How do we reclaim science? We can just keep letting them get away with claiming entire swaths of society as "theirs...

How do we reclaim science? We can just keep letting them get away with claiming entire swaths of society as "theirs." We need to control the science and make it our own.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody should control the science. That's the problem.


Science just has a liberal bias, deal with it.

Is it just me, or is my childhood, much of which was spent eagerly watching bill nine the science dude being systematically raped by this new, older, much (insert insulting verb here) science goy? I remember getting home from school, tuning my antennae to read the PBS signal, getting some chips ahoy and a glass a milk, then plopping myself on the couch for some genuinely informative science television.

I mean what the actual fuck, gib it up for dj seahorse. I was actually planning on showing my kids this new show until I actually watched the 1st episode.

trim your fucking eyebrows Bill!
Bill Bill Bill Bill Bill

>reclaim science

ITT delusional climage change deniers antiquated gender structure adherents.
You can't RECLAIM science you idiots, its SCIENCE a proven FACT.

Science (the social sciences most of all) is biased towards the beliefs of whatever social class most scientists come from at the time.

Help get federal funding away from the cucked coastal universities and bring it to the red states.

Science is left wing, bigot. There are an infinite amount of genders and that is just scientific fact, fascist.

cancel your netflix

pic relevant

fuck bill nye and also fuck ndt

Host a youtube show called 'SCIENCE!'. Your first experiment will be to see whether the ovens can burn people fast enough to prove the holocaust happened.

SCIENCE! will prove that the holocaust happened by use of the IMPERIAL METHOD. We need to be able to duplicate with success to prove the theory.

billions of billions of genders

ǝɯǝɯ ɹɐʍ pןɹoʍ sı sıɥʇ

sʇuɐɥɔɹǝɯ ʇou sʇɔɐɟ ǝsn

˙uoos˙˙uʍop sn ʇnɥs ןןıʍ (((ʎǝɥʇ))) ʍouʞ (noʎ) ǝsnɐɔǝq ʎןǝʇǝןdɯoɔ ʇǝu ǝɥʇ ɹosuǝɔ oʇ pǝɔnpoɹʇuı ǝɹɐ (((sʍɐן))) ǝɹoɟǝq ʍou ʇı op

sǝop buıʞɔnɟ ʇı ǝsnɐɔǝq˙˙˙ʇı uo spuǝdǝp uoıʇɐsıןıʌıɔ ɟo ǝɹnʇnɟ ǝɥʇ puɐ ǝɟıן ɹnoʎ ǝʞıן puɐ ʎןssǝןʇuǝןǝɹ ןןıɥs ˙ʇǝu ǝɥʇ ɟo ɐǝɹɐ ʎɹǝʌǝ ןןıɥs oʇ pǝǝu ǝʍ /ןod/

˙ǝɹɐɟɹɐʍ ןɐqıɹʇ puɐ "ןɐɹnʇןnɔ" ɥsıʍǝظ sı sıɥʇ ˙ʍǝظ ǝuo ʇsnظ ʇou s,ʇı ʇɐɥʇ ǝbɐssǝɯ ǝɥʇ ʇǝb ǝןdoǝd ʇɐɥʇ os ˙ǝןqıssod sɐ sǝıɯɹou ʎuɐɯ sɐ oʇ ɟooɹd ʍoɥs

ɔʇǝ spıʞ ʎuuɐɹʇ puɐ uoıʇdopɐ ʎɐb 'sɯooɹɥʇɐq xǝs ǝɯɐs 'ɯןq ˙ɥsnd ןɐuıɟ ɐ uı uʍop buıןqnop uǝǝq ʎןʇuǝɔǝɹ sɐɥ uɐʇɐs ɟo ǝbnobɐuʎs ǝɥʇ puɐ˙˙ɹɐʍ pןɹoʍ ןɐɔıboןoɥɔʎsd buıʞɔnɟ ɐ sı sıɥʇ ˙buıop ǝɹɐ sʍǝظ ʇɐɥʍ buısodxǝ ɹoɟ ɥsɐןʞɔɐq ɔıןqnd ɐ ɟo pıɐɹɟɐ ǝq oʇ pɹoɟɟɐ ɹǝbuoן ou uɐɔ (noʎ) ˙ʍou˙˙˙ǝɹɐʍɐ ǝuoʎɹǝʌǝ ǝʞɐɯ

