Why are most climate change deniers conservative?

Why are most climate change deniers conservative?

Most conservatives are poorly educated.

Why are most climate change shills International Communists?

Why are most supporters leftist?

Conservatives are capable of critical thought.

Because the Republican media wants to cut regulations for (((oil companies)))

because the definition of "denier" has changed over time to fit an agenda

Why are most conservatives pro gun? Anti refugee, anti cuck and so on? Because we aren't fucking idiots. Look at what the left believes. Man made climate change is a tax and control method.

Don't be a pleb

same with leftist

Rural and sub-rural retards BTFO


Why are oil company shills capitalists?

This is part of the answer.

It's not about climate at all. It's about control and extracting wealth. If it was a real concern, the government would outlaw oil/coal. Since it isn't an existential threat, they talk about carbon credits and buying offsets.

If we did that you conservatives would throw a temper tantrum, don't even try to hide it faggot.

because it's a scam to facilitate wealth transfer-
backdoor communism

>what, do you not believe in climate change?
>well i do believe that the climate is changing, but nobody seems to have any proof that we are the main cause of climate change, and in fact nobody even has any proof that this sort of change is abnormal
and you wonder why people are going hard right

>"climate deniers"
lmmfao... climate change happens fucking daily, you God damned kikes have been crying the sky is falling since the early thirties about the fucking weather. If you rats can't use religion the hook the goyim you can damn sure use "science". It's really to control the "scientific" community when you control the institutions that credentialize these people.

Call me whatever the fuck you want but the international jew is destroying us all and making such a mockery of it.

If we we REALLLLLLLY fucking worried about the rise in greenhouse gases, the last fucking thing we would be doing is making it illegal for people to use their own property as a garden, not only that but let's not get too in depth on the growing of hemp because if we did we would discover that there are few if any plants better at removing these gases from the atmosphere than hemp.

If we were really fucking worried about global warming, wouldn't the "world" first worry about places like china with ten times the population of America and virtually 0 environmental protections, also what about the olympic city where the water was so fucking bag fish couldn't even live in, wouldn't we "look" in to that first? Fuck no you wouldn't cause these are POOR NATIONS, you go after the nations with money so you can suck them dry, fuck you parasites with my last breath fuck you all.

I am telling you that global warming is bullshit, and I don't give a fuck what kind of labels you want me to wear. ;)

We're all gonna die!!!

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sʇuɐɥɔɹǝɯ ʇou sʇɔɐɟ ǝsn

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(((()))) ǝɥʇ ʞɔnɟ

because no leftist on earth can think for herself.

> this!

Why do a bunch of Sanderista commies want to get cap and trade enacted so that Wall Street has another commodity to make a fortune off of?

because climate is cyclical and (((they))) are using it to get shekels from idiots and control the faggots

conservatives are distrustful of establishment media and think tanks. They want to see and evaluate the evidence rather than take the word of an (((expert))). this is conditioned from years of being lied to by these same sources on a variety of topics.


>ʇǝu ǝɥʇ ɟo ɐǝɹɐ ʎɹǝʌǝ ןןıɥs oʇ pǝǝu ǝʍ /ןod/

Teach me your ways of upside down posting
I want to use it to speak to Australians

It's amazing how conservatives make wanting to save the planet a conspiracy theory about Jews and communists. It's such stupid partisan bickering that can only come from Americans.

Oil companies are shilling for carbon taxes so they can shut down coal and gouge oil prices

kek but then realize Im an actual sub-rural retard

why do most proponents of climate change refuse to get rid of carbon credit exchanges?

this is just another scam.

>Rural and suburban people are retards
>Forgets that nogs and spics live almost exclusively in cities
>Rural and suburban people less retarded than city dwellers

leaf BTFO

Why are most that slide terminology from "Global Warming" to "Climate Change", libtards that don't expect me to call them on their shit?


Because there is not enough evidence to prove or disprove the climate change theory in regards to "Man made climate change"
Yes we can go back into the ice core samples but without accurate snowfall records beyond the 20th century all the core samples are guess work at best.

Why are most sexual gender deniers liberals?

I mean, global warming is the general direction climate change is going so...

Climate change is real and natural. Global warming is fake. (((Globalists))) pulled the old bait and switch con when the planet stopped warming.

What kind of retard includes the entire area below the median in a boxplot?

Because you're making that up. The two terms are used interchangeably as to not confuse scientifically illiterate people who think they're mutually exclusive.

