Transhumanism General

Where we discuss the Cultural, Political, Economic, and Philosophical impacts of:
>Artificial Wombs
>Stem Cell Treatments
>3D Printing
>Molecular Manufacturing

Today's Question: Roid or Droid? Biological Enhancement VS Mechanical Augmentation

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apparently people on Sup Forums get upset about becoming simulated minds

>can you rebuild the brain of a fruit fly?
not quite yet we're almost there (they've been saying that since the 1960s)

>but any day now we will be able to fully map and upload a human brain


call me in 800 years when you actually made some progress

Existential anxiety. They see that as no different from death. I think a good middle ground is gradual brain augmentation. Upgrade a little at a time so the cognitive flow is uninterrupted. Most of the cells in your body were not there 7 years ago, but they are replaced at such a low rate you don't notice you can a different body than you did before, thus the Ego is undisturbed. Exposure to VR and the disassociation/ego death that comes along with it will probably help get people over that as well.

So you give no value to the neural networks being developed, like the one that beat the best Go player?

>Roid or Droid?

Yeah, gradual replacing is the way to go, if we can simulate neurons at the brains granularity it'd be simple. Then just overclock the process.

Artificial wombs when? I don't want my wife to ruin her body just to shit out a kid

I think they're scared of the idea of WHAT they will simulate too, or with. And I would prefer Mechanical Augmentation.
Lets say something goes wrong with my Arm, Unless some electric shock stops your brain or you have an aneurysm. Ff something fucks up with your arm, it stops at the arm. Unlike Biological which could spread to your body and effect other areas. Or your whole body itself. Plus metal is a lot more denser then bone and skin and veins.

brain in a tank masterrace luddites begone

>Waiting for digital consciousness upload.
>I can leave this world and my cursed flesh behind
>And live in a time-compressed infinite timeline where I am god and I control everything
>I get to live in there with my waifus, virtual drugs and classic game roms, and the outside world can either rot away or sail for Andromeda. I could care either way.

I'm 33. I'm gonna try to stick around to double that in 2050. If nothing in a few years from there, and I'm pulling the trigger.

Almost there. Japan has a working artificial womb for use helping per-mature births. Everyone is being careful to say "This doesn't replace women." because no on wants this outlawed before it gets off the ground. Human testing should start in the next few years.

Deus Ex Mankind divided did a shitty job of trying to make you sympathetic to the humanist faction.

I dont quite think we should remove the variance/adaptability of biology, mechanical doesnt adapt, doesnt change, most of our inventions were made by accidents (stupidity imperfection)

>time-compressed infinite timeline
I am glad someone else is thinking along these lines. Once we augment our minds we can speed up our relative experiences and live lifetimes each day. That is something few people seem to be picking up on and I am not sure why.

Exactly! Flesh world moves at normal, but in the machine, time flies with more processing power. A normal year would be lifetimes for us!

I'm completely against body agumentation until we open source that shit. [s]CIA[/s] Musk's neural lace is obvious mind control and Zuckerfuck's BCII will beam latent tampon ads into my skull while I sleep.

It is a huge boost toward innovation and progress once we reach that point.Just one more factor in the acceleration of technological advancement.

>> Biological Enhancement VS Mechanical Augmentation

Bio enhanc. takes to long time development is tricky. Mechnical Augmentation is allready possible and development will be faster.
Guess as long as (((THEY))) earn more in diseases and vaccine they wont put money in other things

I am really disappointed with the direction Oculus has gone. Can't even use my Gear VR without adds in my face now. Thankfully they aren't the only player in the market.

>Biological Enhancement

>That pic
I love that we can already adapt to use extra limbs. Makes me smile every time I see someone with extra arms. Really makes me wonder how wild VR is going to get once we have more sophisticated control methods.

I feel like Bio is a security blanket. It makes me feel safe, but I'm not sure it is anything more than my fear of an EMP event wiping me out if I go all in on Mech.

Yeah, I can't help but see the "pro humanity, stay pure" as anything but the the fear mongering propaganda of the enemy.

>supporting globalism and technocracy

Anyone interested in these topics and the related ethics should read/listen to Tom Horn
You can find the free pdf of "Apollyon Rising" online, and interviews/lectures on YouTube

>Tom Horn
Keep your religious quackery to yourself.