˙uoɯǝp ǝɯɐs ǝɥʇ ɟo sbuıʍ oʍʇ ˙sʍǝظ buıʍʇɟǝן puɐ ʇɥbıɹ 'ʎq pǝןqɐuǝ puɐ 'ʎq pǝsnɐɔ ןןɐ ˙ʇsǝʍ ǝɥʇ ɹoɟ sǝǝbnɟǝɹ pǝʇıɯıןun puɐ ןǝɐɹsı ɹǝʇɐǝɹb ɹoɟ sɹɐʍ uoɔoǝu ˙ʇı ǝǝs uɐɔ ןןɐ ǝʍ ˙ʎʇıuɐɯnɥ ʎoɹʇsǝp puɐ ǝʌɐןsuǝ oʇ sʇɹoɟɟǝ ɹıǝɥʇ pǝʇɐɹǝןǝɔɔɐ ǝʌɐɥ sʍǝظ
(((()))) ǝɥʇ ʞɔnɟ

repeating numbers confirm /thread.


Which science in particular?

This was a desperate cry for attention. Every failing celebrity goes through this shit. Trying to be relevant again. Fuckin beaker in a bowtie

No, promote the fuck out of the show wherever you can. I turned this on at a mate's place and left it going while we had beers out back. The girls were just sitting there, horrified.

It'll turn women into nuns in 10 minutes flat. Nobody seems to be able to handle this much degeneracy. Hell, both of them even called it 'degenerate', never heard that sort of thing from either of them before.

Science became corrupted once (((evolution))) was invented

There are two genders. Gender is determined by chromosomes.

We fight back. Attack Nye, and the Mythbuster by creating sock puppet Twatter accounts and tilt the narrative toward the actual truth, that there are only two genders. Share videos on FaceBerg, and expose this degenerate, and shitpost or Redpill on the BNSTW Facebook account. And of course rate one star on Netflix.

>realize faggots are denying science
>get pissed and post on Sup Forums
>round up tards on Sup Forums
>get in heated discussions with infadels
>create group to destroy their ideas
>international science innovation selectors
>destroy imbeciles to eradicate their ideas
>mfw created science jihad

You need to tie it to statistical analyses that describe the odds of the hypothesis being true. Without some statistics proving things any side can just spout bullshit.

Learn you some p-values, null hypothesis, confidence intervals, chi-square, etc...

This is already what reputable academia does even though they avoid "troublesome" topics like race and intelligence.

This is literally intro to science 101 at any university though. That's how bad it really is.

Also learn the difference between real and discrete values, because the spectrum shit bill said about genders is 100% preposterous. Might as well say we're all on a spectrum from Normal to down syndrome because downies have an extra 21st chromosome.

>educator of children

Marking this post.

Wrong, I can tell you don't science at all from your post.

Gender is a spectrum: the smaller your penis gets, the more female you get. Eventually your penis is so small that its a vagina. That's science, mate, and real scientists would get this 100% so I know you don't science even casually.

Is science really true or just an approximation of the truth? By today's standards the since of the 18xx was pretty wrong, so who's to say the science of today isn't wrong by tomorrows standards. If anything the success of science is only to be measured by it's ability to make correct predictions, not if it's true or not. You can cook up wrong theories that produce correct predictions. Like are we pushed down earth by gravity or pulled?



I can see it now.
>the Earth is round? That's NAZI SCIENCE.

No. Attacking him is a bad idea and will only lead to him and the ones who follow him sinking deeper into libtardness. What we have to do instead is find an actual scientist who's got appeal and a clean -ish political slate and promote the shit out of him. That way we can push bill nye into oblivion, where he belongs

do they even have science in your country?

another rare to my collection

>who follow him sinking deeper into libtardness
I don't know user, that may actually be a good tactic. This is already very ridiculous, the further the go, the more normies will see it for what it is.

Too easy we meme people into thinking real science is Nazi stuff, then it discredits the sjientists

>Is science really true or just an approximation of the truth?
It's the best possible approximation with all available information. If anyone can come up with a better solution they should and the scientific method supports this.

>You can cook up wrong theories that produce correct predictions.
You can't cook up a wrong Theory. Scientific theories are supported by a huge body of work. It basically becomes an axiom or law at that point. Its not the same as the layman definition of "theory" aka le ebin guess.

