
This thread had potential till you spilled your degenerate spaghetti all over it.

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Wtf are you talking about?

>stop doing things i don't like

>Personally if shit goes south this is the perfect time to run a moonshine distillery operation with my buddies and turn a profit. Couple greenhouses full of weed and whatnot.
But without a stockpile of arms how would you protect your shine and weed? Surely in a societal collapse two things that never loose value will attract the attention of people that want to take it.

>Personally if shit goes south this is the perfect time to run a moonshine distillery operation with my buddies and turn a profit. Couple greenhouses full of weed and whatnot.



Day 1 I'm robbing growers.

So have fun with your nogunz.

day 1 im finding you and taking all your shit by force.

What happens when someone with a gun comes to take your distillery

I'm not a prepper but I do live in the South. I have many guns, run a family owned small grocery store and probably have 30 close relatives within 10 miles of my home. If shit ever does hit the fan we'll just go to the grocery store take everything out and wait out whatever the fucks happening.

This is where socializing and being on good terms with your community comes into play.

babbies first Bosnia xD

But do they have the sufficient ammount of equipment? What happens when a band of preppers that is more organized than your community comes? What happens if the community you think likes you turns on you and strings you up and takes over the operation?

You lack critical planning skills.

Good luck trying to live when some other people WITH guns come to take your shit

I agree that you don't need to be a /k/ommando for a disaster.

The place I disagree with firearms for a disaster is if you are in a major city. Societal collapse happened in New Orleans during Katrina, but not many other places. So a hillbilly like yourself, yeah should be fine.

Whole US going into nonstop civil war / disaster? Probably never, way too large.

I grew up in LA and SF. Katrina and the LA riots woke me up to how bad the gibs class can get. Don't need 1000 guns. One long and one sidearm are fine.

I hope we can find those rich people's Bunkers and flood them with Mustard gas to dissolves those rats alive in their hiding holes.

>types on weed residued keys
KYS degen

Complete autism.

This guy thinks since he doesn't like someones hobby, it's anti-social.

Gl running your weed and moonshine shit without getting robbed for it faggot.

Its only whites and civilized japs and koreans that should have arms to protect themselves from foreign aggression (niggers) or tyranny (the gubmint)

>just go to the grocery store take everything out and wait out whatever
You understand everyone else and their mother will have the same idea?

Armed preppers aren't vultures, they conduct themselves in isolation

One of the last exercises I did during my active service was to prepare for dumbass militias trying to loot walmart and kill people because of how fucking obnoxious and retarded they are.

>Things that never happened.
Try lying to a bunch of civilians, plenty of people who know better here.

How good are you with a slingshot?

>Because even Reddit's CEO is a fucking idiot that believes guns and ammunition take precedence in prepping.


this guy survived through a city that was besieged for a year during the bosnian war

he says guns and ammo are the most important, followed by food, hygiene items, fuel, and other general supply.

You sound like Jason Blaha or something.

Real prepers don't need anything more than arms and armorment...I'll be too busy killing federal agents to care about anything else.

They have those things and I'll take it off their dead bodies before I decapitate and shit on them.

Peppers are dumb but people who think guns and bullets won't be worth their weight in gold in the event of a real happening are even dumber.

Look OP, I'm not spending money on Magpul parts or buying rifles from Daniel Defense nor am I "training" for the end of the world.

However, I will have a few firearms and ammo on me, not to raid anything (because a REAL prepper isn't gonna need supplies when SHTF) but for defense.

Where I live right now, I don't have to worry, but if I ever move to Houston or DFW for a oil job, you BET your sweet ass their are gonna be looters AKA niggers ESPECIALLY in Houston cuz you know, all the niggers from N.O. moved there.

And we all know how they acted during "a realistic crisis like a hurricane".

>This is where socializing and being on good terms with your community comes into play.

Have you never actually interacted with people who deal in illicit substances?

The vast majority of the time they are robbed by "friends". Even with hearts and minds you need security.

That isn't an argument that guns+ammo take precedence over everything else, but a reality especially when you're dealing with a relatively high value "lootable" (low barrier to entry, high profit margin) resource like drugs.

imo its allies > safe drinking water > means of self defense > shelter > medical supplies > food stores > hygiene > fuel > tools > vice goods (candy, entertainment, recreational drugs, cigs, etc.)

I also store up supplements like vitamins and minerals in case of something. If shtf, you can trade with medical supplies, supplements, candy or w/e. If no happening happens, you can give it to friends and family as gifts, if you don't use that stuff.

>One of the last exercises I did during my active service was to prepare for dumbass militias trying to loot walmart and kill people
Keep larping kid.

In event of collapse, there won't be no cops nor no military out there protecting walmarts lol. There won't be shit getting delivered to walmarts let alone shit left.

Just look at history. When famine strikes people turn rabid and will literally eat friends and family to survive. If you want to survive in such a state, you need weapons. People with weapons will simply take your moonshine and weed farm from you or force you to work it for them, ala survivors in the walking dead.

And no government force will be there to protect you, because there are no government forces once the government can't pay anyone.

It doesn't matter how good of friends you think you are with that nigger or chink next door, when they get hungry they are eating white boys first, then white girls, then each other, then themselves until there's nothing left.

People won't even attempt to hunt or scavenge or grow their own food until there's no other people left to eat but their family. As soon as the stores are empty the immediate next stop for people is eating other people. They won't organize or put in the research and work to grow and gather food from the environment when the supply chains stop, they'll just immediately eat humans.

You people are fucking delusional.

Do you not understand human psychology? In catastrophic events, people panic. Panic causes irrational thinking. Irrational people are dangerous.

Says the guy that wants to start a drug empire if things go south by relying on the "community" like some kind of hippie.

>You people are fucking delusional.

I replied to you in a pretty rational manner here

>Have you never actually interacted with people who deal in illicit substances?
>The vast majority of the time they are robbed by "friends". Even with hearts and minds you need security.

Can verify. People who get into the black market, even on friendly terms constantly fuck each other over. Especially on a low-level, where nothing existential is at stake, or when people don't fully understand what they're getting into. The low level people fuck each over the most, because there is less risk and less reward. Some things just go unpunished. What OP is talking about is even worse though, like actual lawlessness. He is confronting a 3rd world scenario with impractical burger conventions and rationalizations about human behavior. OP is indeed a faggot.

You two clearly have some bad friends.

>guns and ammo are eeeeeeeeevil
>in case of being attacked ima call big, strong mens to protect me with their guns and ammo

You sound like a woman.

>retarded as anime.

Blow it out your ass.

It's not that man. It's really hard to understand antisocial patterns sometimes. It's one thing if you have a strong bond with a small group of competent friends, who bring something unique and useful to the table. And you may have that. But even then, nothing is for sure. You're setting yourself up for failure with your general lack of cynicism and pessimism. Especially so if you live in an enriched community, where low social trust is tolerated in a broader sense. And judging by your flag, that is certainly the case.

I like your plan though, about running a still. You could also modify a still to help produce fuel btw. That's another good idea for an operation if shtf.
