Basic income

Redpill me on basic income.

Is it inevitable? Is it sustainable? Is it communism?

Communism + cuckery

>Pay people to do nothing
Okay sure sure. Where does that money come from?

>People work to produce this money
Okay but we're paying them to not do anything??

>Yeah but

If I gave you $1000 and expected nothing from you how would you spend it?

there is enough food to feed everyone alive, enough books to educate, and enough second hand devices for everyone to be online... but the USG would rather destroy excess food, privatize internet access, and make education unaffordable... probably because (((they))) want to keep their racket alive and can do it because they have our politicians acting like pedophiles on video ...
once the world has erupted in war from the release of these tapes, we can finally count the remaining bodies and supply the lucky few with basic income

I'd use it to get something I couldn't normally afford. Or quit a job I didn't like and live off of it till I found one I loved doing.

>Where does that money come from?
surplus created by automation, I suppose. but certainly it's not fair to take from the people who invested in the robots in the first place.

personally , i'd invest it... but I can't say the same for others.

I would take that money and do absolutely nothing productive with my life, just like most everyone else. And I mean it.

Spend half of it on hardware, save the other half for later.

If most service jobs can become automated, UBI will most likely have to be implemented. From what i've read, automation is coming sooner rather than later. I guess it depends how good the technology really is/will be.
Im no expert on anything though. just a feeling.

wouldn't you get bored?

one part of me thinks people get caught in loops of escapism/addiction because they can't face the real world due to money problems

if your basic needs are met and you're not worried about surviving, wouldn't you eventually turn your interest to something worthwhile that you were passionate about?

just playing devils advocate here

Who get's bored sitting around smoking pot all day?

Money is just a tool of negotiation.

Having some kind of tokens or DigiBux in place will prevent greedy citizens from consuming more then their fair share.

good point.

ubi btfo

Equality is against human nature.

Everyone can't be on the same level. The elites would never allow it.

The 1% would put a stop to AI and automation either by pumping the brakes or through violence before a UBI would become even relatively feasible.

ubi isn't equality though. you can still work and make a better life for yourself than what others have. in that sense it's much better than welfare where you're caught in a trap where its not even worth working because of the effort it would take to overcome the benefits of doing nothing.

yeah bro i would use UBI to film my arthouse movie about tranny private detectives, finish my multi-volume rick and morty homoerotic fanfiction, and take up devil sticks and anal yoga while waiting for my state-funded female hormones to kick in.

I'm would contribute so much to society with UBI

It's essentially the same thing as "muh $15/hr at McDonald's" meme.

Our cuck government would have you believe that it will stimulate the economy by promoting more spending but in reality it will just drive the cost of food, housing and taxes through the roof for the average working class family. Sure, that fat degenerate who's too lazy to develop any reputable skills in the job market will be a bit more comfy but do we really want that? No. I make $26/hour because I'm employable and educated, my income won't increase, in fact it will decrease because I will be paying more taxes and spending more just to get by.

Another thing about this is that a massive portion of universal income will be spent on drugs/accessory to crime. That's why it won't ever happen. We should just kill off everyone who's too stupid or lazy to make a life for themselves.

>devil sticks

I see you're a man of culture

Like any communism, you need two walls.
One wall to stop the people from coming in, the second wall to stop the people from defecting. That's why communism is imperialistic. They cannot sustain without conquering and converting the whole planet.
See->Elysium. They will literally chase you to the space as soon as people mind their own business.

UBI sounds awesome. Let's get this party started. First, I need to find my pants, and if it's not too much trouble, I'd like you to cash my check before you guys write one for the $20,000,000,000,000.00 national debt. I'm kinda in a hurry.

What if we use a digital currency on a blockchain for the UBI.

And yes, UBI would be a gigantic step towards the ideal of full communism.

I certainly think it's inevitable, seeing as more and more jobs are becoming automated, and white collar jobs are in higher and higher demand. When the economy doesn't need to employ a large portion of the population, how will the rest of the populace survive?
UBI is the answer
It being sustainable is a question we'll only be able to answer when it's about to/already implemented. It's a question of how effective the organization running the UBI is.

Evolution of species by natural selection.
Thrive or die off.

do you think neoliberals that are too cheap to pay you to work are going to pay you not to
when the marginal cost of making a kill bot is lower than a child soldier you're going to be genocided

High class blowjobs

lol all the anons thinking that someone would actually pay them to sit around doing nothing. If you're sitting around doing nothing, you're worthless. This is a world of finite resources, and anyone with half a brain is not going to waste said resources needlessly

It's not inevitable. Humanity is going to fuck up in the near future and a lot of people are going to die. At that point there will be a world to rebuild and nobody will give two fucks about UBI

we basically pay certain types of people not to cause crime.

wealth disparity in an area has a direct correlation with crime rates

so it's nothing new, and it's strictly better than welfare imo

the left-wing project against authoritarianism has depended on the necessity for human labor, and the potential for that labor to revolt against its master
but when you no longer require human labor, you no longer need to bear the risk of insurrection
so you eliminate the entire expense

First, note the use of the word BASIC, its not going to be enough for much beyond renting some shitshack and avoiding starvation.

Then, consider that it is being pushed as a replacement for vanishing jobs, meaning supplementing your income by working is not expected or perhaps even possible, nevermind being able to work your ass off to get a better life for your kids. Social mobility will vanish.

Finally, observe what 70 years of welfare has done to Black culture and community.

Do you still think universal basic income is a good idea?

>lifts strippers out of poverty
>can now afford a stable housing situation
>her illegitimate son graduates from college

>supplementing your income by working is not expected or perhaps even possible
>observe what 70 years of welfare has done to Black culture and community.

from my understanding that's the difference between welfare and ubi. You can keep working and not lose your gibs, so you're not caught in a trap of being incentivized to do nothing.

sorry, I read it a few times but I'm not following.

I want to see the entire province go on basic income and not receive any funding from other provinces. They won't do it because they know it will collapse the economy and turn into a communist ghetto almost instantaneously.

>most indebted sub-national in the world
>"let's give everyone free money :^)"

thanks kathleen

Yes, (((libertarians))) will say they are ok with UBI since it will replace all other welfare, and people won't lose it for working so those that want to still can. However, the main thrust of the argument for UBI is that due to automation, jobs are disappearing and will only continue to do so at a greater rate. Anyone making both arguments is being disingenuous on at least one of them.

UBI is a recipe for a massive underclass, basically cementing in a modern caste system. Tiny, ultra-rich global elite on top, a small tech/administrative/entertainer upper class, any still extant maintenance and service jobs going to whatever is left of the middle class, and then the underclass stuck on UBI whose only value is their mass, giving them the ability to recycle all the 'money' (aka. debt) that keeps the system going. Basic necessities and their vice of choice for escapism, with no escape.

Count me out.