>le """""""science"""""""

I hate that this is the new buzzword that your High school friends whom never left your home town parrot on FB to sound like they're part of the discussion. What the fuck was even the point of that march for (((((science)))))? Why didn't they just call is "the march for environmental chemistry and virtue signaling with muh turbin man who works for Boeing as an engineer" since we ALL know that march was 1 part anti-racism shilling via le black/Arab science man and 1 part knocking climate change-deniers.

Also; Bill nye isn't even a fucking scientist he has a goddamn B.S in Mechanical Engineering and that's IT, that's ALL he has. Yet every normie on the goddamn internet sucks his fat wang like he has 6 PhDs but he's just a washed up cuck from a golden age TV show playing identity politics.

The thing is normies are like putty, and lack critical thinking. If we let this guy stay mainstream instead of replacing him, he'll convince vulnerable normie minds into thinking that's the truth

I know the difference between a hypthesis and a theory. Though there's a body of work backing it, doesn't mean it's correct. Or how would you explain the contradictions between small scale physics and big scale physics. Talking about the models we use in order to predict stuff.

Science is going to keep on doing what its always done. The people smart enough to actually contribute to it don't bother with the shit you see on TV.

>(insert insulting verb here)
I think you mean adjective

Gender is social science
Sex is physical science.

Never once in my undergrad for Bio
did any professor mention gender
Anything not male/female is genetic anomaly.

Spread race/sex iq and bio difference stuff.
Expose race/sex deniers as antiscience.

What do they even mean with gender if they don't mean sex? Until now I would've guest female and male are just umbrella terms for all the genders with penises and all the genders with vaginas.

The problem isn't that they control science, the problem is that they control the media.

They're hiding in plain sight. Almost like they're mocking us.

Modern (((science))) is a religious cult in bed with the political left with its leaders and accepted dogma.

Real science is just the scientific method, nothing more. Utilizing math, knowledge and logic and a standardized method of experimentation to increase understanding of the observable world.

pessimistic meta-induction proves everything is wrong

How dare you deny (((science))), you homophobic racist bigot anti-science anti-progress class warring bipedal-phobic colonialist! You backwards thinking science denying heretic! Disagreeing with science is against the rules! SCIENCE RULES

I believe gender has more to do with a psychological construct more than physical.
It's a loophole for pseudo-science hacks so a
person won't be defined by their sex.

Does Bill Nye the faggot guy have aids?
Pic related lanklette

It's still the same show..

Millennials are overgrown man babies.

nice try, but the first show had science

Science belongs to whoever actually does science. Shill Nye can leech off the reputation of his betters all he wants, but unless he actually takes his education further than a bachelors he will never be a real scientist.

His field of expertise is also completely unrelated to sociology, biology, or climatology, and in both soc and bio the scientific community to whose authority he constantly appeals does not agree with his claims about the basis of gender. There is also an often unpublicized schism in the field of climatology as a growing minority of climatologists recognize and call out the fact that proponents of anthropogenic (human caused) climate change have so far failed more than 70 times to produce an accurate predictive model based on their hypothesis.

are you a green north korea?

>control science
Uhh... Wut?

>magic school bus is on Netflix
>watch again for comfy nostalgia feels
>Ralphie is sick
>go inside the niggas body
>"Miss frizzle what are those?"
>"Why those are antibodies, class!"

Jesus man I had to have been like 7 when I last saw that episode. Here I am at 22 finally with my B.S in Biology watching it again and I'm seeing all these things that I didn't understand as a kid but now do as an adult. The GOAT show for any young scientist in the making, for sure.

I want to get in on this with a meme I made, for all of you.

You don't need a Master's or Ph.D to be a real
"scientist." When I worked in a pharmaceutical
lab, all of the HPLC/UPLC/Mass Spec
analysts were undergrads. Ph.D's had a nice
office and looked over our results. The other Ph.D's did theoretical chemistry and drug

But he's not a """scientist""" he's an engineer

I'll agree on that. He's a mechanical engineer. A chemical engineer, in my eyes, is a scientist.

Actual science rooted in the scientific method demands a heavy dose of skepticism, and therefore has a conservative bias. Deal with it.

lol fuck losing science, the left about to take claim on *guns* motherfucker

Demand evidence to support the theory that blacks are equal to whites. Don't give up. Keep demanding.

With regards to the episode: Sex is binary and biological. "Gender" is psychology. If you believe in "Gender Identity" or anything Shill Nye brought up in that dumbass episode, you got some serious Gender Dysphoria on overdrive.

