Her show is back on MTV, she has a show coming out on Comedy Central...

Her show is back on MTV, she has a show coming out on Comedy Central. But did you know if you reply to her tweets with red pills her and her follows will likely fight with you... so use those shitposting accounts to go nuts.


I think it's a good day to lay it on thick

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I'd like to lay muh dick on her thick

It's true, cracker isn't racism. Did people even look up where it comes from?

>goat on the wall

>Cracker isn't racism
Is it a pejorative term for a specific race or ethnic group? Yes? Then it's racist by definition.

A nigger.

Fuck off racist

stfu nigger and get me some crackers, Cream crackers at that!

Would you rather be a cracker or the one getting whipped?

well then by that rational nigger isn't racist, since nigging is the activity that they do all day.

i'd rather be anything but Bulgarian my dude

All I have is this.

It implies my ancestors were slave owners. They didn't even come to the New World until slavery was abolished in America. Before that they were serfs and coal miners - not slave owning capitalists.

It IS racist.

What kind, the gypsies,slavs or turks?

only the gypsies we had a couple of you gypsie cunts camping out near the local skate park

So you admit that your ancestors were too poor to buy a few niggers?

I hate them too, wish there was a way to gas them without invoking the wrath of the EU and/or other "humanitarians".

Of course it's not racist. Blacks don't have standing to be racist. Blacks being racist to whites is like a Washington St. ches "husla" ridiculing Magnus Carlsen's ability.

I cant believe slave owners used too trust slaves to prepare their food back in the day. Alot of them paid the price too

would anyone really cry if we gas em though youtube.com/watch?v=-aEL7NSzP-g

LOL, if that's what they think then they are admitting white people are superior.

I hope you can. You didn't hear it from but there are (((people))) from the EU going over to ghettos both here and in Romania taking those who want to go with them to Germany, Britain or France as "workers" while all they do is the same shit they do here, pickpocket, stealing, smuggling drugs etc.
Same stuff they do over there they do here, I'd be happy you guys are taking them but they're birthrates are extremely high so nobody would notice if like 40% of a illegal ghetto relocates to Belgium or something.
They're trash next time you see one fucking kill it before it lays eggs.

You should have to worry about this.
"Chink" on the other hand...

is this some sick twisted joke?

They wouldn't admit that but an insult is only a slur if it hits the mark. It can be laughed off otherwise.

Anything but being a slav please.

They are making it too obvious.

>she has a show coming out on Comedy Central
pilot for a show

preeetty big difference

A joke? You said it yourself they're already there, squatting in your streets.
The only reason they're classified as "Bulgarian" or "Romanian" is because these are the countries they were last taken or have came from and illegally registered as being official citizens of our countries by your (((authorities))).

By the way do not underestimate them in anyway. Even those beggar old hags have connections to powerful drug bosses they just hide it most of the time not to get deported because they're only there for gibs and stealing as much as they can before getting kicked out.

Its Comedy Centeral. It will be running 4 times a day because "Drumph" memes

wtf I'm blocked from viewing her tweets and I basically never post and have only 50 followers. I feel special.

thankfully we ran the gypsies out along time ago and i haven't seen one since

What the fuck I've never tweeted her, didn't even know about her twitter, is it because I follow Trump and PJW and some guys like this???

>proven wrong
>no argument

(((Comedy Central))) officially has five dedicated hard-left SJW shows now.

Her twitter is too stupid to bear. Boycott Comedy Central. It's not funny anymore anyway.

The left is the establishment. They are about as funny as cancer.

Range banning the whitest country on earth.
Because racism.

On the plus side, normalizing anti-white hatred might make whites grow some asabiyah, which has been sorely lacking in the last halfcentury or so.

So you just have to be a nigger with a few shitty Drumpf quips while giving those fucking facial expressions and you have a tv show?

>Comedy Central is airing reruns of Juwanna Mann

About time.

>is it because I follow Trump and PJW and some guys like this???
Yes, a lot of lefties run software which automatically blocks people who are following certain people.

Jewtubers always look like such dickheads when they act like they were singled out for a ban from someone they've never talked to.

Cracker isn't racist, she's right.
It's what all white men must do to keep the niggers where they belong.

the crack of massa's whip, motherfuckers!

it's not racist because everyone wants to be white, even non whites, such a word just reminds us of how awesome we are.

The reason nigger is so hurtful is because a nigger is the worst thing you can be, even niggers know this deep down, and they don't want to be niggers. When they are reminded of their niggerdry it pains them more than a mad scientist calling his experiment an abomination.

current use is all that matter.
nigger just means black after all.

>Annon, there is no Moloh cultis running your media or gov, dont let the tinfoilhats misslead you.

you need more than a single quote from a journal or even a dictionarry to claim your definition is the real one.
Print and spoken usage varie willy, and a single source give hints but not final proof.

It actually comes from the title Georgia cracka, referring to the crack of his whip. So it actually is kind of racist, just towards blacks and not whites

perfect logic

>Haha dude it's not racist because it means this
No one asked but you just had to say it didn't you? You really stumped em too

How you create throw away accounts in masse?

I uh, don't own any slaves. Neither did my ancestors.

>hue hue hue it's a good thing to be called a slave owner

How fucking retarded are you?

Why would cracker be racist when the blacks acknowledge that they are inferior to whites? They are explicitly referring to us as their masters by another name.

every cell in my body hates this fucking bitch


The left still hasn't figured out why they keep losing elections.

It implies that you'd be something negative NOW based on your race

I wouldn't own slaves, though I'd vote for segregation

>On a block list

Haha, fuck these Commies and their false reality they wish to live in

Nice bait you fucking scumfuck

She has a white bf.

As a rule of thumb, all militants are compensating.

Nigger is just describing a color, not even racist.

And now we wait...

It looks like some of the people there arguing with her today aren't even from here, she's just perpetually having confrontations with people, stupid fucking bitch