/LP/ Le Pen General- I'm With Her Edition

While the media want you to believe that her chances of winning are close to zero, all is not lost. Many of Melenchons (french Bernie) voters are refusing to vote for Macron, wich could give us the edge we need.

The course is simple





Remember, a majority of French people agree with Le Pens policies, but wont vote for her because of the media.

We must bombard French social media with pro Le Pen propaganda, to remind the French who is on their side.

Our memes must be professional, think back to the #draftourdaughters stuff

Main points of new memes

>No Pepes

Pepe is too weird, and wont get that much normie apeal, focus on creating sleek and proffesional stuff instead.

>Portray Macron as a French aristocrat

Really hammer in the point that he dosen't give a fuck about the common man, and that he is a elitist who know nothing of the common folk.

>Appeal to both Fillon and Melenchon voters

Make two kinds of memes, coservative for Fillion voters, focus on Islam and immigration, and how Macron wont stop it
And socialist for Melechon voters, focus on how bad the EU is, and how Macron is a rich banker capitalist pig.

This video will provide more ideas

We can win this, but only if we get our blackpilled heads out of our asses and work together


Other urls found in this thread:


Dumping what I have

Why is Southern France so based and Northern France so cucked?


No migrants, they live like fat and happy kings


I like this one. Invokes the French feeling for Revolution!


If some french user has enough money to produce huge posters and stick'em in the streets

Well here is the problem. Fillon voter can be turned and vote Le Pen, but Melenchon supporters will never vote for le Pen. However, these Melenchon supporters are already planning on not voting. There is a hashtag going on #SansMoiLe7mai, calling for abstention on their side. We need to push that. If they don't go vote then the balance is going stronger on Marine Le Pen side because people already voting for her will definitely go and vote for her. So basically, turn Fillon supporters to le Pen, and make Melenchon and Hamon supporters disgusted by the election so they stay home.
Example of meme: a split image of a banker and of a nzi parade (they think Le Pen is a Nazi) with a quote: No bank, no fascism. not in my name. #SansMoiLe7mai

I wish I were there to help you guenoillue





Just found this one !



Votez Le Pen ou je vais vous battre


OC incoming.

pls rate

this trigger me so much





Do something with comparing Macron being married to an old lady meaning he's probably having an affair like Hollande. Maybe with Macron on a scooter going to see a younger woman like Hollande too.

Make Macron even more the candidate of Paris and turn the rest of the country against him. Like middle America turned on NY/CA.

French love striking and being anti-corporate. Tie the immigration to corporate influence to lower wages of the French.

French cuisine will be corrupted by the immigrants. Kebab is now French cuisine.

The immigrants will never be able to speak the language properly, that has to piss off the French.

Right now the primary objective is to expose Macron as a Hollande underling. The French despise their current president, so why should they vote for a doppleganger of him?

The lying propaganzied media has cowered so many of them into silence and warped their minds to reject anything the Front National has to say.
We need to send a message to them that wards them away from thinking Macron will do anything different from Hollande

Key issues:

Immigration- Marine is the only one speaking about this

Security- Macron has already made it clear that he has no intentions of keeping France safe from terrorism, he even said the French have to get used to it


Cronyism- Macron literally worked as a Rothschild banker, his party was concocted to run against Front National, he's a fake populist lying and manipulating the French into voting for him. We need to wake people up to that fact.
THIS will skewer him.


We only have less than 2 weeks everyone!

Let's make this count!

this is great


>the frogs have 1 week or so to win the election from the worst possible situation.

Sounds like a movie.

Where and how do we spread all these wonderful memes? Any frog posters or other anons have ideas?

where the fuck are we supposed to spam this stuff? under what hashtags?


I've heard there is yet hope for France and thus the free world. Is this true?

Make two kinds of memes, conservative for Fillion voters, focus on Islam and immigration, and how Macron wont stop it And socialist for Melechon voters, focus on how bad the EU is, and how Macron is a rich banker globalist puppet.


Some advice from Sargon: youtube.com/watch?v=EeHi85C1uFk

WTF that doesn't say "I'm with her"

BTW someone should make a meme with Hillary's "Im with her" ad and shop in LePen and put it in the face of the frenchies... draw on the anti Trump sentiment and turn it around in LePen's favor.

I have been to France twice.
Kebab everywhere.

St. Martin in the Caribbean
It was more French than Toulon despite it having lots of afro-Caribbean people.

Good luck frogs.

Hold back the horde

So whos going to make a Macron meme with Rothchilds arm up his arse playing him as a sock puppet?

Anyone sad about a fracturing European Empire?

I am. But I guess leaving is easier than fixing shit.

Unless you just want someone else to pay for shit and have somebody ready to blame for your Lawmakers failings.

>"Im with her" ad and shop in LePen and put it in the face of the frenchies

Terrible idea. We can't shove American political talk into their election. Unless you want to drive moderates away.

