What is pols opinion on this?


Is in this in the Western World specifically or everywhere. Blacks being equal in physical strength is also a myth strongman competitions are dominated by white men.

Why is late body developpement a good thing? Genuinely asking

Risk of extinction being high shouldn't count towards the final score as a positive.

This is cherry picking OP.
We all know Tyrone is where it's at.


The body takes turns developing with the brain.

Add another column for Jews
>white people BTFO

The chart is fucked because you get plus points for high crime rate and high risk of extinction, why are those good things? The whole chart is wonky.

Later puberty is associated with longevity, so yes, gimme dem waifus.

Even without it, whites still win, yet are still more likely to end... even after building civilisation after civilisation.

why are whites at risk of extinction when we have the highest score

No you don't retard, look at the chart, RED (very high crime rate) is 1 point.

Also .

Because we're turning into the pandas of our spieces.


>black Male attractiveness medium
dude they have fucking ugly monkey faces

any attractive blacks are always part European

The high rate of extinction is green the whole thing is retarded. Some spacka made it clearly.

Racial supremacists are the biggest idiots. You say whites are smarter than blacks, and that's why they shouldn't live together.

But what if you have an 100IQ nigger (and there's plenty of those), should he be allowed to live in a white country? And what about Arabs, Indians, Pakis? If you only accpted the smart ones (120IQ+), your "white countries" would soon not be white anymore, and what does it matter if your neighbor is dumb or smart - when he works against your national interest all the same?

Respect other peoples - in their countries.

There is more of a difference between whites and blacks than just IQ, all behavior is different, quicker to anger, less empathy, etc
and yeah any white person that has those traits i don't want near me either

>crime rate
What crack are you on? Are you going by American crime statistics which include spics as whites again?
>male attractiveness

>jumping ability
>resistance to cold and heat
Sup Forums get out

Nothing biologically prevents blacks from swimming. Their parents just don't bother teaching them how to swim

>Asians IQ is higher than white


Would be funny, if I didn't hear niggers saying the same about white people.


>inb4 Kike column.

> implying that Sup Forums whitefags have empathy

try again

I fuckin died at balck's cultural achievements


You aren't Finnish, stop acting Finnish.

Google gutter oil.

Sup Forums is very empathetic, its why they get so pissed off at everything

I'm not quite sure about east asian life stability.
Or do you mean just japs and not the chinks?

Im finished

White crime rate is very low too. All the crime here is done by africans.

I agree with the extinction metric being a retarded colour.

This, although give mark felix his due. He's still winning events competing in strongman and he's 50years old.

this doesn't make any sense cause america only imported the worst blacks(literal slaves), and is currently importing only the best yellows

The electronics that you are using right now were designed by white people. Oh wait, it was actually blacks who designed it.

>best blacks
Every black continent/country/city/town on this entire earth is shit

Because intelligence is the display of how much processing power you have for understanding your enviroment.

meh, the only niggers here that stir up trouble are the refugees

the rich niggers don't bother me at all

IQ is the only stat that matters

Jews and Asians win

ehh there are more white geniuses

>low swimming ability

Yeah, whitey stole our livelihood and our ideas. Fuckin crackers. Isaac newton was black and so was George Washington. Wake up sheeple

empathy matters
china and isreal are shitholes i don't want to live in
its that way because chinks and jews are psychopaths

Asian IQ isn't higher, moron. Maybe a certain sub group of asians east asians and a sub group of them korean and janpanese are smarter, than all the wole group of all, whites combined (also includes semitic people, because often they count as caucasians).

japs are smarter, koreans maybe
Chinese are dumb insect people

>t. white man

find a flaw

>pro tip you cant

stay mad wog

This is a very faulty picture
You forgot:
>Aggressiveness (to attract women)
>Dick size
>Melanin to currency conversion
>Objective singing quality
>Humour (incredibly important for attractiveness)

Also, your ratings are faulty:
>Swimming ability
Swimming has no use in modern society, except if you live at a beach.
>Risk of extinction
Why do blacks get less points because they are less likely to get extinct?
>Cultural achievements
You wouldn't have any Jazz or Blues, America would be a shithole without black labourers. At least give blacks low, instead of giving them no points at all
>Male attractiveness
You do realize that Blacks look incredibly attractive to women.. right?
PLEASE stop with this nonesense. If you find other white males or Asians attractive, it's because they are FEMININE. You don't find blacks unattractive because they are MASCULINE.

That picture has been specifically made to make blacks look useless.

