Is anyone else on Sup Forums worried about the enviroment and pollution?

Is anyone else on Sup Forums worried about the enviroment and pollution?
>Worried about birth control poluting the water which causes the frogs to turn gay
>Wish we could move to nuclear power for baseload generation and expand renewables.

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not really, no.

nope, all just spin

I'm worried, not just because this dickwaving contest about carbon emissions is totally fake and irrelevant... but because I literally know the solution, have offered the solution to people, and have been ignored.

it's just a fake theater that's totally stuck in time. No evidence will sway the discussion.

Fuck the environment and everything that lives in it.

how can you not? forget global warming for a minute and just think about air/water quality. why would you want to leave your children a polluted wasteland? you might as well be a liberal if you don't give a shit what happens after you die.

Not worried about co2 but worried about trash in the ocean, fish stocks, pollution of the groundwater, soil erosion, chemicals that turn us and frogs gay and chemicals that fucks with bees and other pollinators.

I'm sure that was a well-reasoned discussion
from a FUCKING leaf

this, wood burning and cow shit create more CO2 than factories or cars.
Ever notice shitskins countries are always polluted?
Its like making sure your room is clean to keep a calm mind.

Yes actually, I am concerned about the state of the US power grid, which is currently 4% overcapacity while expansion is crippled by red tape fees.

Increasing the capacitance of the lines to meet demands increases the magnetic fields that are radiated into homes, especially older homes with less conductive aluminum wire.

water chemical pollution is a legitimate concern but i have no idea how to tackle it, but it's at least something worth talking about

environmentalism is my #1 concern, we need to start living in tandem with nature again otherwise we doom ourselves. The lowest hanging fruit is to think about everything we turn into waste, and reconnect that waste back into the system instead of just sinking it into landfills and the oceans.

For example, stop dumping sewage into the ocean and start composting it and using it in agriculture or to rebuild forest soils.

For example, stop farming cattle the way we do and start rotational grazing to build pasture soils.

For example, stop using disposable plastic or find a way to break it down using bacteria or fungus that eats plastic. Or turn plastic in gasoline somehow.

For example, stop throwing away food scraps and compost instead.

And on and and on, take waste streams and transform them into resource streams until there are no more waste streams left.

im mostly only worried about plastics, chemicals, radiation, and garbage. hell even if the whole global warming thing and flooding is true just build structures on stilts and lower the population..

Elaborate user you seem well advised.

It's too late to be worried.
We're boned.

>Worried about birth control poluting the water
this has been a concern of mine for years

I look at a picture of my grandpa on my moms side, chiseled jaw, square head, I look at a picture of my father, chiseled jaw, square head
and me, soft jawline, round head

Yeah, but I figure that before too long natural processes will take off that will kill at least half the populace. If it isn't done deliberately. This thought makes me feel horror mixed with anticipation.

pic related is generated by any powered electrical wire not in a twisted configuration. Electricity travels in waves, ie hz, which can be altered to increase output at the cost of increased equipment heating, and higher delivered voltages. The pictured effect increases delivered power in times of demand, but at a radiated cost.

>hell even if the whole global warming thing and flooding is true just build structures on stilts and lower the population..
It is, and that doesn't work. Most of the people in the world today live on the coast, and all their lives would change. You can't build in the same spot when you're dealing with a location under water, far away from the current shoreline. Almost all current coastal cities would have to be rebuilt from the ground up inland. The state of florida would be under water. You don't put stilts on florida, you abandon it. At some point, building flood banks just isn't economically feasible, at that point, your only option is migration and salvation of as much material as you can get.

As for why it will happen, it's because the ice caps are melting, and not regenerating. The consequences of global warming are coming whether you believe it's influenced by man or not. Frankly, thinking that the industrial revolution did not impact the climate globally is incredibly, incredibly naive and stupid. It strikes me as painfully obvious that all the pollutants we've spread are having a massive impact on everyone's lives.

