What do you think about France?

It's the best Nation of the world, but not yet with Macron...


Macron, non!

I agree.

France wouldnt be best nation anyway

third world shithole

a nation of muslisms and africans, so proud.

granny fucker


Food over rated. Monuments over rated. France over rated

I think that I like croissants sometimes and other times I enjoy French Toast. I would say you have some good things going there France. I might stop by in August. Petit Ponay. Toujours delicate

Croisants not even French. France stole from austria.


A nation of contrasts.

You fuckers have absolutely amazing people and also the most absolute cunts I have met.

You have the simplest and the most pretentious.

You are the most multicultural country I have been to and also the most racist one.

It's like you fuckers just can't chill and stop getting offended, no matter the side you are.

Also, your food is not as incredible as you think it is. Italians do it better, Spaniards in many cases too. You do boss it with your bakeries.

>Best nation of the world.



>retarded basement dwellers basing their opinion of France on metropolitan areas

Fuck off ignorant kikes. I we only judged the U.S. by Fag Francisco and New Jew city how would you like it?

987 - 2017

So sad...

France is a lost cause. We should just get over it, and move on.

How is life in Switzerland? I'm planning to move there and steal some cars.

Hollande did nothing wrong.

france start with clovis
and hollande wasn't better than macron

>Conquered it twice
> 9/Nein would do again

Can't complain. Criminality is dropping constantly, even in rich Zurich. The exact opposite is happening in Germany, so you might wanna get in contact with your polan brothers and check whether it's really a good idea to steal cars in Switzerland.

France is a meme country

Wait to see it
Hollande is shit but he has genuine kindness somehow.
Macron and his friends will be ruthless, we might lose a lot of what was left of our free speech

But France was indeed mortally wounded in 1789. Now everything metastasised, the final agony will be sth to be part of

The king nation is dead, long live the king continent !

But is this bad? I mean germans wear socks with sandals

I can trace one branch of my maternal lineage to the 1700s courtesy of Lafayette coming to kick British ass during the revolutionary war. The other, to a French Knight in 1099 fresh from the crusades. I have deeply French roots but they are from a time when France produced real men worthy of respect. Today you hand your country over with no struggle. It's a shame really.

You don't get your feet dirty that way, we do that too

But what about the socks?

Feet are still protected, I just don't like getting my feet dirty. If they get dirty, my day is ruined, I just keep thinking that I need to wash my feet like right now.

Vote Le Pen and shut up. You can destroy the EU. It is your privilege to start the second French Revolution. Just DO IT.

>doesn't like dirty feet
>prefers dirty, sweaty socks instead
Don't you think that dirty feeling and your urge to clean yourself has some other reason? Maybe?

>prefers dirty, sweaty socks instead
That's what socks are for, to protect your feet and absorb sweat, you know.

Maybe, I never really thought about, it just felt right. Me personally I wear very short socks, and creme colored, so it doesn't look as bad as pic rel, barely noticeable.

>and also the most racist one.

You don't travel a lot, do you ? Ever been to Japan or a slav shithole like Russia or Serbia?

>That's what socks are for, to protect your feet and absorb sweat, you know.
Maybe you wouldn't sweat so much if you wern't wearing fucking socks in your sandals? Just maybe?

But then they would get dirty

A gay nation for gay faggots

Would love lay in the gutter of a dusty French street whilst a French lady does a wee on me, whilst an onion salesman with a bycicle watches and masturbates with his trousers around his ankles 2bh


We do though, it's what Sup Forums does. Did you really think England is London?

Here is what's going to happen during five years.
>shower of money for """disadvantaged""" youth and yet growing number of terrorrist attacks
>butchering of social protection in the name of competitivity and yet no improvment of job market
>worsening of brain drain, everybody that's not a melenchon voting student, poor worker, leeching mudslim, and has economical power will get the fuck out asap.
>refugee influx on the german model
French people are retards and deserve what's coming.