How do i sort myself out when my parents neglected me and never put me with other kids until preschool?

How do i sort myself out when my parents neglected me and never put me with other kids until preschool?

Peterson himself says there's nothing that can be done. I'm antisocial and i will be forever? I'll never be a normal human being?

Other urls found in this thread:

>and never put me with other kids until preschool?

That's plenty early enough.

He says if they don't learn how to play with kids by age four, they never will for as long as they live.

I remember not being able to play with the kids in preschool, kindergarten, always.

You must immediately stop blaming your parents and take full responsibility for your situation.

Even if your parents fucked you over, it is unproductive to blame them. It will drain your energy and keep you in a rut.

If you take just 10% more responsibility for your situation in life, you can begin the process of correcting the issues and sorting yourself out.


1. Decide what you want in life.
2. Figure out what actions to take in order to get it.
3. Do the actions.

Focus on that, not your parents.

Sorry, I was assuming 2 1/2 was the common age for preschool.

As long as you follow the law, being anti-social can't be all that bad. You'd basically just be schizoid then, like me.

What kind of anti-social are we talking here?

>You must immediately stop blaming your parents and take full responsibility for your situation.
>Even if your parents fucked you over, it is unproductive to blame them. It will drain your energy and keep you in a rut.
>If you take just 10% more responsibility for your situation in life, you can begin the process of correcting the issues and sorting yourself out.
I've been forcing myself to interact socially for the last ten years and i still cannot tolerate being around other people for long periods of time.

>1. Decide what you want in life.
To not be antisocial anymore, and to have a family.

>2. Figure out what actions to take in order to get it.
There don't appear to be any. Even Peterson's self-authoring program won't work. It's only meant for people who weren't ruined as children. There are no medications or physical treatments, no therapy that would help.

I'm not focusing on my parents. I'm focusing on the consequences of their inaction. Is peterson wrong when he says there is no hope? I sincerely doubt anyone on earth is qualified to say that he's wrong. I don't know how i'm going to survive. You can't survive and be anti-social.

I derive no enjoyment from interacting with people. I constantly feel uncomfortable around people. I am always intensely distrustful of everyone and their motives. Probably why i voted for trump and fell into the massive amount of conspiracy theories that make up the alt-right. I don't trust anyone so they make sense to me.

I've not had any success with relationships, i always treat women like objects. I only interact with people who i think i will benefit from.

It's hard to point out things when it all seems normal to me, but i'm pretty sure those things are abnormal.

>You must immediately stop blaming your parents and take full responsibility for your situation.

>Even if your parents fucked you over, it is unproductive to blame them.

Fuck you faggot.

OP, if you've accurately determined that your parent's action are the source of your problem, put the blame where it belongs: it is absolutely and 100% their fault.

Now, with the blame in the proper place, it is 100% your responsibility to solve the problem.

Assign the fault correctly, then take responsibility over your life.

As the figure out what to do, Socratic reason with yourself, a book, or someone you trust to find the steps needed to accomplish your goal, or perhaps even why you want to accomplish your goal.

>To have a family.
Why do you want to have a family?

What are the requirements to have a family?

Articulate them to yourself, then act.

>Now, with the blame in the proper place, it is 100% your responsibility to solve the problem.
Yeah what else is new?

>Socratic reason with yourself,
Tried that.

>a book
Tried that.

>or someone you trust to find the steps needed to accomplish your goal
I don't trust anyone that's the issue. Nobody would want to waste their time to help another person unless they had something to gain from it.

>or perhaps even why you want to accomplish your goal.
So that i'm not stuck this way until the day i die.

>Why do you want to have a family?
So i don't live my entire single existence alone. It's inhuman.

>What are the requirements to have a family?
Not being neglected as a kid seems to be a major one.

>Articulate them to yourself, then act.
If i could somehow wipe my brain and start over i would. Short of that, nobody seems to have any ideas.

Where can I buy this Illuminati game?

First get a friend (if needed get one through thw internet first) . Then hang out with him so that you build confidence and social skills. Don´t quit. Or just do a trip to somewhere new, you will be forced to interact even if you don´t want to.