Environmentalists are just another form of Marxists attempting to impede on societal progress. Have you ever heard of environmentalists demanding more nuclear power? Regardless of the fact it's the safest and cleanest form of power, they would rather tell you that your way of life is wrong and you need to adjust to be more caring about the earth.

Also ever notice how there's absolutely no talk about Thorium nuclear power? Yeah, didn't think so. They've moved away from anything practical and now are trying to stir the shit pot by demanding people love by their code of ethics. It's a fucking scam.

Environmentalists have fucked the field of science more than any SJW movement could ever do. There isn't such a thing as unbiased science now, if you pay scientists to look for something, they will find it and that is at the core of environmental studies: "how can we make money by discovering things about the environment and look good while doing it?"

They actually looked into the matter. The same habit, looking into things, keeps them from subscribing to the liberal agenda because it is so easily demonstrated as being wrong.

Haha there was little global warming when the first article was made.

At least it's consistent.

Meanwhile on the left:
>It's an outrage that Nestle owns the water rights to some aquifers in Maine. Nobody should own resources necessary for life
>Oh, of course the right to produce carbon dioxide should be made into a commodity and traded.

this unfortunately :/

Why are most devotees of Marxist wealth redistribution disguised as environmentalism idiotic hipsters who have no understanding of climate history and think climate hasn't always been changing? How are humans changing climate anymore than any other species or variable that acts upon it? How is current climate change any different from the billions of years of constant climate alteration that planet has witnessed? Why are people so freaked out about current warming when we still haven't even matched the levels of the Medieval Warm Period yet? Why do people act like current warming isn't consistent with coming out of the Little Ice Age? Why do people not realize interglacial periods are things that happen rather regularly in climate history? Why do climate change alarmists ignore solar cycles' role in recent warming?

you dumb fucking leftist cunts have learned nothing.

you will be the end of america as you drag us into civil war.

the federal government has no right to interfere in a state.

its fucking job which it absolutely fails at doing is

1. Protect our borders - failed
2. Protect our shores - failed, see 9/11
3. Protect our soldiers - failed, see the veteran hospital mess

so if you come here and tell me that the fucking feds should touch one more fucking thing, im going to punch you in your faggot communist face until you hear the point from my fist

Cause most christians are conservative.
And christians think that man cant change the climate cause jeebus.

conservatives have no feels, unless it involves bombing something.

I mean if you assume all evidence is biased then you can spew bullshit like that unchallenged.

>Why are most climate change deniers conservative?
They get "their" opinions from corporations.

>Because the Republican media wants to cut regulations for (((oil companies)))
Oil companies like BP which supports carbon taxes, cap and trade and a carbon credit economy?

I'm all for giving power to the state. Also protecting borders from cheap imported labor is not really "protecting" so I'm not worried if they're bad at that.

i take it back, youre not even leftists you cunty kikes

leftists fought the patriot act while here you go adding to it under the guise of climate change being a part of national defense

what a bunch of useless genetic failures you faggot kikes are

apologies to the leftists that want the government to get the fuck out of their lives so they can go drink their raw milk in peace

youre the type of leftists i have no problem with

these global commie un citizen cunts deserve a bullet

america owes the world shit all. we died for them in WW1 and WW2 and many other wars and those cunts are ingrates to this day.

Either a PR move or an overcomplicated way to compete against other polluting companies.


>wanting to save the planet
If you wanted to save the planet, you'd support sterilizing the Africans and Latin Americans who are deforesting critical ecosystems and driving dozens of species to extinction.

the latter. its a power consolidation tool for the kikes.


If we lose our major forests we're fucking toast

How is it conservative to want to see businesses not pay a tax for something that does not affect the enviroment and will cost jobs for working class people?

How is it conservative to point out this money is funneled through a rothschild bank?

i would say they are the conservatives trying to control the population and the climate change deniers are actually sticking up for the common man and his job in coal mining.

Why are all people who think we can actually stop climate change socialists?

It's not that they're denying climate change. It's that they deny humans are the primary cause of it.

why doesnt anyone talk about all the fucking plastic in the oceans fucking literally everything up?

>save the planet
yet, you're still here existing?
prove you are dedicated to the solution

False dilemma

those faggot kikes invest in the largest deforestation effort via their teacher retirement fund

these climate changing kikes can get fucked

there is not one single thing that the government will do to help this

its a power grab like the PATRIOT act for the dumb ass Reddit generation that knows fuck all due to their shitty education that they were force fed

I bet the dumb fucks that support climate change on this thread refuse to read the data refuting it or read about the numerous EPA failures cuz that would challenge their fucking world view

go watch your Bill Nye junk bullshit and shove your scientainment up your ass

...Which is still wrong.