The earth will continue to change based on the life cycle of our slowly dying sun.

Not to mention all the coal mines that are burning 24/7. There are old mines in the US (and other countries) that puts out a yuuuuge amount of co2 every year but they aren't even counted.

Put that shit out before you start talking about electric cars.

Thank you user.

how prevalent is birth control outside of condoms and abortions in a America's black population?

Yes. I have a thing for bees and they are dying because we use so many pesticides. The issue is that bees pollinate a whole lot of our crops. Without bees, famine.

I am seriously starting to believe that monsanto knows this and doesn't care because they have some seeds that can do without bees, and the entire world would have to buy that shit, that only they sell.

>Is anyone else on Sup Forums worried about the environment and pollution?
>Wish we could move to nuclear power for baseload generation

Never go full retard, user...

You guys are fucked.
Humans will not survive our self inflicted destruction. Whether or not you believe in Climate Change there are a million other things that we're fucking over and many will be completely unfixable for as long as humans are the species we are now.

The issues appear when idiots like you prevent the construction of new plants, plants that only need to be once every 20 years at the end of the life of the unit, so the old plants are held together with duct tape as coal plants are shut down further increasing demand.

Bees you say?


i acknowledge it's a serious problem to look out for
i don't care because i'd be dead before it will become a threat to me, no superior greek genes to leave behind, so, no, all the fuckin elites of the future can drink their recycled pee for all i care

You didn't even read the link you posted or you would have found this.

The time period in which the sun will die is in about 5 billion years. Climate gange is happening, causing big impacts in our lives, decades, not millions or even thousands of years from now.


maybe Germany is fucked, we're good over here in the US. lots of space.

enough with your shit diversion memes, read up peasant. Humans are still ants on a rock (not saying the industrial revolution wasn't bad)

Larger organisms would be effected first, such as trees and other tall biological organisms.


How are you saying I'm diverting you when I just informed you not to just read the headline? If anything, youre diverting by introducing new talking points.

Solar storms being a factor and humann influence are not mutually exclusive.

Leaf gets it. Preserving nature is the single most important thing you can do in life. But since lefties have taken it up for themselfs half of you idiots are steming against it as if it would be invalid because hipsters think it's trendy. Fucking contrarians

I'd be more worried if we stopped killing everything

>Never go full retard, user...

Yea, this is why we have to increase our technology as fast as possible (to reach newer more efficient tech)... Guess how we do this? We deregulate the economy and let everyone in the market do what they've been trying to do since the beginning of man: make things more efficient, more advanced, more desirable, and cheaper...

>would require to go back to more traditionnal farming methods, to stop the destruction of rural life and thus halt the intensive farming supported by the (((agricultural industry))) that pushed it to (((maximalize their profits)))
>tighter consumption networks reduce dependence on imports and thus create a stronger national economy
>reduction of population density means smaller cities, which reduces the impact of cosmopolitan degeneracy
>action against deforestation prevents (((multinational corporations))) from cutting forests in the southern hemisphere to mine for ressources and would stunt the growth of globalist corps.
>regulation regarding chemical rejects would halt the estrogen in drinkable water
>regulation regarding airbourne/atmospheric pollution would make people less likely to contract diseases that make them dependent on medication the (((pharmaceutical industry))) is glad to give them and that creates a dependence on the welfare state
I still don't understand why Sup Forums doesn't see through the (((manipulation))) of environmentalism to turn it into a leftie-hippiefest when if done properly it would fit many points that are in the agenda of a lot of Sup Forumsacks

You think letting the third world buy and produce cheapest shit will make them able to invent something? Are you high you fucking idiot? Scientific progress is not measured in gdp or consumption.

The energy giants know the switch to cleaner (clean energy is a myth) energy is coming. The thing is, we're going to need a fuckton of oil to make that transition. It's not going to be an overnight thing.

