I just watched this movie for the first time and I can't thank you guys enough for recommending it...

I just watched this movie for the first time and I can't thank you guys enough for recommending it. It really opened my eyes to God and makes all the years spent on Sup Forums really worth it. I feel like I just got a new lease on life.

Anyway, what are your thoughts on this kino?

P.S. God's Not Dead



>tell people there is absolute Truth, Christ is real and has saved you if you turn and believe - nope your a sheep.
>tell people they're insignificant primordial soup floating in immeasurable space by talking vagina peddler - yes amen hurrah please clap.


>Movie ends with Christians smiling and laughing about the evil atheist getting hit by a car and dying


As a Christian, this movie is absolute garbage and I still watch it with friends to get laughs

Atheists and Christians must band together to defeat Islam and Judaism

>lol no one can prove this supernatural claim wrong
>checkmate atheists

if thats a real quote from the movie that is truly pathetic

That professor got bfto at the end of the movie

God was getting tired of all his shit talk

People have not idea what "God is Dead" actually means. That movie fucking sucks

For something to be disproved, you need to have proof of it first.

>believing in a kike religion created to distract the goyim from real, important causes like nationalism

Daily reminder that top Nazis tried to remove the church from Germany, but failed. Believing this Jewish-concocted nonsense is the ultimate blue pill.

Is it actually good? I'm religious but this looked like it was going to be a cringe-fest.

only low IQ white Christians and blacks liked this movie

The movie trailer was so cringey that if God was real, the video killed him.

Its bad. Very very bad.


>fucking sweden everytime

this movie was literally a cash grab

>Religious Canadian

People fucking laugh at you in your country for believing in god though, how can you be that autistic?

It was and is

Im actually one fourth swede, so you're kinda right lol

People can laugh all they like it doesn't change the Truth in the slightest. Those who reject the Son reject God Himself, and if you dig, search, and humble your ego you'll find reality is much deeper then you think. Calling people autists for being able to critically review deep philosophical and theogical foundations is in the same vein as antifa, blm, sjws, etc. Wisdom avoids the fool.

Those same Jews rejected Christ and crucified Him. Brush up on your history and look into it or stop pretending to hate the Jews, you don't know what you hate.

This is a good post.

It shouldn't be hard for a theist to believe that "God is dead" in the way that Nietzsche meant it. It's not necessarily a contradiction.

Isn't the guy from Hercules in this movie?

Christian circle jerk movie.

>if you don't believe in the jew god it's only because something bad happened to you one time and you're bitter about it

>muslim wanting to be chistian

The movie was dogshit and an obvious Newsboys shill. It failed to present an adequate arguement from the atheist side and purposely used weak or incomplete arguements taken from existentialist philosophers.

Christfags are gay. Hail to the all powerful universal consciousness, not the Jewish god of war and conquest. Live for a moral system that values personal, spiritual strength and honor, not a Jewish created one that values being a cucked animal trapped in a cage.

>inb4 someone calls me an atheist

Not an atheist at all, I just don't worship the jew god

cuck. enjoy your slave morality.

Exactly. He meant it as a warning that when religion looses it's grip on society, people will be lost and turn to ideology and it will be total chaos.

Its not on solarmovie, what do?

2 Cor 4:18 we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal

then...Matt.24 :15 “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniel—let the reader understand— 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. 17 Let no one on the housetop go down to take anything out of the house. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. 19 How dreadful it will be in those days for pregnant women and nursing mothers! 20 Pray that your flight will not take place in winter or on the Sabbath. 21 For then there will be great distress,

Killed it again.

What movie
What is the name of this movie

The burden of proof to prove something exists relies with you.

The absence of proof relies with no-one.

That's the most basic argument for Christianity there is. They should instead argue that nihilism is the result of atheism, then look at how a nihilistic society ends up. With hedonism and real extreme politics. They should bring up The Gulag Archipelago.

>No one can prove the existence of God

When will this meme go away?

Yeah I watched this with my dad and his wife some time ago and it was a little shitty.