I believe global warming is real.

I just don't think it's solely MAN causing it.

CO2 is being released from the earth, which probably was caused by man desu.

So perhaps we started it, but earth is going to finish it.

I am quite capitalistic but I think climate change could, theoretically, be stopped. And it probably should in fact. Not that there's enough political will for that of course. Yet.

This is retardedly done. To boot I have an IQ of about 142 and I have pretty conservative points of view but I would not call my self a radically conservative purist.

because you cant fucking consolidate power on that. its a fixable problem with a fixable solution that has a finite limit.

climate change is the false religion of these reddit faggots that need to get fucked

do i think we should dump pollution into our rivers lakes and air?

absolutely not. but guess what Volkswagon did it and got away with it. BP did it and got away with it

So tell me again what the fuck the US Feds that are absolutely fucking incompetent at enforcing any real penalties should be over anything else

We should own fucking Volkswagon and BP at this point.

So Climate Change fucks, take your browning crusade of white countries and get fucked.

I'm not that high but I use it better that's why I'm a moderate.

Where's the evidence that it's man made?

We'd throw a tantrum because that would kill us more than beneficial carbon emissions would

Because the scientific evidence refutes anthropogenic global warming.

Or, y'know, you hold a false belief that da big ebil oil companies oppose your wealth redistribution and carbon control scam, and in fact they would benefit from it greatly, having their smaller competition killed off and being able to use carbon credits as an unregulated crypto-currency to launder money globally.

Why are most human biological diversity deniers Marxists?

>but I think climate change could, theoretically, be stopped
1. It's a natural process
2. You stop it(if such a thing were possible as it would basically require the powers of a god) and we all die

Do you people understand that climate change is a vital part of the earth's highly dynamic ecosystems?
And don't tell me "it happens gradually" because ice core samples show this to be clearly false.

>there was little global warming when the first article was made

There's absolutely no global warming today. When will all the warmists apologize for being completely wrong about everything?

Are you seriously implying that no one complains about water pollution?

Man, this whole week it has been kinda sunny but today it got cloudy and almost rained

Climate deniers BTFO
Sup Forums BTFO

negative externalities are a problem for people that cling to laissez-faire but also strong property rights
there is no consistent way for them to steal from others with their pollution without paying for it, but they really don't want to pay for it either

Not at all, the people destroying the environment are shitty brown and black people because to them it's a nuisance and hindrance to their primitive ways of life. Only white North Americans and Western Europeans give a flying fig about environmental preservation.


Because we're in Opposite Land!
> Conservatives conserve. But rape Earth Mother.
> Antifa hates fa. Against free speech.
> Jews control everything, claim victim 60 years after WW2.
> Women outnumber men, claim underrepresentation.
> Sup Forums blamed for hate. Most of us communicate and get to like each other.
> Sup Forums owned by Asian because money loser, still money loser.
Someone hold me....

Environmentalism is white supremacy.

because climate change isn't written in the bible therefor it doesn't exist

>you dumb fucking leftist cunts have learned nothing.
>you will be the end of america as you drag us into civil war.
>This fucking pleb

Because it takes a strange imagination to buy into that shit

Denying is just to shut libtards up. We need industrialization. Global temps are rising, but so fucking what. They can lick my balls if they want to limit industry.

How the earth has gone through global warming and cooling before. Long before we were around

The best way to protect the environment is eugenics. National Socialism was the first environmental activist group.

We have the GDP and technology to save what we have left without resorting to genocide. The problem is that most people just want to sit it out and wait until there is no choice.

most conservatives aren't even white, just on the surface they appear white but are native american or africans

water pollution =/=the plastic in the oceans

>Shut down coal
>Dumbass doesn't realize natural gas is cheaper to get than coal because of hydrofracking
Stupid rural hick

And let's not forget:
> Lower taxes
> Small government
> Send carrier group to North Korea.

Because, conservatives tend to be skeptical and do a bit more research than the average liberal retard who has to have an emotional connection to what they perceive as "truth" or "science".

I'm arguing that it probably isn't, and is just a process that the earth goes through every couple of thousand years

because they're conservative? is that good enough you ignorant to the conservative word?

change is for liberals. go climate change a conservative you fuck