As for science itself, it needs to remain in a fact based universe and politically neutral. The governments should be involved in it as minimal as possible in order to avoid external influencing.

Science is also for everyone. Nobody should control it. The Regressive Left have done so and now we got 7293983 Genders and Otherkins are a thing.

a revolution will come to harmonize religion with science

not any of the hard sciences.

what about materials ?

That's an interesting way to organize the elements.

protip: the hard left didn't set out to control every institution or industry and pervert it to conform to their totalitarian political philosophy. They set out to control one institution, from which perversion of all the others followed. The university system.

Fighting to "reclaim" science is a fool's errand. It would be an exercise in trying to stick your fingers into a weakened damn in hopes of preventing the break. What one must do is see that the university system does not further become the purview of government, and what influence there is by its funding is wholly excised.

Well done.

i agree.

It already is "reclaimed." Just go to any science or engineering school. There aren't many liberals at all.

You Americans are really fucking weird.

Bill Nye is a tv personality, he's not a fucking scientist. You don't have to worry about liberal political bullshit in the hard sciences. Meritocracy is God in those fields.

no, but we do have to worry about normies taking Bill's word for it because he identifies as a "Science Guy".

It used to be that way. But now, not so much. There has been a push for "women in STEM" or "minorities who aren't asian in STEM" in many of the top colleges. People now can play the race card or invoke the pussy pass. Maybe in the job market, that might be different. But think about it. Companies will get tax credits for hiring these people. It used to be a meritocracy, but it is slowly disappearing. Caltech I think is one of the last schools that admits people truly by meritocracy.

I go to Berkeley, and I can say for a fact that my professors are actually pretty red-pilled.

Mind telling me how I can scientifically determine my gender?

Genuinely curious.

this trigger the grammar nazi
pretty sure I meant to say phrase, but believe me bub, I was going to stick a verb in that there phrase

>You don't have to worry about liberal political bullshit in the hard sciences

This guy is only now capable of feeling his SJW oats because he's been used for a solid decade to propagandize for that lying progressive "hard science" meme that is anthropogenic climate change.

No it won't. Religion is stupid and non-empirical. It's just old, it doesn't have any actual meaning. Science uses evidence and therefore finds truth. By claiming to have the truth without seeking or interpreting evidence, religion does nothing but hamper science. It is a cancer that spawns violence.

Just wait till they a rediversification imagining of that
It's coming

You see science through the media, which has a liberal bias

>How do we reclaim science?

We don't need to.

It's not because some idiots think that saying "SCIENCE!" in a sentence actually makes it science that we need to bother with their delusions.

In fact, it's a convenient identifier. Whenever someone says "Because science!" or "Scientists say" or "Science!". Basically any use of the word "science" without a specifier after it can instantly be discarded.

Shame cringy nu-science out of existence

it's been working from the very beginning.

Here's the thing: they haven't actually claimed science. What they've claimed is the pop-culture representation of science: I found, in college, that the hard science departments were quite conservative, and you can't maintain a job putting rhetoric before facts (unless you're funded by the government, but that's a given).

WTF, in what way does that sign make sense? someone play devil's advocate for me here

Are you an inbred? They'd have strung him up by his testicles if he'd played a musical number about ''my sex junk" on PBS in the 90s.

I knew the DUDE SCIENCE LMAO undercurrent behind TBBT and RedditAndMemey and other shows was being used for something.

oh jeeze. It was already ethnically "diverse", the only place they have to go is...
tranny elementary schoolers
somebody pass me a melon baller, my eyes need to come out

Devil's advocate: she looks young and maybe hasn't really begun studying hard science. She's probably only been through some science classes from a liberal arts lens for the purpose of forming an 'open minded' base for her future studies.

That's all I've got.

Mean for


atheist edgelord detected

These people aren't even pro science (pro objective scientific inquiry) they just want federal money to keep flowing into their lowbrow make-work programs.

I heard this argument today and I simply pointed out science doesn't say anything. The scientific method is applied to test a hypothesis which many times doesn't point to anything black or white.

Once I said that they shut the fuck up and looked ashamed. Just say that when they are trying to worship the science in the sky like its a monolith.

That's plausible, thanks. please take a moment to rest after those much appreciated mental gymnastics.

How are you making the link between skepticism and conservatism? Lots of conservatives are holy book thumping zealots, not much skepticism going on there

I think we can all agree