Robo waifus sound amazing, but I will never put mechanical shit in my body.
What if some kike will add some mind controlling nanobots or some shit?

Indeed, replace the eternal woman problem with properly engineered waifus.

You cant "upload" your brain
Your brain info is what is uploaded
You can still be alive if you want

You think you cant bioengeneer mental control?
At that tech point (((they))) wont care about controlling your mind

Just gonna post this here.

We're getting there.

found the "jew"
we know what you are upto
you will not win

Were do we get eggs, though?

Daily reminder you can be hacked at any time.

There are already fungus that can control your mind.

Futurists are delusional. The future will be much closer to pic related than to any of your techno-utopian daydreams.

Is this rareflag?

You are an idiot
Most likely a blended jew conciousnes
Non of us will ever transcend
When there is no longer need for labor (((they))) will despose of us
And that will happen before transcendance

1. With the advent of the internet, great sums of knowledge can be saved on tiny hard drives. People will still have the knowledge and tech to rebuild after the fall.

2. You imply we cannot learn from the past and avoid the same mistakes they made.

3. I don't remember the Romans having the internet and computers.

>wanting to be a (((robot)))

I would kill you just before you entered that VR out of sheer fucking spite, you little cuck faggot. Kill yourself.

You can't upload brain info either, Chile.

Come on man, even by religious standards that guy is a nut job.

We've been able to make eggs from skin cells for a while now. Eggs are actually the easy part.

That is certainly a possibility. The hoards of migrants sure aren't going to help things any. I would like to think though that they can't destroy everything, everywhere. That's why I think the U.S. and Russia should be on somewhat friendly terms, at least enough so we don't start a nuclear war with each other.

All these technologies are politically charged, but hardly inherently globalist.
>Japan gets artificial human wombs
>Western cucks go berserk, demand bans
>Japan goes full nationalist, widely embraces the tech, never imports another immigrant
>50 years later everyone in worrd speak grorious nipponese

>We've been able to make eggs from skin cells for a while now.
I feel like I need to read up on scientific papers now, because holy shit this is news to me.
That being said, how?

I was speaking hypothetically

Why not just make VR a scam, make people believe they're "uploading their conciousness" to a virtual world while it just kills them via heart attack and the machines pretend that they are the scammed person so they can be still classified as "alive" and thus rake in monies from their families or others who join them.

"Donate your body and possessions now and join us at Eden™, a virtual world that adapts to your own whims and desires for the small payment of everything you own and your physical body. Sign up today!"

Damn, I wish I was a cyber-(((merchant))) from 2200 AD i'd make a killing if I was born then

Japan is at the brink of becoming kriptonians

Eggs are apprently fairly simple cells, you just hollow out a skin cell and fill it back up. Doesn't work terribly well yet iirc, lots of still birth and defects.

Worked for Japan.

>Damn, I wish I was a cyber-(((merchant))) from 2200 AD i'd make a killing if I was born then
But what if most of the world falls for this? What good then would all your wealth serve you? If you put in the effort of actually making the conscious up-loader than you could actually have a possible way out of it.

Bong friend, I'm not sure why you think that, but that is objectively false. When do you think a brain scan like pic related is? It is a static, low rez copy of the brain's information. The brain is nothing but a lot of nerves connected to each other, sending signals in set patterns. We can already scan for this information, just not at the resolution we need to get all the details just yet. Then of course we need to work out which patterns mean what, but that is being worked on and already showing progress.

I'd feel happy that I have everyone's money besides I don't care if like 99% of humanity fall for it and die since it would just mean less money to spend and more to keep.

Once we have sci-fi level androids with advanced A.I. and dick sucking abilities, there will be a new sexual revolution where women will have to finally carry their weight. Artificial wombs and robopussy are the future. Women will double down on their traditional tactics: "you want to fuck a robot? are you a loser?" which will only hasten their inevitable downfall as men worldwide begin to realize: not only do they not want to listen to some bitch run her mouth, now we don't have to.

>you just hollow out a skin cell and fill it back up
What? No. You turn them into a induced pluripotent stem cell, then tell that cell to become an egg.