One should also aim to need less energy themselfs though

Toxic waste and particulate pollution, as well as poor unscrupulous land management processes, and deforestation, yes... but we shouldn't confuse these sorts of legitimate problems with C02.

Royal Society climate lecture on the benefits of C02 and the reality of global greening.

So an accident at a nuclear power plant didn't irradiate the entire Pacific ocean? Thanks, I was worried there for awhile!

Precisely. That's easier said than done in America though. We're a wasteful people. We need another great depression desu

Fuck the environment-- that's an issue for the left wing cucks in their cities to deal with.

yes but its mostly indians and chinks shitting up the planet

can't tell if this is b8 or a trump voter


Literally read response and try to understand mine. the technology that is used is ancient because people like you hinder progress in that field. You are like one of those people who say it's unsafe because of chernobyl while don't even know how it happened. They literaly shut down any safety machanisms and thencranked it up as high as they could. You can't fault the technology for this level of stupidity.

>Lots of space

You didn't do very well at...anything that required forethought did you?

Fucking monoloid of an contrarian. You're no better then say a libtard saying animal welfare is bad because the nazis did it.
Enviornmentalism is a topic that concerns everyone and was historicaly a conservative(like in the fucking word) field.

we have live 250 years of coal and the minimum. And we are at the point where we turn it into crude oil. So we got centuries to cash it out.

Yes, that's how I see it. Technological advances increase exponentially, while our waste and environmental destruction follows a much more linear line, these issues will get solved before it's ever a problem.

But also the simple fact that, what with the progress of automation on even the simplest tasks, we're at a point where 90-95% of the human race will be non-essential once generative AI and machine-learning for robots (teaching robots how to procedurally do more complex tasks by showing them a million examples, like a SPAM filter).

We'll have a given number of farmer, machinists, electricians, smelters and the like but automation and AI will push the ability to scale operations to a point where most people, at the current bell curves of creativity and intelligence for even white people, will be obsolete in terms of societal usefulness.

We ought to be employing eugenics to promote that the those with a greater natural inclination (as well as greater total capacity) for intelligence and creativity are reproducing. The current generations will die out on their own, but who gets to pass on their genes has to be considered a question of investment.

An action and its inaction are equal in weight, why should bringing life into the world be treated as lighter or less consequential than taking one?

That's the tsunami wave not the radiation you misleading fuck.

I'm really worried about water. The Western US needs every drop of water and we waste & export (commifornia) too damn much.

Yes but they'll only sort out if someone actually puts dosh towards dealing with the waste.
But it's a classic Game-Theory situation if every captain of industry, if every individual with power assumes one of the others will do the investment and R&D.

If every is fucking around for 2.5 centuries assuming someone else MUST be working on it, none of them will.

Yeah but at the same time we have plenty of resources to move towards Nuclear, which in time will buy us time to develop sustaining technologies for solar cells and wind-farms and the like.

I suppose I'm asking why don't we start the long-term project now and not have to worry about walls or unexpected circumstances that might come up later (like if climate change hits some critical point of Carbon concentration where very suddenly we have more extreme weather disasters occurring more often?)

You are dumb as fuck

>People still talk about peak oil or coal while they probably don't even know what phosphor is
I honestly can't wait for all those ignorant fucks to starve

worked at a sales company that provides eco friendly electricity
>every household creates 400 billion pounds of carbon emissions yearly
>one of my co workers had a son with a disablity because of polluted earth
>price per kilowatt goes up every february 2 cents because "muh winter" however the prices never goes down
>2 $40 led lightbulb can shave off $20 every month for 10 years
honestly have always been environmentalist despite always having socially right wing views. i hate how species of animals die. i hate how fishes are going extinct before their beauty can even be discovered. i hate how cows and pigs have to be kept in a small cages because fucking chinks, muds, mestizos and africans keep breeding like roaches. these woods near me got bulldozed down to build even more houses and apartments. my view ruined by section 8 trash

I'm not worried about the environment.