If you want to do a Christian movie you really gotta think about it and it has to be a literal god-tier writer.
One should stick with the biblical ones desu, christians shouldn't push christianity all the way, since this could even fucking kill you in some countries but y'know how USA is with the freedom stuff.

IMO, we just need a 10/10 movie about Jesus Christ from Dreamworks like the old days desu.

You're a fucking retard.

I never realized this was a big deal before a few years ago
Sometimes when I'm baked I've asked different groups of people if they ever look off into the stars and think about how immeasurably insignificant they are? and a lot of people bristle at this and say 'for some people'

It's unbelievably bad, something an indoctrinated 12-year old would make.

>no one can disprove that god exists

Is this some Spinoza shit? Get out of here.

Either you believe God exist or you agree with Bill Nye.

I agree with Bill Nye. Evolution and global warming are real. Gas Tucker Carlson.

Science fags cannot prove the big bang theory,
it really triggers their almonds. They are literally in
the same boat as creationists and they can't hang.

>cant prove
>cant disprove

Well that means the natural solution is agnosticism right? Idk how anyone can be comfortable claiming they know god is real or not if they have no definitive evidence.

I hated that they'd switch scenes when the debate was starting, but even ignoring that when looking at Josh as a christian character in a movie I think it was a bit weird that he'd use the professor's grief over his mother dying as a way to win the argument.But it made a shit ton of money and was mostly well-received so if it drove you closer to God good on you

>Idk how anyone can be comfortable claiming they know god is real or not if they have no definitive evidence.
Genetic predisposition to religiosity.

> burden of proof
> no need to prove negative

You guys are lame ass plebians with no basics in simple logic.

Baity McBaitassbitch

>Is this some Spinoza shit? Get out of here.
Who is Kurt Gödel? He is essentially /ourguy/.

Born into an ethnic Germanic family, studies mathematics and says all other sciences are bs, publishes his famous incompleteness theorem in his early 30s, marries a cool gal, who cooks for him his whole life, when they are old, his wife is hospitalized and Gödel refuses to eat any other food... and dies.

jesus thats uber stupid =D

you havent even considered your insignificance.

the waters deep my friend and you cannot swim, best stay on dry land.

if you do venture into the abyss you will sink.

you will wade into the waters slowly growing weaker with each stroke.

the cries of those marooned on the isle of bliss will fade.

eventually you cannot go farther and in you give, sinking into the depths.

deeper and deeper you go, panic and fear in crescendo.

you can't hold any longer inhaling huge lungfuls of water.

Peace descends upon you, yes you're near the bottom now.

assured, you await your expiry

it does not come.

fuck god

ITT: Avarage IQ 89 and basic american "education"

This thread single-handedly convinced me Sup Forums is a pile of shit and I'm actually leaving Sup Forums forever. See ya fuckers. This place is dead.

>jesus thats uber stupid =D
>posts on a Vietnamese autorepair anime board
>says the ontological proof of the premier mathematicians of the 20th century is "uber stupid"
>Finnish flag

checks out, Mongolians are stupid

nigger we aint studying a rock, were talking about the the almighty creator of the universe.
why would you rely on your pathetic little scientific method to comprehend this?

Go back to your shed and let Mahmoud please your wife.

>implying it's okay to accept the null hypothesis
take a stats course please.

>that pic related

do us all a favor and google "burden of proof" then come back. we'll wait.

"Conservatives say that no one can prove the existence of a gender spectrum and they are right, but i say no one can disprove that it exists."

>tfw too intelligent to not believe in God.

my god thats the most ignorantly glaringly retarded shit that they say. its proves that they're a bunch of self-righteous and oblivious fairy people, except grown up. the bible is grown up pretend time to keep people sane and/or satiated the same way little kids need dolls or legos to stay sane and satiated

>not sure if trolling

I would assume Gödel did that thing in jest. I agree Finnish flags look a lot like Straya lately though.

Glad to hear that user. I may have to check it out myself.

Just accept it
inventing a higher being you can serve to create some purpose in your life is not the answer.
Accept your fate and enjoy the ride.

The "gender spectrum" is an idea leftists created and therefore it does exist as a concept, that doesn't however make it accurate or correct.