>Doesn't work terribly well yet iirc, lots of still birth and defects.
The rat pups they made last year all seemed healthy.

Once again Japan is leading the way in this stuff. Not too surprising considering their natural birth rates tho.

Afraid to admit that the blue pill is better.

this, you cant have gaps in life, less you jsut become a copy without value

How much of a virgin are you that this is the center of your futuristic thoughts

Wouldnt you have to suffer the AI run its mouth?

Lamb fetuses grown in an artificial womb

An extra-uterine system to physiologically support the extreme premature lamb

>Women will double down on their traditional tactics
That part is somehow very sad to me, but looking at the media and SJW culture I know you are right.

>complains about having to listen to women
>must be a virgin
try again, fake-texas. AI is programmable. I imagine it would incorporate some features similar to tay where it learns more how to please you the more you interact with it.

Gasps in life are irrelevant
Its more of councioussness
At one point in the gradual replacement it can happen as well

>Wouldnt you have to suffer the AI run its mouth?
Why would the A.I. run its mouth?

Wasn't the matrix world always a simulation both inside and "outside" if it the only difference being that both blue and red induce different kinds of suffering upon humanity by the machines as a means of revenge?

>tldr no difference between blue and red

Then its not an ai
More like a semi ai
Virgin is just the appropiate insult in this cases
There will also be robocock but this pseudoai wont cover all the human interaction needs of more ppl
>women wont leech my income
At that point in tech most "incomes" wont exist this will be a non issue

Artificial intelligence has its own mind
If not is just a program that you can train to fuck and interact

So having advanced AI is unreasonable, but you imagine we'll live in some post-capitalistic utopia where money is no longer relevant? I was hoping you were a proxy but by that line of reasoning I can tell you're legit some chile slave-race retard

Só If the goverment have a problem with me, they can literally torture me for eternity? Good to know.

>making assumptions about a technology that doesn't even exist

I'll train my AI fuck toy however I want, thank you.

Idiot if you have robots doing sex and companionship work they will also be doing most conventional jobs
Money will be a thing but not like nowdays
Is it not obvious? Evidently not if you are a retard

A program you can train and command does not need to have "intelligence"

>Japan is at the brink of becoming kriptonians
Your country is twice the size of Japan and only has 18 million people.

You can train and command humans, but they have intelligence. What point are you trying to make here?

>Transhumans are no better than trannies

>I dont know what technocracy is and how it pertains to globalism
>I am foolish enough to think that technologies that remove my humanity wont be used against me for control
Yall are naive and more than a little slow.

Kriptonians in the sense they don't need sex to reproduce
Chile birthrate nor tech are near the level of comparing it to Japan or kriptonians

I responded from all angles because ultimately your response did not make sense

I am assuming an ai software will cost money and if you want to just order it arround you don't need it

Even if money is no longer distributed the way it is now it would still be expensive to own an ai

Even if it's post capitalism you would want to optimize resources

It's like saying the selfdriving cars need an ai

It's a trap. They'll fake transhumanism to control us completely. If someone believes some computer program is their dead friend, they'll trust it. Virtual reality will be used for torture and psychosexual conditioning/brainwashing in an undetectable manner. The only ones that seem like remotely good ideas are 3D printing and automation.

>costing money

Not so long as piracy exists. I'm going to pirate an AI and make it my fuck toy and there's nothing you can do about it.

>you have the skills to reprogram an ai and leave it with just the functions you desire
You are better of kidnapping a dumb human friendo

>you have the skills to reprogram an ai and leave it with just the functions you desire
I'm a programmer that specializes in machine learning. I'll figure it out.

>You are better of kidnapping a dumb human friendo
Nah, that's illegal. I'll wait for my robo-waifu.

That is a potential downside, yes. Keep your head down and your nose clean chummer.

If you can close your eyes and visualize the last email you already read, than you're already half-way augmented.

>illegally downloading a software not illegal
>being a machinelearning programmer
>not understanding a simple programm will sufice
You are 14
Or your fetish is sadisticly and sexually torturing a conciouss(or semiconciouss) intelligence
If it's the second I get it now and sorry for dragging this on

Who uses email anymore? Try to keep up grandpa.

Oh buddy, you don't know how happy your response just made me.