People that worry about the environment view technological progress as linear at best, and stagnant at worst. It's not either. Technology is exponential and will quickly outpace our environmental problems in the near future.

For example, a fungus has been developed that can consume plastic and excrete organic substance back into the ecosystem.

It is for this reason that large-scale long-term forced changes are fucking retarded; they fuck the economy and take too long to take effect.

Actually I have a BSEE and have a pretty good understanding of how nuclear power works.

That said, yes, you can make plants VERY safe. The problem becomes when something does go wrong, it goes VERY wrong. Unless you are planning on making a fully automated plant (which has it's own issues), you can never remove the "human factor" from a reactor and people make mistakes. Manufacturing invests in robots, not because it's cheaper than human labor, but because it removes mistakes (many times costly) caused by humans on the production line

There are so many other power sources out there (coal, gas, hydrogen, solar, wind, tidal, dams, etc), there is absolutely no reason to risk things like Fukashima happening again. I'm not even going to go into long term storage of waste and what to do with irradiated materials when you decommission a plant.

>honestly have always been environmentalist despite always having socially right wing views
That's what I fucking hate : that entironmentalism has been turned into a left-wing issue and a pro-globalist one at that (gee, I wonder why), when there is absoultely nothing about environmental protection itself that makes it fall into either wing of the political spectrum. Fuck, you can even see it entirely through the spectrum of national sovreignty through energetic independence, self-sufficiant food production, better control of imports...
I blame hippies. And multinational agricultural corps.

>y axis empty

lel, you unironically posted that image and thought it would somehow prove the point you're trying to make?

holy shit the average Sup Forumstard is a fucking moron

That kind of technology never reaches the places that need it the most, specially considering that it's not cost effective.

The only really cost effective solution it's protecting the enviroment as it is today.

I blame the right wing for opposing vehemently to the enviromental protection, because the hippies were doing it.

Why don't you guys all come together to build an artificial island somewhere? You can build your own government, laws, regulations, whatever. It beats living in the modern psycho society of the West.

watch this please

I thought about posting about technological advances mirroring computer speed and meeting or exceeding Moore's law, but I was worried that might be too abstract.

Since you miss the point and argue a graphic, I see I was right. Sidestepping the point and redirecting is a cuck tactic.

Go "unironically" fuck yourself, you cringy piece of shit.

Nope. It's a lie. Wikileaks proved it, read a book.

Wikileaks proved it's a lie (they were caught making the temperature look higher, when it was really going down). I don't know how you are so fucking stupid.

Whats the solution user?

Well, it's really the same issue in the end, the beginning of politicization of environmentalism.
And we still haven't solved anything with everyone slapping on the table either going "hurr climate change don't real" or "hurr stop driving cars before we die" when there can very well be environmental policies regardless of that and many would benefit from them.


Wait for tech to handle the issue. For example, the fungus I mentioned earlier that could consume the plastic in the ocean, or synthetic ocean life that consumes CO2 at a higher rate.

It bewilders my brain that people still underestimate tech progress, yet double their phone's speed every two years.

Why would anyone take the advice from someone in France? You have ruined your country. It's Islamic now.

It's a shitty game to play anyway, because the largest polluters would never get on board with any changes. China would laugh in Chinese and India would take a shit in the road while answering a tech support call.

Good point. France basically just cucked themselves to extinction. The political portion of Islam is conquering France just by voting. It's pathetic as hell.

I'm "worried" about the environment in the same way I'd be worry about my house: using it to serve my needs but also conscious about in preserving and maintaining it for the future, even for after my death. If that means putting some sort of limitations to the use I can make of it so be it, but only so long as they're functional and purposeful.

>right wing environmentalism

What do you mean radiation? The field? That cant travel very far or people would notice. I had a pair of scissors at work jammed in a drawer next to some power cables and it was there for years before I noticed it. When I pulled them out they had a slight magnetism so paper clips would stick to them.