>First get a friend (if needed get one through thw internet first) . Then hang out with him so that you build confidence and social skills. Don´t quit.
I've been doing that for the last ten years. It has not helped. People can tell extremely quick that something is off about me, and they tend to avoid me afterward. I'm just a waste of their time, really.

>Or just do a trip to somewhere new, you will be forced to interact even if you don´t want to.
I've been considering doing this but i can't really afford it on my pizza driver wage. Also i fear that i'd just stay in my hotel the whole time.

I have a constant feeling that everyone is fed up with me. Everyone, even the people in this thread. Even my friends who constantly try to remind me that they like me. How the fuck do i make that go away, it is certainly what keeps me locked in.

>People can tell extremely quick that something is off about me

Why is this? What are you doing that gives it away?

Missing social cues, i think. The stuff you learn as a kid and then never really think about again.

I can integrate into groups of weird people if i pretend to be normal, but something always seems to rat me out around normies. Posture, word choice, personal interests, i don't know exactly where the fault lies.

Can confirm. People always seem to notice there's something off about me too.

People who keep up at autistically studying normal human interaction can easily end up better than normies who know it normally.

The truth is most normies are terrible at socializing anyways.

Have you sought treatment?

I can't afford it, and again, the psychiatrist will just hate me and get tired of my shit, at least that's how i see it.

Or he'll fill me up with jewish brain killers or fill me up with jewish sjw rhetoric. That's why i had hopes that Jordan Peterson could help, but even he cannot find a solution.

No one said you have to trust other people. I don't trust anyone, I trust myself. Trust no one, love everyone. Practice being brave.

>don't trust anyone
>people only want to be my friend so they can exploit me
>don't have friends

How do you avoid that conclusion?

>excusing yourself for your faults and putting the blame on others

Not going to make it. Just keep exposing yourself to people to get rid of the autism. If you do any nazi larp on here leave it behind too.

I'm just a waste of their time, really.

You must decide within yourself to change your attitude about yourself.

I said a prayer for you. Maybe an angel will come and comfort you now and you will see a new vision of yourself. It can happen.

But it's true. That's why people treat me like an outcast. They don't mean to anymore than i mean to devalue myself. Bullying is an aspect of human nature. You naturally try to expel anything abnormal.

You are making quite a few excuses.

Maybe try another route, read Neville Goddard

The best you can do is trust one person.
I have similar issues.
Getting a cat helped me a lot.
Taught me responsibility, care and openness to the states of my kitty.
Not human, yes, though my cat helped me relate to people a little better.
I'm still a cave troll, but I'm less miserable about it.
Get a cat or a dog - train it and play with it.
Your life will be incrementally better.

Thanks man. I wish god would just give me a reset and let me be taken away from my parents at birth. I'd gladly trade my existence for the hope of a better one. At least one where i get to enjoy the fruits of human existence.

What if i'm just another Job? How can i tell?

You avoid that conclusion by understanding it's not one or the other. I don't trust other people but I trust myself. So even if feel tense in situations or unsafe I am always able to land on my feet because I trust myself. So it kind of makes me fearless in social interaction. But for that you must 1. Know yourself and 2. Like yourself

You sound like you know yourself but it also sounds like maybe you don't like yourself that much and you should, even if your fucking weird, because in the 21st century weird ass authentic people will rule the world and you, user, could be one of them.

But it's not true.
You are fucking convinced it's true. I bet if I was sitting across from you now I could find 5 truly cool things about you.

Job? Like in the Bible?

Just go to the playground and play with the 2 and 3 year olds.

I'm praying for you user. Look out for an angel. Your life is about to change.

Yeah, you seem to believe in god. How can i know that suffering is not the purpose of my existence, as an example to others?

I'm an atheist so i don't believe it, just wondering how you'd reconcile that.

>You sound like you know yourself but it also sounds like maybe you don't like yourself that much and you should, even if your fucking weird, because in the 21st century weird ass authentic people will rule the world and you, user, could be one of them.
It's really hard to overcome a lifetime of experiences where people didn't like me. How exactly does one talk themselves out of that?

