PLEASE just be yourself and be gay, do not try to become a woman or hate women, just be a normal faggot! Stop fighting it! Even if you still hate women, don't let them run your life. You cannot be attracted to something you hate that much without requesting to be lobotomized.

>And stop forcing people to comply to whatever gender stereotypes there are.
Don't you think that "gender stereotypes" has fundamental roots? Like the whole point of gender relationships is to reproduce yourself. If you remove basis, the whole system of cultural rituals will shatter

Because most guys like doing guy stuff and hanging out with guys, most girls like doing girl stuff and hanging out with girls. You're obviously allowed to do some stuff that the other gender would do, it's a good general indicator of what you'll like though and it's a good way of grouping together people that will probably have similar interests. That and there's really not many benefits to abolishing it as a concept.

Being a tranny is generally wanting the other gender's body more than anything else. We could have a world full of androgynous wankers but the trannies would still want tits.

Are you a faggot?
Were you born a male?
Do you want to be a female?
>i swear to fsm if you say you arent gay, and then post trap anime, and admit.to wanting to fuck men, ill say figures.

To prevent people making up stupid shit such as being "trans species". I'm not saying that the gender roles are necessary, but when you start to ignore them and let people do what they want you get horrifying results beyond anything you expected.

Why have any intrinsic elements of identity when you can just blow with the breeze and be someone new every day?

Agreed. Then: All genders sign up for selective service. Bigger army.

>abolish genders so i dont have to admit im gay for cock

IF that's what you wanna do, then so be it.




How would you organize the different slaves in the catalog?

Im gonna need sauce on this user. For reasons.

Languages have genders. People have sexes.

>draft undesirables
>put them on suicide missions
>no more undesirables

The elites are using trans-freakism to abolish our identity and make us easier to control.Man and women are key to to the survival of our people. The nuclear family model is the bulwarks against tyranny.

>Don't for the degeneracy!
>Pic related

Once you go black, so do your eyes.

A rating of hotness

They look like fucking faggots.


This is called warrior-princess programming and has little to do with ""gender" . It's a weapon .

>And stop forcing people to comply to whatever gender stereotypes there are.
nobody is forcing people to conform to gender stereotypes, however trying to feminize men and masculinize women has caused a huge amount of damage to the happiness and wellbeing of everyone. particularly women.

Futa is the thinking man's fetish.

This is like saying we should abolish hair colour.

>If we just abolished it, then everybody can stop arguing.
So make ourselves stupid, so stupid people wont feel bad about being stupid.

>Why do we need biology

because it's a fact of life and we can't get rid of it?

Not all languages make a distinction between males and females in referring to a person.

Lurk for another year or two before you post again

>draw a woman
>add a penis

Japan wasn't nuked enough

fuck off bong

We don't need genders. The just exist.

The Mick is funny and red pilled.

This. "Gender identity" is a pseudoscientific concept, a kind of newspeak or weasel word. It was invented in the 1950s as a deliberate means of deconstructing biological sex. Prior to the 50s, "gender" was just a grammatical term.

So you're right, OP. We don't need gender. We've never needed gender, because we have biological sex: male and female. That's it. Hermaphroditism is an exception, not a rule. All this dithering about gender identity is literally nonsense, a language game with no basis in reality.


Thank you for actually having some brains.

because then the SJW's would just go ruin something else.

I want to SUCC the hairclip

Gender isn't an idea humans pulled out of their ass for the heck of it, it was made to describe the natural born division between male and female. You couldn't ban it if you wanted to, because it is innately recognized, which is also the reason why the attempts to create fake genders and the marginalizing of the significance of natural gender understanding is readily rebuked and creates unsuccessful, mentally ill cultures.

>Not all languages make a distinction between males and females
But having a dick will

What the fuck is even "gender", you dumb nigger?

Being a manly man acting all manlike? Being a gitrly girl wearing bizarre shoes and going 'gosh'? Who or what is forcing you or anyone to act in any specific way? Have not always been there faggots, tomboys, bears and dykes? Have not always been there working women and stay at home dads?

The fuck is gender anyway? What your daddy told you you should act like because otherwise ye'r a fagit?

Stop acting like anyone gives a fuck about how you carry out your life.

a few reasons...

1. people of a "female" gender generally don't wish to share toilets or changing rooms with people of a "male" gender. sorting people into "male" and "female" categories allows "female" people to have their own toilets and changing rooms.
2. medically, certain diseases and conditions are associated with certain genders, or are more common in those genders. medical professionals classify their patients as male or female so they know what to do, or what not to do.

i mean, i'm not sure why you're confused. understanding that certain people are male and others are female serves some very obvious purposes.

>muh dick

Please post more waifus like this

>Why do we still need Gender?

We don't. But then why did you post a picture with gender specific physical features. I think pic related is what you are after.

someone tell me what the bulge is please

gender is necessary to conjugate words you stupid tea leaf.

If you want to convert people into interchangeable cogs(workers) in the machine(production of goods and services), strip them of there identity. Also helps drain moral and keeps them from resisting the state.

Better yet have them self's strip them of there own identity in the name of peace and compassion. Your peaceful and compassionate are you not? Do you have ill will? Are you a threat to the people? comrade? Its Cultural Marxism.

I'm not homophobic, I'm not transphobic, I'm just cockphobic. If they ever have surgery technology that can turn male born people that look, talk, smell, act, etc. like real girls and that includes proper vagina I'd probably be done to stick my dick in a few.