If you mean other radiation I have a hard time believing there is enough radiation to be even measured compared to back ground.

Like this. What user fairs to examine is how the radioactive isotopes break down in the environment. The real dangerous stuff is gone quickly because it burns out. The long term stuff doesn't do enough damage to matter even in higher animals where it builds up from prey or plant food.

A reasonable example of that would be the banning of CFCs. It didn't fuck the economy and had a short-term measurable impact.

Good political measures now? Use the free market to buy an alternative by offering giant tax cuts and bounties for new tech that offers alternative energy that is both cheaper and more efficient.

nope. a lot of people forget the earth itself is a living organism. if we ever become too much of a strain on her im pretty sure earth would take care of the problem.

Nuclear energy is far cleaner than the alternatives, as long as the reactors don't melt down. One good rule of thumb is not build large reactors on fault lines... or on islands... and to never ever put one on an island that lies on a fault line.

That's because you're brainwashed by EU totalitarians in control of the media.


OPur coal has been going down for a long time. That is the kind of shit Trump got elected on coal jobs have been disappearing for a long time and entire communities have been stuck jobless because of it.

And co2 is a meme greenhouse gas methane and shit from animals is way worse. Lab grown meat is going to save us from that though. They end up growing that shit on latices. Supposedly they figured out how to get a tasty meatball and now they need to make it cost effective.

That could just be because you dont spend a ton of time outside laboring. Especially in your youth.

Go look up what happens to cows who get loose and go feral. Straw bulls or something they get massive. Its the stress reaction produces more testosterone.

which environment?
the earth? yeah I'm worried.
the universe? nah everything's gonna be okay.

>not poisoning the well you drink from is EU totalitarianism

Major props for mentioning synthetic meat. I can't wait for that too. Instead of growing an entire animal with all its inputs and outputs, we can simply grow the product we'll actually use. It's going to be glorious and mark my words it'll taste better than the traditional alternatives.

>Global Warming
>World overpopulation
All lies


What a lot of people don't get is that modern reactors, ones built in the past 10 years, are effectively incapable of having meltdowns where the waste spills out like in Chernobyl or Fukushima.
Those are reactors from the 50s and 60s, respectively.

Modern reactors are basically the most efficient option for energy if money isn't too big of a deal.

The only reason we bother with coal is because we have whole towns that will work their literal lives away for the pocket-dosh of the mine-owner. What I'm trying to say is it's ridiculously cheap.

Coal might be the only thing we produce at China-levels of work-place conditions

France have a very decent water treatment plants, that they don't use anywhere else their water companies are in.

>So an accident at a nuclear power plant didn't irradiate the entire Pacific ocean?
No, it didn't. Learn what radiation is and how it works before opening your stupid mouth.
The dissolved potassium in seawater will give off more radiation than the shit coming out of Fukushima. You greatly underestimate the volume of the Pacific.

>Math is a lie
You can dispute the amount of CO2 (you've never personally measured it) or the number of people in the world (you've never counted them all).
But if you accept the given metrics, then you CAN'T deny that the trends given point to our infrastructure and resource-allocation being put in jeopardy.

I don't get why we're against eugenics and population control on principle (we being the West and the US).

Fewer but more intelligent people means everyone is employed, it means that arguably only the best products are produced and more resources for each individual.

>I don't get why we're against eugenics and population control on principle (we being the West and the US).

The left knows that it means the culling of brown people so they hate eugenics.
The right believes jeebus cries whenever babies get aborted so they hate eugenics.

Not in the western world. We have our shit together.

I think the issue is that there's a direct correlation between poverty and population growth, and (to a lesser extent) between poverty and pollution.

First world countries are facing extinction level population shrinkage, so world population is a complex and hand-wringing issue no matter which way you look at it.

like the Roman, I seem to see the River Tiber foaming with much blood

we need to fix our self inflicted destruction of our cultures.