What do you guys think? It says " I surrender France to the corporations and the terrorists"

I think there are some memes of that here


>That way lies our hope, where sits our greatest fear. Doom hangs still on a thread. Yet hope there is still, if we can but stand unconquered for a while.

Former Le Pen supporter here. She had some great ideas but seriously we can't let her get a hold of the white flag.

>still some frenchies left that are proud to be French
That's good to see

>fracturing European Empire
Don't worry, we'll make Austria Great Again soon.
One behemoth falls, another one rises.



Most of my family came from France. I can't bear to see this beautiful country turn to rubble within my lifetime

What groups do we infiltrate? How do we make our memes reach French public opinion?


Are you from Quebec? Usually corporations is translated to "entreprises" in mainland France

Until recently I've always thought of France as our safety net for falling too far. During the Iraq debacle France's response was the first thing to threaten my patriotic rage boner and question where my country was going.

And then we elected a nigger

Essentially France is copying America yet again. They did it 300 years ago so


There are many native Frenchies here publicly supporting Le Pen. You can drop by and join the discord if you'd like.

>Remember, a majority of French people agree with Le Pens policies, but wont vote for her because of the media.

Silly OP, a majority of French are mixed or full mudblood. France won't vote against itself to please you.

The French don't give a shit but American neckbeards who've never seen France get all emotionally invested.

Meme magic isn't real.

The French have been our supporters from day one. I'd like to help return the favor, plus they've put up with so much of our elite's bullshit for so long I feel sort of responsible for the mess that they're in right now. Same with the Brits

we should have specific posts for us to all vote together on and drive to the front page

>Meme magic isn't real.

no true chansman

Don't let this up.

If you do, I'll never forgive you.

destroy the naysayers

is there a place on reddit that is considered the catch all french politics place? we should go in there and shift the votes to make le pen favored

Sleep memes or faith in the french?


>Refusal of the Multi-Cult is treason

Is this what this says?



no time for sleep

A few more Muslim atrocities before the French election & Marine Le Pen could go all the way.
Here is a real brave and strong woman that's not afraid to go against the bullshit lib-tard-leftist media.
Muslims are trying to kill everyone. Now you have muslim shootings on a regular basis, beheading priests, and 11 year old girls legs ripped from her body by a muslim truck attack!

Made this

good work

EU could have been fixed.

But getting an Empire after an ugly divorce. We're fucked.

Good start user

Yeah actually. I'll keep that in mind for future memes




/pol give me some fresh ideas for memes

i don't know enough about french pop culture we need Sup Forums here

>Marie Le Pen

Is this the return of /mlpol/?



Thank you for all you do. Marine can win this if the French are shown the truth.

we need more specific orders on what to tweet or who to tweet at
we need subreddits and facebook groups to infiltrate

It's not a North/South dovode, it's a East/West one and it correlates with immigration presence

who needs memes when you have these digits?

As a brit I would love Le Pen to win. But the other EU nations are 5-10 years behind where the UK was when we voted Brexit.

France is now waking up to the manipulation the EU puts them under but they are afraid of the media bias and bullying of the pro-EU left/centrists and even some of the right who claim being euro-skeptic is to be racist or a nazi. No matter how they word it this is what the people are told and believe, it will take many more years for them to gain the courage to say enough is enough like we did.

I doubt France will let Pen win yet or maybe ever. It will most likely take a desperate enough middle of the road party to promise a referendum to get into power. Like it did for us.

Sorry to put everyone's hopes down but this is the reality as I see it.

You're right.
I'm not a frog so I have little to go off of, but I still want to help

Remember Americans, it was France which helped fund your war against the Brits.

i've been reading everywhere that she has no chance, let's move on to something else

This election is very different from Brexit though
Had a EU referundim been proposed in France, I'm almost 100% certain Leave would have won
But presidential election isnt the same

Just like the fact Brexit won in Britain doesnt mean a "far right" British PM is getting elected any time soon

I just want to wish you good luck.
We're all counting on you.


>The French must accept Islam. Refusal of multiculturalism is treason.

Just like with Trump right?

The US saved France in two World Wars and picked up their trash in Indochina to no useful result. France is owed nothing whatever by the US. We defended them in NATO even after the abandoned it. France is majority mudskins now.

It's all over but the last whimpers of cucked surrender. Sup Forumss vision of France is imaginary, quite like French nationalism. French culture ended in the early 1800s. Frenchmen used to kill their national enemies. Now they do nothing.

You didn't nothing in WW1, you just came when the war was over.
Almost the same about the WW2, thks the soviets, americans were useless.


It was France's greatest enemy that actually helped them the most in WW1 and WW2. The British

Will France and the US be on the same side in WW3?


my autism has produced some maps of the first round results