>You are fucking convinced it's true. I bet if I was sitting across from you now I could find 5 truly cool things about you.
Yeah but they don't matter. Conscientiousness is taboo.

Best of luck to your angel. I've no plans of going outside today.

Hey fuck off you can't be job, I already am.

>Mid 20s with 2 heart surgeries
>Died and had OBE
>Dissociative Personality Disorder
>No attention span, no drive for anything
>Constant anxiety attacks over another heart related problem/death

You don't have to, and I've activated yours on your behalf.

As Father Peterson says, suffering is excistence. But it's becoming the over comer that gives you a story to tell.

Nothing wrong with suffering, but use it wisely.

Oy, OP, each time to reply, you assume what's going on in other people's heads. You do not know what's going on in their heads and you will never know.

Where is your frame of reference when judging yourself coming from? Is it their judgement of yourself or your own judgement of yourself?

You literally cannot know what they think of you or perceive of you. The closest you can get is by asking what they're thinking, and the trust comes from believing what they say.

Judge yourself, and focus completely selfishly on yourself, with no regard for others.

If you can accomplish the selfishness, you can then soften it up to accommodate others, if possible for you.

Thinking positively is no joke. And it's also not easy. But it's important.

Along with actually doing Petersons program, I suggest you listen to Norman Vincent Peale and read Neville Goddard.
You don't have to believe in God to hear things that will help your experience on earth.

GTFO shareblue

>As Father Peterson says, suffering is excistence. But it's becoming the over comer that gives you a story to tell.

Yes but he also says that if you don't learn how to interact with people by age four that you never will learn how to, no matter what.

>Where is your frame of reference when judging yourself coming from? Is it their judgement of yourself or your own judgement of yourself?
It's probably my judgement, but my paranoia tells me that it is their judgement and the only reason they don't voice it is so that they can continue exploiting me.

>You literally cannot know what they think of you or perceive of you.
They tell me i'm weird. When i got this pizza job i got along decently with the other weirdos and they expressed surprise at my ability to get along with anyone. They are very harsh and borderline psychopathic people by their own admission. Am i sick that i desire that? "at least they're honest" i tell myself.

>Judge yourself, and focus completely selfishly on yourself, with no regard for others.
I am a complete social retard and every time i go outside i am bombarded with reminders.

I don't know if i can adequately convey what it feels like to be inhuman without coming off like some whiny bitch.

I avoid relationships because i fear that the person will inevitably find out that i am a dull social retard and that they will either abandon me, or they will treat me with pity.

As such, i do not pursue relationships. How do i become an interesting person? Is that something that one can strive for, or is it something that has to happen organically?

I don't think i can force being cool.

Browse Molyneux's vids on your issue, or call in. If he can't help solve your issues, I personally don't know what else to recommend.

Based on what you've said in this thread, try this one first:

He has hundreds of shows dedicated to solving your problem. It's digging time.

He also has an episode where he talks with Peterson.

It's not really about making you play with other children as a two year old. It's that THEY'RE supposed to teach you how to play like a somewhat civilized little monster rather than let you be a spoiled brat all the time. Then once you're 3 or 4 you can play with other children.

You're probably an INTP type so you need to study up on that type and find groups of them. You can easily associate with other INTPs.
It's the ENFJs that will constantly get on your fucking nerves...

Become a hermit


take this:

The concept of "normal" is fucking stupid I hate it and you should too, not because it's 'my world view', but rather because only normal people are by products of this filthy society that we have inherited from ((them)), I can't take this shit anymore, Hitler was a good man .

find some people to go camping and do acid with

I'm the same way. I had literally no contact with others my age until I was 4-5. Literally a violent autist until age 7-8 until I grew up a little. I had a brief period in my late teens when I was almost normal, I had a GF and even fugged her. Then she broke up with me in my early 20's and I've been an autistic incel ever since then. I turn 30 this summer.

Hopefully North Korea starts the happening so I can die.

Nice high levels of neuroticism and low levels of extroversion you got there. Possibly low levels of openness, too.

Do a big 5 personality traits test and post it here.