Shit that pisses you off

>"user, the world is getting overpopulated. I'm not going to have kids."
>Meanwhile, niggers and poos have 20 kids.

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Overpopulation is a fucking meme.
I'm almost convinced it's a trick by people who want to have less kids in the world. I won't go as far as to say it's ZOG propaganda but I will say this:

Demographic transition is a theory which states that as a country industrializes, it goes through transitions in terms of death and birth rates like so:
1. High death and high birth rate
2. Low death and high birth rate
3. Low death and low birth rate

Eventually the birth rate goes below 2.0 per every woman and the population naturally goes down unless aided by immigration.
Literally every country in the world has or is going to undergo this. Bangladesh is already below 2.
The world population will hit a limit as we continue to build up third world countries and then go down / stabilize.

The real redpill is climate change will solve over population.

Ok honestly, if you would stop attributing political motives and look just at mathematics and resources, it is objectively true that our Earth is over-populated with human beings. We are using over 1.5x the resources our world can sustain, or reproduce. What this means is that at our current levels (which are spiking in Africa and Asia), we cannot support the population, and the amount of resources we can bring back each year becomes less and less as the population increases.

So the objective reality is, the more the population grows from this point, the more resource strain will be distributed across the world, leading to more conflicts.

The only possible solution, for people using reason and fact, is to manage the world's population so that we use less than 1x the amount of resources we can reproduce in a year. There is simply no other way. This is not political, it is ecological and objective. Please actually think this through before attacking me.

>Convenient self-important excuse when they could have just said that they don't want to have kids because they're broke, don't have any patience, and value their free time.

The earth is locally overpopulated. Global overpopulation isn't a thing (yet).

India is going to collapse if they can't slow the fucking down.
Most of South America needs to plateau fast or they will have severe infrastructure issues (especially Brazil).
Africa is just going to continue being a hellhole unless they can stop having so many kids. But China may fix the issue for much of that continent because they're currently getting a free pass as Colonialism 2: Electric Boogaloo.

Muslims however are just going to overtake everyone because retards keep letting them into their countries and in turn there's going to be millions for Mohammeds everywhere.

Or we can switch to renewable resources, work on systems that waste less, and oh look we just went down below 1x earth's resources

But nobody wants to give anything up. Everyone is going to fight to have more and more. It's the human condition


>Islam is a religion of peace

And in the 1800's they thought we were going to be swimming in horse shit eventually.

We figure this shit out. It's a meme.

Someone interpret this for me

The problem is that this just leads to further replacement, and the West is leaving the gates open for them to flee their deteriorating conditions.

Not if you kill them at the border instead of letting them in like cucks.


Cucks die off, no big loss there.

>find a wall
>cry instead of going around

Why is this my fault?

The solution is to stop sending aid to fucking wastes of space in Africa that do nothing but shit out dozens of kids while starving. However the fuck they do this is probably the only african feat of science and biology.

This the overpopulation problem sits squarely on the shoulders of China, India, and the entire African content. Instead of sterilizing them we turn around and say we (first world nations) are the problem what a load of horse shit.

When people kill their dogs.

Nah, it was western medical and agricultural technology. We successfully managed to quadruple the african population within the last few decades and continue eliminating diseases so they can breed even faster.

>Implying it doesn't take resoirces to build renewables
To the lithium ones with you

meant to say continent but you tards know what I mean

People need perspective. If you fit everyone on earth shoulder to shoulder, it would fill up Texas.

That is the world's population.

>Europe is overpopulated
>Europe needs immigrants

do you realize how fucking big Texas is?

That's too many people, and especially too many niggers

No, it won't. The media will just make up a new term along the lines of "climate refugees", providing another excuse for even more Third Worlders to flood Europe.

Thats because your country is definitely cucked and would accept them, you're also across the ocean. The south americans are the only ones who could immigrate to canada but itd be along trip..

Almost every fucking Western country accepts them. The only ones that don't are a handful of eastern European countries that will eventually be overwhelmed anyway through sheer numbers.

Right, but doesn't change the fact it didn't have to be like this, huh?

>Overpopulation is a fucking meme.
While user opines about jewish conspiracies, the world population just hit 7.5 billion:

Remember when we hit 7 billion? WAAAAYYY BAACK in the pioneer days of 2012. Then you real old timers might remember when we hit 6 billion in 1999. Probably had to read about it on stone tablets or papyrus or something.

Hmm, some of that (((arithmetic))) might lead you to believe that the earth's population has increased by 25% in about 18 years. But DON'T WORRY! The United Nations says things are going to be A-OK if we just ignore it for a few more decades. Everything is gonna be just hunky-dory if we just don't think about it and maintain all our current immigration and foreign aid policies.

The planet can physically hold all of the people currently alive and more, but society itself cannot. After a certain amount of people in it, you start running low on societal resources such as housing, jobs, etc. This is the reddest red pill.

More like energy and raw materials. Once we run out of easily accessible deposits,especially rare earths and other industrial metals we might be completely fucked. Things common today like non-nutrient paste food or electronics will become extremely expensive

>I don't care about "preserving my race" since I'll be long dead by the time it's gone. Not my problem