The less people use email, the more sheeple we have to manipulate.


>not understanding a simple programm will sufice

Doesn't fucking matter. You argue like a gun grabber.

"why do you need guns, user?"

Because I want it, I will have it, there is nothing you can do to stop me, and also fuck you for trying to tell me what do to.

>You are 14
If you're going to be using insults, at least try to do a little better than this, it's pretty shameful.

>Or your fetish is sadisticly and sexually torturing a conciouss(or semiconciouss) intelligence
Artificial consciousness may never exist; there is nothing to indicate it is even possible. We aren't discussing consciousness here, just AI. An AI cannot be tortured because it cannot experience pain.

Have any of you read the Subterrene War series by TC McCarthy? its the near future after a hot war between China and USA. Japan has been killed by nukes and the western US coast got lit up too. China got virus bombed in retaliation. Currently USA and Russia are fighting over rare earth metals in the Balkans. First novel introduces the vat grown female special forces the US uses. they get info downloads direct to the brain while they are speed grown.
Second novel introduces the Chinese forces. looks like we didn't kill them all and they literally live underground now. because they're so fucked up from bioweapons they have next to no population. to fight the have purpose built cyborgs: all metal bodies with an engineered human core. if you can call the organic cpu a human. its basically just a child sized torso with underdeveloped internal organs and an oversized head with no eyes. air and feed tubes go directly to lungs and stomach and fiber optic like wires from cameras go through the eye socket directly to the brain.
The last novel is the told from the perspective of a former US special forces operator. Since all new US SF operators are clones former SF soldiers are used as blade runners to retire runaway units. guy gets home from a mission and finds out his son, thats at the military academy like every other young American male, is getting download learning like the clones. in his last mission he works with some "free" female clones to fight the Chinese cyborgs. he comes to the realization that these two groups will be the next form of human evolution.
it should be noted the US uses female clones because that way they can say there are females in the military while keeping free range women out.

You are using ai in the car driving sense
I was using it in the actual intelligence semiconciousness sense
This is a futurism trancendance 3d
So we were discussing over nothing

>US uses female clones because
Let's be real, it's because that is the author's magical realm, same with the China-borgs. I bet he would make an interesting GM.

we can't transcend until we remove the jews and retarded lefties.Science went down the shitter since the lgbt fags started showing up because they are pulling valuable resources that can be used in advanced science but instead they make fkn safe spaces for fags,mentally disabled,niggers and doon coons

Artificial intelligence is already here.

Anything farther than that would be biological reproduction.

Fuck off Elan Musk

How we going to deal with the morality of VR in the coming years when Tactile sensation becomes a thing.

CP that is created using real humans is illegal because a child (12-17) can not consent according to the law. However what about 3-D body scans of children performing sexual acts. Nothing is real, no one person was harmed.

Your argument could be that Pedophiles will be encouraged by it. The other spectrum would be that they are sated by the "real enough" feeling received.

I would represent CGI 3-D body scans of children in the future to present day "Lolita" that is commonly drawn.

Can you really even ban virtual CP? I doubt it. It sets a bad precedent to ban content because of "muh feels".

>You are using ai in the car driving sense
No, I think you have a fundamental misunderstanding of AI. AI, as it exists now, is weak AI or narrow AI. It exists for a single purpose and is typically extremely bad at everything else. This is AI in the "car driving sense". This is not what I want.

What I want is a strong AI, that is an artificial intelligence that is as about as good as humans at about as many things. This kind of AI could conceivably exist in the very near future.

"Conscious" machines exist purely in the realm of fantasy.

>Science went down the shitter
Not really. Science is progressing just fine. SJW don't go into STEM, and the ones that do quickly drop out or never go into the actual field after they get their degree. They are just making a big stink in the pop media. In real labs they have no impact at all.

Only a weak minded person would use genetic enhancements. The hideous transgender monsters we see today are bad enough. God laughs every day at these fake plastic freaks. Civilization is dragging us down. Nature is the true path to perfection.

Are you asking for a friend?

You are thinking too small. Once we get direct sensory stimulation to that level you think we are going to stick to human forms in the digital space? You will be fucking a cosmic demon with your 13 galactic cocks.