Why should I bother doing anything with my life when the White race will be extinct by the time I'm 40?

Why should I bother doing anything with my life when the White race will be extinct by the time I'm 40?

have 50 children and it wont be

If being white is the only thing that defines you then you're a pathetic little man 2bh

Doing nothing is the worst thing you can do. I'm about to hit 30 and I didn't do anything my entire 20s because I didn't know what my "calling" was. Stupid me. Doing ANYTHING is better than doing nothing. Don't waste your life figuring out the perfect thing to do, you won't find it.

Being overweight isn't much of an achievement either, weeb

>extinct by the time you're 40
so you're negative 200 years old?

And by do anything I don't mean go work at Walmart or do a bunch of drugs. I mean anything like join the Military (accept the imperfections of it and just enjoy) or get a Pilot's License. Or waste your time traveling the world is still better than wasting your time doing nothing.

but nothing interest me except shitposting on Sup Forums.

Yeah keep blaming the lack of white babies for your pathetic life.

27 yo here, 3 beautiful white children being raised with conservative values. We're going to be outnumbered but not by as much as you think. Remember Catholics and Mormons are still a thing as well as the occasional atheist who likes building things and people like me. Also I believe that the mellenials are going to get there shit together eventually and have kids in their 30s.


Nothing you've tried yet interests you because you have no balance between internet and the real world. Get out there while you're young.

youre a millennial homie.
sorry to break it to ya

> extinct by 40
How can they be extinct if you're still alive.
Unless you're a nigger

I'm a white North African.

but what should I do?

Yeah for sure, but that's okay. I've observed my peers and learned from their mistakes. I own a house, have a career, 3 children, a beautiful wife and I vote republican. I don't have much in common with my generation.

> what should I do
If I could do it over again I'd find a career with travel. Like that other user said military or pilot or something like that. Military if you're smart enough to use the GI bill to get a STEM degree or a degree that matters. Give ems a try if you don't feel like travel, I loved being an EMT and I learned a lot about myself and what I wanted to do in the process. If you like to work with your hands find a job with a contractor, and once your good enough strike out on your own. If you like to drive fast become a mechanic so you can get connections in that world. If you like guns work your ass off and start a gun club (not a gun store unless you're really into it, there's no money there.) If you have any skills start your own business exploiting that, if you don't get gud with YouTube until you have a skill you want. But most importantly if you want to smoke weed, browse pol and play videogames all day consider suicide.

Then they can't be extinct if you're 40, because you're still alive.
Not surprised by such retardation from a burger though

Well considering how to have reached fourty you would have to be alive. And considering how you are most likely white from this post, at most white people would be endangered. Get your classifications right nerd.

1. Learn Arabic
2. Gain trust
3. Sabotage everything goatfuckers will own when you are 40 without letting them know
4. Die with a sense of fulfillment

Soooo... Are you planning on dying with 40?

how will you be dead by the time you're 40? nigger detected

Your kids are gonna get blacked.

It's a joke you dumbass