If ya think chinks have low running, jumping and swimming ability then you obviously havent fought in Nam. Those little gooks get everywhere like sand in my boots. One time this gook managed to spend 2 hours underwater holding his breath, although i think that him being filled with bullet holes helped him breathe. Anyway unplug your monitors cause Obama is still watching you masturbate 9/11 was an inside job im feeling sleepy from studying gynecology im out

you are a german nigger aint you?

blacks are lower status than whites in womens eyes,its why blacked dot com has to pay 4x the amount to porn acresses just to get them to fuck them

the only girls who like blacks are ones with daddy issues,ive seen it first hand and laughed when he beat her up lol

On average denser bones are less efficient for swimming

Meant to write you don't find blacks attractive because they are masculine*

>ad hominem
OP confirmed for raging faggot

>blacks are lower status than whites in womens eyes,its why blacked dot com has to pay 4x the amount to porn acresses just to get them to fuck them
I don't watch porn, and I don't see the need for it.
Share me a source if you are so obsessed with that "blacked dot com" website

>the only girls who like blacks are ones with daddy issues,ive seen it first hand and laughed when he beat her up lol
I have met alot of girls and women dating blacks in university. We don't have many blacks, but those we do have are literally never single, have top-notch reputation with the gals and are always respected by the entire grade.
The problem is that you are referring to American niggers. Sub-Saharan Africans can be incredibly efficient in European society if you bring them to European countries.
I am p.sure the next thing someone will do is to post a picture or a webm of some poor ass tribe nigger doing something stupid like eating shit from a cows ass, which proves the exception, not the rule.

Looks like shit you pulled it out of your ass.

>swimming skill
>cold resistance
Autism that failed to be weaponized.

that must of been wrote by an idiot

>black iq average more like ~75
>white iq more like 105-110
>asian 110 -115

If only blacks could understand that we don't want to live like they do.

>female attractiveness

Switch whites and asians

>Sub-Saharan Africans can be incredibly efficient in European society if you bring them to European countries
No, they're shit everywhere. From France to China to Brazil.
Europe has done a better job of giving them a good face in the media, but they also have fewer of them to cover for.
>which proves the exception
Anyone who uses this phrase is a retard, no exceptions.

>100 IQ

choose one

There are more kick-ass Asians in swimming than you give credit. This should be no lower than "medium". Also, why is white "male attractiveness" only medium? It should be high.

The risk of extinction for Blacks and Asians should be "very low".

What the fuck am I reading
>From France to China to Brazil.
Algerians ARE NOT SUB SAHARAN, please take a look at the fucking map before you speak.
Also, Chinese and Brazillean blacks? Never heard of them.

>Anyone who uses this phrase is a retard, no exceptions.
Because his words were backed by a source rig- oh.

I hate niggers. Not hyperbolic hate, true hate. They ruin everywhere they go.
If that makes me a racist, I am a proud racist.

R vs K selection.

niggers develop quickly because their strategy is to reach maturity and shit out as many babies ASAP before getting eaten by a lion.
whites and asians develop slowly because we nurture our young and each one is actually invested in.

>male attractiveness
>niggers medium
>chinks low
>whites medium

topkek. White men are high and niggers are rock bottom.

How do people find images like this and why are they always compressed to hell? How many times has this been forwarded in emails

white bitches are much hotter than asian bitches

you're just a fucking weeb

Literally every study to come out has shown black men to be the least attractive of all races.

Btw, I've lived in Germany, and black men there do NOT do well with the women. But oddly enough, black women do okay with German men.

I agree with this

Which part of Germany?

A few cities in Bavaria, including Munchen.

>regression to mean
Genetic populations regress to the average over time. Geniuses don't always produce genius children. Usually such abnormalities are caused by epi-genetics. Which are basically written over in the mothers womb.

lol Munich is where all the rapefugees are at.
While most of them are Arabs, there are also some Blacks.

Come to Schleswig-Holstein to find black Germans

To females, the most attractive traits are dominant behavior and physique (height and muscles). He may have a monkey snout, but when her subconsciousness sees a big male jostling faggy twinks, it's enough for her to feel attraction.

Yes, I noticed. Last visit I nearly beat the shit out of an Arab monkey for trying to molest my two female friends.

*6th place

ok so 20% of blacks have over 105 iq?
and 50% of whites have under a 105 iq?

sounds a little high on the black side

sorry mate but other than sluts with daddy issues and men paying women to sleep with you on camera because its akin to beastiality and humiliation for the women no one fancies you mate

niggers simply do not hold the same status and value as a white man

blame your lazy ancestors for being dumb niggers mate

be the change,cure cancer or somert

butthurt niggers detected

checks flag

checks out

True, but this is only part of the story. Fact is, women are attracted to many different factors.

Social status (if you've ever played in a band you'll know what I mean), wealth, charisma (e.g. not being autistic), among others, none of which blacks have much of.

Even in terms of height and musculature, whites are taller on average, and I don't notice blacks to be any more 'jacked' than whites are, in the 15 countries I've visited anyway


I think attractiveness of males and females should be excluded, since attractiveness is subjective.

wrong. white women love black guys. you just mad cos your a white boy with a tiny ass dick that cant get laid so your taking it on black guys. how bout you eat a black dick you little bitch. you could start with mine

lmaoooooo "muh dick"

shut the fuck up tyrone and stop lying to yourself you dumb nigger

even tiny dicked chinks are cucking your women in africa

how can nignogs even compete with tiny asian man haha